Set An Image's Source In A Flex Stylesheet (not Embed)?

May 19, 2011

This works:

<mx:Image styleName="image" source="done.png">
This doesn't:
@namespace mx "library://";


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Css :: Flex 3 Embed Throws "Invalid Embed Directive In Stylesheet' Error On Linux

Mar 9, 2010

We have a flex application which compiles fine on windows box using mxmlc ant task but when we try to run the same build scripts on linux, it throws the 'Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet' error indicating it is not able to resolve the path to the image files.

Can someone pls. educate me on if there is a difference in the way the image files are looked up, in a CSS file, on windows vs linux.

Flex sdk version is 3.3. The same sdk is used on both windows and linux. Not sure if this has been fixed by any future 3.x sdks.

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Flex :: Get Updated Image In Flex Image Control After Changing Source Not Name Of File (image)?

Jan 25, 2012

I am changing image through flex every time i change it saved into server directory with same name(which i am referring to show). So when i refresh my page my browser didn't send new request to server since it's already in didn't getting new image.Tip:- when i clear browser history it will come with new image

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Stylesheet And Load It On Demand

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to implement way so that stylesheets can be loaded on demand: Either the default stylesheet is used, which is compiled into the application file, or a remote stylesheet (.swf) is loaded if the default styles should not be used. (each stylesheet has embedded images)

So what I would like to do is:
1) Embed the stylesheet but not load it right away. Instead, store a reference to it inside a variable. (or simply a path string?)
2) Load the requested stylesheet, for example using StyleManager

My way of tackling the problem was like this:
1) Embed the default stylesheet as
and turn it into a StyleSheet object

2) Have a separate class decide which stylesheet to use and call StyleManager.loadStyleDeclaration(myStyle), where myStyle can either be the remote or local stylesheet.
As it seems, the StyleManager cannot load a local stylesheet. So I'm looking for a way to "activate" the style I have embedded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does [Embed(source="assetname")] Work In Flash Or Just Flex?

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Does [Embed(source="assetname")] work in Flash or just Flex?

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Flex :: Flex Forcing Resizing When The Image Source Update Is Completed?

May 31, 2009

I have what seems a straighfoward situation: I update the source property of an image, when the image is loaded i want to redraw the border skin to fit the new size of the image.

newImgEdit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadImgComplete);
newImgEdit.source = myurl_ressource;
private function loadImgComplete(evt:Event):void {


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Flex :: Change Image Source At Runtime?

Feb 16, 2010

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Flex :: Assign Swf As Image Source At Runtime?

May 25, 2011

In Flex, how to assign swf as image source at runtime, not embedding it.[Bindable] public var myImg:String;<mx:Image id="intImg" source="{myImg}" width="96%" height="96%" />In my application, I fetch image url dynamically from a web service call, and assign it to "myImg". But until I don't get the response from the web service call, I want to show a loader swf in image control above. I assigned something like:myImg = "assets/AS3.swf";and the path of swf is correct, but it doesn't show up.UPDATE:The code I've shown above works perfectly in a Flex 3 app but the swf does not show up in a Flex 4 app. Is it because Image control has dropped the support for swf in Flex 4 ?

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Flex :: Detecting Whe The Image's Source Has Changed?

Jun 3, 2011

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Flex :: Display An Image Using A Bitmap As Source?

Aug 25, 2011

I would like to display an Image using a Bitmap as source. I've looked at many websites and most suggest something akin to this but somehow it still doesn't work....img1 works fine... But img2 doesn't load for some reason.

private function onComplete(event:Event):void{
bytes =;
img1.source = _bytes; /*this last bit works*/[code]....

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Aug 15, 2009

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Flash :: Avoid Flickering When Changing The Source Of A Mx:Image In Flex

Nov 4, 2009

in my mxml file I have images declared like this:

<mx:Image x="0" y="0" source="assets/bigpicture.png" id="picture1"/>

and at some event I do:

picture1.source = "assets/bigpicture2.png";

However this results in flex removing the picture, and when it has loaded it will show it again.

How can I make the mx:image make so that it will continue to show the image until the new image has been loaded?

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Actionscript :: Flex - Know When The Source Property Of An Image Is Completely Updated

May 31, 2010


I am presuming this is because the image hasn't finished reading the png file off the disk yet. What event can I monitor to know when it's width and height will have the right values? The 'Complete' event only seems to work for DOWNLOADED images. The 'Render' event happens EVERY FRAME. The (undocumented?) 'sourceChanged', happens as soon as source changes, and has the same problem! What event do I watch that will let me know when the image's width and height properties will have valid values? Or is there some Synchronous version of I.source='xxx.png', that I don't know about?

P.S. Yes, I know I shouldn't use "C:" in an Air Program. This was just for illustrative purposes, so that you won't suggest I use "Complete", which never even seems to fire when the file indicated by source is local.

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Assigning An Image Source In An Item Renderer Does Not Work In Flex?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a custom item renderer that displays images:

<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{friends.friend}" id="friendsGrid" width="240" rowCount="3" variableRowHeight="true" headerHeight="0"
horizontalCenter="true" backgroundAlpha="0" borderThickness="0"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed With Variable Source?

Jan 12, 2011

is this possible in flash cs5?

var loc1:String = "fonts/swfit.ttf";
var name1:String = "SWF!T_v01";
[Embed(source=loc1, embedAsCFF="false", fontName=name1, mimeType="application/x-font")]
var swfit:Class;

ofcourse i am getting error:

unable to resolve 'loc1' for transcoding

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Actionscript 3 :: Source From External Folder (linked Source) Not Appearing In Flex?

Aug 26, 2010

i have a Air Project in which i have added three extenal source folders. but when i reopen project or strat flash builder again i get icon on those folder like this but when i open the configuration for that project and try to validate the path and adding it again i get message like this but the path is valid. proof is this pic what could be possible error,,, is there any way that i when ever re-open project i get no warning and able to navigate through the linked source code. now i am doing it

1- deleting on of the linked folder

2- again adding that folder.

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Flex :: Embed Image In List?

Feb 28, 2012

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Below is list:
<s:List itemRenderer="imglist">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Script Source In Source Path Cannot Be Found

Jan 11, 2010

So inside my src folder I have my app.mxml file. I have a source directory pointed to my actionscript library.It appears that Flex does not look inside that source directory including an .as file within the master mxml file.

<mx:Script source="com/domain/something/somethingelse/"/>

I could just have the main file inside the src folder along with my app.mxml file but it would be nice if it could live in the actionscript library.

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Php :: Embed Sound File Without Revealing Source URL

Aug 10, 2011

I have a number of sound files hosted by a third-party.I would like to embed these on my site in some kind of player for streaming.However, I need to hide the source URLs of these files from my users.The point is to prevent users from discovering information about the third-party services we use, as some of this info is considered proprietary.There is obviously no way to do this in straight html. Most methods that I have seen of embedding audio would leave URLs easily discoverable by just viewing the page source.Is there a good way to keep this data hidden?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set The Path Dynamically In Embed Source?

Oct 30, 2009

how to declare the path dynamically in Embed source

[Embed(source ='../lib/Fonts/Arial.TTF', fontName = 'Sathiy Normal')]

but i need Like this

[Embed(source =URL, fontName = 'Sathiy Normal')]

if i give like this Error is coming..How to set the path dynamically to Embed source

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Source In Source Path Cannot Be Found

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So inside my src folder I have my app.mxml file. I have a source directory pointed to my actionscript library.It appears that Flex does not look inside that source directory including an .as file within the master mxml file.[code]I could just have the main file inside the src folder along with my app.mxml file but it would be nice if it could live in the actionscript library.

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Flex :: Embed Image Into Grid Column?

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JQuery :: Flash - Changing Object Embed Source?

Aug 15, 2011

I need to be able to load up different flash files when users click an image in my gallary. My current solution works perfectly fine in Firefox, but Chrome and IE are not working and it isn't giving any error messages. I use jquery to change the embed source

$('#flash embed').attr('src', msg.d);
<object id="flash">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="800" height="600">

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed (source = 'transparent.png') As JPEG (and Set Quality)?

Oct 18, 2009

Ever since I got the hang of AS3 and discovered FlashDevelop, I pretty much abandoned fla.Back in the days, before switching to it, lack of alpha channel support by the .jpg format was a non issue, since Flash IDE allowed to embed png images in the library and apply lossy jpeg compression to them while retaining their transparency data.Programmatically, however, I'm only able at the moment to embed either flat jpegs, or lossless, consequently unacceptably large, transparent pings. (Indexed gif is not practical in the context/nature of the pictures to be embedded.*)

Is there a way to "JPEG-ize" pings at compile time using only code? Perhaps there are some parameters to follow [Embed(source = 'transparent.png')... that are not known to me? Obviously, I'm aware of such acrobatics as loading/embedding a external swf published from Flash IDE containing the bitmaps, or storing the alpha channels separately, ets but I wonder if this can be done elegantly to satisfy code purism.While GIF is great for storing pixel art, icons and whatnot, for smooth/soft images using way over 256 colors, its quality/compression ratio is rather unfavorable. Additionally, it only supports 2-bit transparency i.e. aliased edges.

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Flex - Embed Image With A String Variable Which Contains A Filename?

Jun 26, 2010

I try to embed images in a mx:tree:

<mx:Tree labelField="name" id="tree"

This works fine, but I will embed the images with a String variable.


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Flex :: Size Get Width And Height Of Embed Image

Jun 13, 2011

I have the follow declaration :[code]How can i determine "img6" width and height ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex : Translate Embed Image Into BitmapData?

Jun 20, 2011

fast methood to turn an Embed Image into BitmapData.

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Flex :: Embed Image - Release Build Not Working?

Sep 6, 2011

I've a flex application which has actionscript file, images. When i run this in adobe flash builder, everything works. When i export it as a release build and run in other file, swf does not show images and interactivity of flex components is also lost.Is there a specific way to embed images?Here is image code,

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Flex :: Changing Image "source" Dynamically In Runtime?

Mar 12, 2010

i am trying to modify during runtime an image in my application, this image is located inside assets folder, so thats why i dissable -use-network=false flag, then i call something like this:img.source="../assets/pict.png";but it's not working.

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