Scrolling Left And Right Within An Animation?
Mar 19, 2009
I am making an animation and i would like the user to be able to navigate through it by moving their mouse to the left and right. It is something similar to the fly guy environment [URL] but i want it to only move left and right, and use the mouse not the keyboard.
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Aug 18, 2006
how to allow the user to scroll a graphic either right or left. when the user moves the mouse to the left or right side I want the image to move the other way (if mouse is at the right the graphic moves left), but stop when when the user gets in the end of the image.
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Feb 19, 2010
[URl].. but I want the mouse move up and down as well instead of being just right to left.
I believe it has something to do with "Z" as well az "X" and "Y"
To be more specific I want to be able to build something like this[URL]..when it comes to navigation,simply to be able to move the screen according to viewer's mouse, up, down, right and left
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how scroll a movie clip across the stage with actionscript rather than tweening.
Basically I have a simple movie clip that consists of around 12, text only, buttons and I want mutiple instances of the movie clip to scroll left->right across the screen, repeating itself seamlessly. At the moment I am tweening it but the file size has become unmanageable.
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Jun 27, 2006
My swf is 600px wide, and most of the pictures does not exceed that. However, some of the pictures needs to be presented in a larger width. url... solves the problem in a great way, by scrolling the images to the left automatically. (for example, check the second picture in Knut Bry's portfolio) My problem is that I can't figure out how on earth I'm gonna do that. Can anybody help me? Or maybe point me in the right direction?[code]
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Aug 30, 2006
im looking for this one for a long time now.. but suddenly one of the sites that i look for this kind of tutorials point me to this link[URL].. this site amazed me so much.. lots of complete tutorials. i created one like the above tutorial, and i try to play with the script.. and works fine to me.. but i want to enhance its feature... just a small modification that i cannot do..
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Dec 15, 2008
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Oct 26, 2003
I want to develop a system in which all the images present in a particular directory gets scrolled from right to left automatically.
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Aug 7, 2009
I'm having some troubles trying to scroll a container MovieClip across the stage.I've attached an EventListener to the stage to track the MOUSE_MOVE MouseEvent, but it scrolls in a weird way (when halfway the screen it shows about 300 px of the container, when going below the horizontal centre, it goes up and disappears from sight.This is my code:
private function moveHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
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Oct 6, 2011
I am programmer , C# is my programming language.I started known about FLASG a few day ago. I am very, very interesting about its.My boss want i make a text display in bottom screen and scrolling from right to left (same as display on TV).But, i used to keyframe to solved this solution but they are slowly and not smooth. Now i want text display running smoother.I not good at Flash .
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Jun 8, 2009
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Jan 18, 2010
Im making a horizontal thumbnail-scroller. Thumbnails are loaded in to a MovieClip and placed side-by-side with some spacing.When I move the mouse to the far right of the stage, the last thumbnail is to the far right on the stage, and when I move the mouse to the left, the movieClip.x = 0.
I can do this and have a script ready. BUT: If I would like the first thumb to be at 0 when my mouse is 100px from the left side and the last thumb to be to the far right of the screen when my mouse is 100px from the right side, how would I make this happend?I've spent $30 on scripts from activeden and 5 hours on trying to make this happend, but I just CAN'T find the solution..
Code: Select allfunction moveScrollerThumbs(e:Event):void
if (mouseY > box.y && mouseY < box.y +box.height)[code]....
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Feb 20, 2005
I created the scrolling navigation, akin to [URL] by changing a script that I had. However, I'm stuck now, as all the buttons can move to the left, but not to the right. If it does not make sense, check out the attached swf and fla.
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Jul 26, 2006
What I want is to have a horizontal menu with all my updates from right to left newest to oldest and have the first say 4 on the screen (or under the mask...?) and when you move to the right it moves right slowly and left does the same but the middle doesn`t move either way (you gotta be like 20px from the end to make it scroll I mean) and suggestions? like this one but this one doesn`t work so hot for me
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Dec 3, 2009
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Jan 25, 2012
i want to make my box animation come up from left to right direction, right now my box appear from top to buttom, how can i change my move direction of the box from left to right, i have nine box and three each other line, like picture is my current code
function random_item()
var listItem:Array = new Array();[code]...........
how do i make the animation from left to right,
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Mar 4, 2006
How can I know when the mouse has left the flash animation?
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Feb 23, 2007
I am not sure if i am going at this the right way but here goes...i have a set of 5 images and im doing a simple tween animation where they scroll to the right and loop seamlessly. now i want the animation to go in reverse (left) if i mouse over a button. the animation and code work perfect but once it reaches the end of the timeline (in reverse) it stops and if i put a gotoAndPlay on that frame, flash freaks out and crashes. here is my code for the reverse button:
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May 8, 2010
1. I would like to make an animation where a dice roles from the left of screen towards the middle. Bit like this: I am thinking an animation, then put it on a path (not sure how to do this, but I know it can be done.) I have heard that swift3d could help me here, if so, give me a heads up. I could also make it an animation and make it bounce on the spot and use the inflash camera and draw back the distance to seem as if it is moving forward. Basically the main problem is how do I make the animation of the cube?
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Feb 27, 2009
I've just learned the basics of programmatic animation in Actionscript 3.0 but I can't seem to think of the right solution for this problem.Here is what I'm trying to do: A ball moves at a certain speed from the left of the screen to the right end. If there's a box in the way, it keeps bumping into it until the box breaks and it continues moving forward.The box will have a set weight that will control how much it slides when it is bumped by the ball. The ball will be pushed back a bit when it bumps the box.I have a very specific idea and all I need is a little help starting. How would you tackle this problem?
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Mar 24, 2010
Here is the flash file I am referring to: [URL] You can view it online here: [URL] Notice how when the navigation loads in on the left, the WhipSmart logo Goes to the topleft? Well I don't want it to do that. I want that to happen ONLY when a user clicks on a navigation link.
So how it should looks is: The whipsmart logo appears big (as it does), the mid text loads and WhipSmart logo gets a bit smaller (as it does) and THEN it needs to stay like that until a user clicks on a menu item (it doesn't do that now, right now it automatically goes up to the topleft without the user making an action).
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Jun 9, 2011
I am having this issue with Flash CS5 Mac version:After making an animation, I export movie as Quicktime. When I view this movie, the animation leaves trails of color when an object moves across the screen, leaving behind little bits of color too. This does not happen when I export a SWF, but it does happen when I export a Quicktime movie. I export using Quicktime, so I can then I can export it into a flv in Adone media encorder.Why does this happen?
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Aug 11, 2009
I have a horizontal scrolling movieclip that scrolls when the mouse is left or right of a certain point of that movieclip. However, it only moves slightly then stops when the cursor goes over it, it doesnt actually scroll normally...
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Jun 19, 2010
im wanting to have a scroller appear at the bottom of my site that moves content along based on the animation i have in the for example. Lets say that I have a circleMC on frame 1 thats positioned on the left side of the screen and the end frame of the animation is frame 10 with the circleMC on the right side of the screen. tweened/animated to go from frame 1 to frame 10 .instead of a play button that plays that simple animation. i want to make a simple scroller that allows the user to scroll it through so that he/she can see the animation as fast/slow as they want it....meaning that when the scroll is activated, essentially the timeline will be going back n forth between the ten frames.
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May 9, 2011
Haven't been here for a while and I'm really rusty using Flash. I looking for a tutorial or some information on how to scroll thumbnails by scrolling the mouse left or right over the thumbnails.
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm not looking for text box scrolling!! I want the whole 'stage' / 'page' whatever its called to scroll down. I have lots off different content like text, images, animations etc on there so is this possible? I would prefer just two buttons on the side that will scroll the page up and down with as much content as I want on there.
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Feb 3, 2009
I need to set a mouse-controlled scrolling animation to ease when it starts and when it stops in AS2. Here's my current onEnterFrame script. Might be a little crude, but it succeeds in starting and stopping the animation when the mouse rolls off the movie. Moves left on one side and right on the other. I just want the starting and stopping to be eased a bit.
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Sep 24, 2010
I have a 9 frames image of a character.In other language generally i used to make character animation by looping the array consisting of different frames and drawing each frame when pressing key.What i want to do is when i press left or right key, i want to draw each frame that makes character movement and update x coordinates of frames, and it will appear as character is moving.
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Nov 24, 2009
I have 2 movie clips, one names mc_frame01 and another mc_frame02. I've tried to set variables and arguments to make it easier when theres more mc_frameXX's. All I want the animation to do is first MC slides in from the right, pauses, then slides off to the left. Then repeat for each MC. With the code below, both MC's seem to slide in from the right at the same time and that's it.
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