Slow To Load Up (3-5 Minutes) When Visit The Site?

Jul 11, 2009

My problem is this: I built a Flash website, but it is painfully slow to load up (3-5 minutes) when I visit the site (via Firefox, etc). Once it does load up, everything is fine with navigation, etc. I'm having a hard time figuring out why its taking so long to load up on the web because, basically, I don't know how to trouble shoot.Details: the site is just a portfolio site with pictures and a few motion-things, no complicated animations. The swf file is about 9MB. I do have a flash preloader, but it doesn't show up until after the 3-5 minute "load-up" time. When I do the testing via Flash, its Ok and doesn't show the lag. But once I upload the website files and try to visit my website, the load time problem occurs.My thoughts: do I have to purge my Flash file/library of unused images before creating my swf file? Is there a problem with my html code in my index fil Just in case, here is the html code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: My Site Running Slow

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i am building this site for my friend roddy and would like input on why it might be running slow. i know i have a bunch of videos at the bottom, but if i drop them out it still seems to run slow. i was just wondering if anyone might catch something i might be missing.

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following is the link to the site that I have done so far[URL].. please click on the "projects" to look at the problem I am mentioning. the section"3d modeling is the part where there are 15 pictures and doesnot load at all. same problem with "3d animation" "video editing" works fine. it may be because it has just one video to load.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Site Slow After Clicking Various Sections - Fine One Refreshed

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I am working on my new portfolio, made entirely in AS3. I am well aware that it is quite graphic heavy, and the videos will slow down some of the other animations. What I can't seem to figure out is: why does it load fine initially, but once I click around to various sections previous sections seem to be slower and slower. When i refresh the site it runs quickly again (except in FF on a PC, thats another issue I'm working out). Is it simply just a memory issue? Aside from getting rid of videos/rasterized images, does anyone have any tricks as to how to get it to run smoother? Seems to me that if each section runs fine initially, but only run slow once different sections are loaded then perhaps there is a solution. [URL]

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var k3:Boolean=false;


How can I load all img with site.?

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Basically, I'm trying to play an F4V using an FLVPlayback component.  However, it seems that the video only plays if the f4v is already in the client cache. If the cache is empty, or disabled, then the FLVPlayback component throws an Error 1000, which seems to suggest it's having trouble connecting/pulling the video off the server.  But since it does work on the second visit, then I suspect that it does indeed perform the download -- it just THINKS it can't. [code]...

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- -->


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th swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Ftp Site Into A Swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Into A Swf Site?

Jun 25, 2007

I'm trying to convert this PONG code so I can load this into an AS2 swf site. Anyone have any recommendations on where I could go to brush up on my AS1 it looks so foreign to me compared to AS2/3!

onClipEvent (load) {
xpos = _root.bal._x;
ypos = _root.bal._y;


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Stop Flash Movie From Repeat After First Visit?

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Flash :: Swf File Play Only Once Per Session / Visit?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a flash logo on my website but I don't want it to play every page load.I'm a total newbie in actionscript but I've gone as far as I have with the logo by googling and asking questions. I hope someone can please tell me how to do this one last thing I need on my logo since I can't find it anywhere! :)I'm using AS2 but I guess I can use 3 as well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting First Visit In Multiple Swf Website?

Feb 5, 2009

i am making a website that has several main swf files that navigate to each other via links (nobody's loading anybody). all of them have external preloaders. i have a nice intro, about a minute long at the start of the homepage.

what i need to do is make the intro play only on the first entry to the site, and not when you reach it from the site's other pages. it's about either detecting first entry, or making the other pages pass a variable to the homepage. but i dont have the slightest idea how to do it...

because they have no physical connection, communication between them, i think it should be something like opening and changing a text file each time you enter a page, that the other pages would read. and this works for one user, but how to make it work for 60+ users at once?

and if you need some ip logging program written in some other language (i dont know any other) that creates unique values for each user, how to tell flash to read a specific file it creates? somehow based on the ip of the system the swf is played at?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Flash Movie Once Per Visit?

Sep 27, 2011

I have a website that consists of 3 pages - About, Services, Contacts (every page is a separate html file). I have the same flash movie embed to every page (animated header intro). I want flash intro to play once and then stop. User can browser through these 3 pages, but flash shouldn't play anymore. Only if user closes the whole website (a browser, or a tab) the flash should refresh, and after user enters the website again it will play again once and stop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Swf To Load Its Xml Data On A Site

Feb 6, 2012

I'm having trouble getting my swf to load its xml data on a site. It seems like the swf is properly embedded if only for the fact that I can click on the invisible link it has to another part of the site. However, the rest of the slideshow won't start online but does locally. I've checked to see if relative or absolute references are the problem and it doesn't seem to change anything.[URL]

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Mar 6, 2010

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PHP Code:
on (press)


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IDE :: Preloader Works To Load On A Site?

Jul 15, 2009

I made a preloader that works perfectly to load one of my .swf's on my machine, but how do I make it work on a site? I'm mocking up a site currently just using local files.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Site Will Not Load - Using ZigoEngine

Dec 29, 2011

winning designer, went about building a portfolio website. He left for Vermont and me hanging. When loaded, in browser, it will not start automatically and load the first page. When I load it up in Flash CS5.5, and preview it does not work at all, I think it is something to do with finding swf in the location. Oh, and one other thing the components that make up my portfolio works it just the main page. SO, the question is where did I do wrong? [URL] code for the main page


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