I would like to have an image that is wider than the viewing area be viewed by dragging a slider left or right, it's basically just a custom scrollbar. My first inclination is to make a mask and put the image behind it, and then I assume I would have to connect the slider to the image somehow so when user clicks and drags slider left or right, the image slides with it to show the part so it that are obscured.
I have a image of burlap @ 500 width x 430 height. I need to tile this as my entire background for my full screen flash site. flip the image horizontally for every other placement horizontally, and then i need it to flip vertically for every other Vertical placement. So the image only looks seamless if i do this. I have a illustration below to help show what i mean.
This action scripts works fine for me; however, I want to have a thick line right behind the buttons and I would like to make the buttons to move around until the mouse is on that thick line.
Id like to move the % with the preload bar as it grows horizontally to the right. I did a search but found nothing. Also, im using flash 8 but i didnt know where to post this.
How can I center a loaded photo [lets say 200x300] in an image control [lets say 400x600]? My image control has fixed dimensions while my contents have different dimensions and I want them to get centered automatically.
I'm using the tutorial to create falling snow for flying pollen but I can't make the particles move horizontally. They go straight on from the bottom to the top of the stage.This is the code:
onClipEvent (load) { //specifies the size of the movie stage movieWidth = 900;[code]......
I am trying to take a snapshot of the masked region of an image... so, I load my image then perform the following functions:
private function manageLoadedImage(e:Event):void { _bitdata = e.currentTarget.content; // get the bitmap _bithold.addChild( _bitdata ); // add the bitmap to a sprite on the stage
I have a movie, inside that movie I have a thumbnail editor name ThumbEdit.
ThumbEdit has a movieclip on its stage called "holder1". In the document class of ThumbEdit I create a sprite "_bithold" and place it on the stage at holder1.x and holder1.y. When the image loads, I add the image to _bithold and then mask _bithold with a shape. So, I want to grab a snapshot of the masked region of _bithold but I'm not sure how I should go about doing that.
change the following php/AS3 to make it save the dynamically created masked image to the server instead of offering it for download? You have to pass it variables from the as3 AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST...
PHP - <?php if(isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) { // basically if file data exists to actually upload.
I'm trying to write some ActionScript which will accept a mask and an image, then mask the image and put a border around the result (assuming that the mask is always 100% opaque).
For example, if my mask is a poorly drawn star, and my image is a bunch of flowers, I want the result to be a poorly drawn star with flowers inside it and a border around it. Something like this:
I'm creating a shape in code based on some random points and then using it as a mask for an image. What I'm hoping to do is have the mask fade the image to transparent around the edges. I know I can do this using a gradient mask, the issue is how do I create a gradient on a shape that just fades out around the edges? The shape is not regular, so a radial or linear fill just won't cut it.
Alright, is there some way to keep a clip with masked content from reacting to the mouse?'ve got a button clip with a masked image inside (so the image that goes beyond the button's bounds can't be seen), but, when the mouse rolls over the masked-off image area, the button still reacts. I've been looking for a few days now, and I can absolutely not figure out what to do!
I have added an image to the stage and I simply want to scroll from left to right across the image and then once it reaches the end of the image, it should restart the process of scrolling... The image then would loop in one seamless and continuous motion... The name of the Symbol is slider.I came across the following line of code:
slider.x = slider.x-1;
This does in fact accomplish the initial objective of initiating the scrolling process... The problem is that the script is not aware of the end of the image so it simply continues looping into white space...I have attempted to learn how to identify the width of an object and then to restart the scrolling process but without luck..
Side Note: It is my understanding that I have to use Actionscript 3.0 in order to manipulate images with a width of 4725 pixels...
I've worked with the following code to produce a vertical scrolling gallery and it works fine. But I've tried adapting it to scroll horizontally and it just wont do it - I'm obviously missing something but I've tried every permutation I can think of.
I am building a sliding image movie. It takes two photos and compares them by using "startDrag" to slide a "setMask" MC horizontally to reveal one photo under another. The idea here is to compare two photos taken 50 years apart.
As you can see I have two MCs here one is a mask and the other is a handle of sort. They work fine separately but I would like to have the two function in unison or as one MC. The handle MC is just that a handle that appears on the left edge of the masked image. So when user drags the handle the masked image moves as well. (or vice versa)
How do you make a movieclip move horizontally from the start of the stage to 3/4 of the stage. Stage size is 700 px by 600 px i want just one row in the middle of the stage. i want that movieclip to disappear right after it reach the end of the 3/4 mark.
I have a zoom slider, code is in red. I have buttons on stage (site39_mc). The zoom slider can be moved manually, that works fine. I need for site39_mc to move slider to 100% scale, no matter where it is currently located. The zoom slider goes from 50% to 200%.Trying to use the code below I get an error._root.slide_mc.onClipEvent(load){ The error is asking for a field name after the "." I keep looking at it, and this is proper reference. URL...This is the site where I am trying to use this code. To see what I mean, click on a gold polygon on map. The map will snap to 100% and center on polygon. But the zoom slider stays at 75% til you manually move the slider.[code]
TheI have created a simple Adobe Flash movie which is to act as a slider control. The code that I have written is shown below. I am able to grab the slider and move it to any position on the groove but I wish to also be able to click anywhere on the groove so that the slider will jump and lock to that position.I have created a function:groove_1.onMouseDown = function(){ trace('You clicked x = ' + this._x); slider_1._x = this._x;} the problem is that the this._X coordinate returns the left-hand edge of groove_1 and not be positioned that was clicked on this control. how to get this information out of the mouse down event?
I have a zoom slider, code is in red. I have buttons on stage (site39_mc). The zoom slider can be moved manually, that works fine. I need for site39_mc to move slider to 100% scale, no matter where it is currently located. The zoom slider goes from 50% to 200%.Trying to use the code below I get an error._root.slide_mc.onClipEvent(load){ The error is asking for a field name after the "." I keep looking at it, and this is proper reference. [URL]This is the site where I am trying to use this code. To see what I mean, click on a gold polygon on map. The map will snap to 100% and center on polygon. But the zoom slider stays at 75% til you manually move the slider.
How can I constrain an image in a container to only a horizontal drag that when it collides with another image 'pushes' that image along that same horizontal line.
[URL] I was Wondering if there is any code that can flip the image Horizontally when movement travels to the right and of course flip it back when it travels left.
I have a Movie Clip object with a timeline, and it has 3 layers: a layer to stop the timeline at the last frame, a layer with regular drawing with mask attribute and a layer containing a target movieclip with the instance named 'target', that is masked by the layer above.
The drawing is very simple, not even a movieclip, just vector drawing. It's supposed to show the target movieclip only on regions where the mask layer has some drawing, right?
So, I created the method to load an image, listen to the complete loaded event and add the image to the target masked movieclip, but it disappears after the first frame! If i delete the layer with the mask drawing, works fine.
Code: onClipEvent(load){ scrollMin = _root.range._x+_root.range._width // minimum _x value possiible for scrollbar scrollMax = _root.range._x // maximum _x value possiible for scrollbar
Do I have to copy and paste all of the slider code into the frame where my btns are? _root.srchMC.dataMC.site1_btn.onPress...
What i want is: A slider that can be pulled by the user across an image to reveal a second one underneath. The same as this example, only I want a vertical scroll button not a horizontal. [URL]