Stopping Videos - Bottons Are Not Working?

Jun 27, 2009

I got several pages in my root that are accessed by several bottons. One of those pages play a FLVplayback video. The thing is that when a video is running and that you move to another page, the sound of that video is still playing. So, I've tagged the video "flv" and I added flv.stop() to each botton. Now, all my bottons are not working anymore and I get an error message each time i click one. What should I do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping Videos When Leaving Frame?

Nov 24, 2009

I have created an instance of FLCPlayback named "chili_player" which, depending on which button is clicked will play a certain video. This all works great.

my videos are located within videos_mc and in frame 80 of my site. I have other movie_clips and frames set up for other pages.

I have tried the normal method of placing the following code on every other frame the user can view.


but it does not work and I get the following error message.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at index_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Javascript :: Pausing / Stopping Videos With OnClick Event

May 23, 2011

I currently have a onClick event that resets my videos, but this 'reloads' them, is there a way to pause them or stop them without resetting them? <a href="#" onClick='resetVideo("vid1");resetVideo("vid3");return false;'> I currently have this event firing on a navigation button, but it fires every time its clicked (obviously), I really only want to stop a video if its playing - is that possible?


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Flash :: Stopping All Current Played Youtube Videos?

Oct 2, 2011

Is there way to make function in Action Script, or any other language, to stop all currently played youtube videos in current Tab?

Here's example, There are 10 youtube video objects on the site, i wanna have one button, to simply make them stop playing.

So, is there way to do this, and if yes, could you give any advices/directions where i can learn the technique?

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IDE :: Auto Format Is Stopping Code From Working?

May 15, 2009

The code works fine, but every time I click Auto Format it changes the code so it doesn't work anymore, giving me all kinds of errors. I perceive this as something imperfect in the code and potentially preventing it from working as efficiently.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Presentation With Videos, Can't Get It Working On Fullscreen

Jan 2, 2010

I made a flash presentatsion and because i'm using FlashEff components it has to be in as3. I'm a total newbie in coding, particularly in as3. I have made my presentatsion in as3 before and got everything working fine. This time my presentation contains videos. And this becomes a problem when going on fullscreen mode. My project size is 1024x768, I made a html and use a brauser to open it. I wan't my project to go fullscreen so that there aren't borders. If the stage goes fullscreen i don't want my movies to go fullscreen. When playing a video on fullscreen mode everything just goes black. Soo finally i figured out that i have to tell the videos not to scale.
My project is set up as follows:
1. MAIN TIMELINE On the first layer i have all the frames converted to movieclips and inside each movieclip is the content. On the as layers first frame i have this code. This is for navicating on the presentatsion slides with arrow keys.
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, goNextFrame);
function goNextFrame(event:KeyboardEvent):void{if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){this.nextFrame();}}
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, goPrevFrame);
function goPrevFrame(event:KeyboardEvent):void{if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){this.prevFrame();}}
On each slide there is some content that is called with a mouse click.

//On the fist frame
bg_mc2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSlide);bg_mc2.buttonMode = true;
function playSlide(event:Event):void{ play();
//On the last frame
bg_mc2.mouseEnabled = false;

I have tried so many fullscreenmode - don't scale the video codes.I have tried so many ways but every time i play a video i get the typeerror 1009 Can't access a property of method.

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Professional :: Online Videos Are No Longer Working?

Jun 18, 2010

I have just very recently downloaded a trail version of Adobe Flash CS5 onto my laptop. The version of windows is Windows XP, and the program itself is running as well as it should.
I went to youtube to see if there were any video tutorials that could help me get started with the program. Unfortunately, right before a video will play, the browser will say there was an error, and close, and then re-try to open the page.
This problem has never happned before I installed Flash, so I can only assume it had something to do with it. Everything else on my system is running smoothly, I even checked every file and processor twice for any signs of adware that I may have picked up accidently.

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Mx2004 Clip Transformation Stopping Tween Working?

Feb 24, 2009

When you click on the top clip, which simulates the back of a card, the card turns over to reveal the image on the front.Now all this works fine in the demo movie I have constructed in order to present the problem in a simplified way for the Kirupa forum (The actual movie is a bit more involved, so I have just concentrated on the problem area.) The BIG problem I have got is that the cards are supposed to tween into a new position once they have been turned by the user & a button is pressed.What happens now is if you press the button before turning the cards the whole tween works fine. Press the button after turning the card & it will NOT work!ere is an online demo of the movie. I would have liked to include the fla, but it is showing as too large @226KBCode for first frame of movie:



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Professional :: Embedded Youtube Videos Stopped Working?

Mar 13, 2011

i've got a problem with a Flash website that has been driving me crazy. i have a Flash website that was built for us in late 2009, it uses ActionScript 2 and i have been maintaining it in CS3 on a Mac.

the site is structured as a heirarchy of swf files, and loads XML files to specify text content, image locations, and Youtube videos. all this has worked fine until sometime in the past month or two. the problem now is that the embedded Youtube videos no longer load, although nothing has changed in the code. unfortunately i don't know exactly when the videos stopped loading.

in the Activity Window of Safari i can see the URLs for the Youtube crossdomain file [URL].. Youtube still for the video, and the Youtube player[URL].. however neither the still frame nor the player skin load.
if i run the site directly from my hard drive (with my Flash Player security preferences set to allow the swf to access the internet), the videos do load and play, so i am guessing that it is some kind of security domain issue. if i run the site in Flash CS3 in debug mode, when i navigate to a video page, although the video loads and plays, i get lots of these warnings (i've edited the path and file name):


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Actionscript 3 :: Not Working For MP4 Videos In Flash

Mar 11, 2011

I am implementing a video player in Actionscript and I need to be able to define the starting play time for the videos. works for flv files but fails for H.264 files (the player starts playing the video from the beginning). Anyone knows what might be the problem? (I am using Netstream for this instead of adding a parameter with the starting time when I call the method because I don't have Flash Media Server).

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Media Server :: Create Videos In A Playlist That Can Limit The Views To 10 Videos Per User?

Nov 1, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag Throw Scroller - Ease Into Place Stopping And Showing The Second Image Stopping The Image At X Axis 0

Feb 18, 2009

I want it to while still easing into place like the iphone does. For example my stage is 550px. The drag and throw MC is 1650. That's 550x3. If the first image is showing starting at x axis 0 and you drag to the left it will ease into place stopping and showing the second image stopping the image at x axis 0. And the same thing scrolling to the next one and scrolling back. So the code is below and I've attached the movie that I'm working on.


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Actionscript 3 :: Stopping Sounds Without Stopping Bgm?

Dec 25, 2011

flash pro. as 3.0.animation . almost no codes except ends of scenes having :

if(SoundMixer.areSoundsInaccessible() == false)


i got this scene, with this specific bgm , individual frame layer. and the sounds at another layer. what i want is to stop the sound without stopping the bgm . (yes, i know the above code wouldn't work as it stops all sounds)

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Flash - Calling The Function Within That Function And Later Stopping The Loop - Starting And Stopping Functions?

Jan 7, 2012

I am making a character walk. This code will make him wobble to the right and when thats done it will trigger him to wobble to the left and then call the function again to continue the loop.I can get the loop to work fine by calling the function but how do I STOP the function? Also I want to call it later on. Is there a way to start and stop a function?

function wobble()
var ws = .1;
var dis = 1;


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Flash8 :: Stopping The Map At Impact

May 10, 2009

Basicly its simply a world map with a character in the middle. You move around with the arrow keyes (in reality you move the map around and the character stays in the middle) and at certain impact you walk into houses etc etc. To accomplish this i have a movie clip in the middle named "man" and a map movie clip beneath it with the following code:


So far so good and no problems. This is what i need help with: I can't seem to get the "main" map to stop moving at certain points when it impacts the "man". In essence there are lakes and mountains that the character cannot cross when when he hits these i want the speed X to be 0 so to say. Im uploading my example here. It's when the movieclip in the root named "man" hits the purple line in the map movieclip its speed should go 0. Ive tried around with hittests (the code is still in the code) but i can't get it to work.

View 21 Replies

Sound Not Stopping During Testing?

May 23, 2009

I'm using Adobe Flash CS4 on Mac (windows i'm sure i can figure out how to fix it on the mac version)I'm trying to sync some animation to sound, and my sound is all in one big file. I'm wanting to go through frame by frame and tweak it (Yes, it's a frame by frame animation, no tweening here don't ask why, it's just not), anyways, I keep trying to use the "Control -> Play" button to keep playing the sound from the area I'm working on so I don't have to start at the beginning everytime. After I hear the section I want, I want to just push "stop" and everything stop, including the audio. It would stop everything before, but now it's not stopping the audio so it will just keep playing even though I had hit stop.?

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Frame Stopping One From Too Late?

Dec 28, 2009

I have a simple flash movie that contains multiple frames which make up the sections of a simple site. I have built the navigation so that when you click a button, the movie advances to the proper frame/section. So far so good.My problem is that when I get to the FAQ section of the site, the movie clip that makes up the faq answers plays to the second frame, not the first. The first frame of the movie clip has a stop action in the actionscript, as does the second. But no matter what I do, any time it loads, it quickly plays to Frame 2. I do have buttons that play different frames of this movie clip, but they are attached to mouse over events and nothing else.

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Swf In Flv Not Stopping, Video Keeps Playing?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm making a basic flash website, and have already created the site structure, but I'm having trouble adding FLV and SWF, as they aren't responding as I would like.

1) I have built a basic flash photo gallery, and it works great. I have exported the SWF, but when I add that to my main sites keyframe, it plays non stop, and the buttons on that embedded SWF don't work.

2) After adding a FLV video to a keyframe, it works as I would like. Except that when I click to another keyframe after starting the video, it keeps playing. How would I be able to pause/stop the video if a navigation button to other keyframes are clicked.

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Stopping A Flv Using A Conditional Statement?

May 26, 2009

I have FLV files that continue playing when I leave the frame that they are on. I can stop the playing FLV by putting this code on the following frame:
if (demo.playing) {  demo.stop();}
Where .demo is the name of the instance of the .flv component.
Here is the problem - I have many frames with many flvs, and when I tell flash to stop multiple FLVs, for instance:

if (demo.playing) {  demo.stop();}
if (demo2.playing) {  demo2.stop();}

I get this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference
As far as I know, flash is telling me that since the instance of "demo2" has not started playing yet (ex. the user only went to the page with the "demo" flv, but not the "demo2" flv yet) that flash has no idea what demo2 is yet. I thought using a conditional statement would remedy this, but I suppose the .swf can't stop playing something it does not yet know exists.

Is there any way I can introduce all of the flv's at the beginning of the file, yet not have them play and not have flash "forget" about them so that I can stop them using the code above? Or is there a way to have the conditional statement not error in the event that the referenced instance has not yet been "introduced"?

I really wish they would have added an "exit frame" command in AS 3.0...

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Starting And Stopping Video And MP3

Aug 5, 2009

I can't seem to get around my video and audio files starting when I arrive at the page. I'm even using some example code with start and stop buttons. This is in CS4 Flash. I expect it's because the ActionScript is in the wrong place because when I run the movie it flashes through all of the pages on the site without stopping at the home page. Is there some generic code that will allow me to simply swap out the name of the video or audio file I want to start. If there is, do I need to locate it on its own layer at the top of the timeline?

View 6 Replies

CuePoint Is Stopping Playback?

Nov 5, 2009

I've encoded an flv with cuepoints. When I play the video, it freezes at the cuepoint. I'm useing as3 on windows 7. I've removed the metaData callback from the code below as the problem occurs with and without the callback.

nc = new NetConnection();nc.connect (null);ns = new NetStream(nc);
vid = new Video();vid.attachNetStream(ns);'names1680.flv');

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping A URLloader?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm building a portfolio website and I'm using URLloaders to load new content.I want the user to be able to change the content they're loading before it completes. aka, stop the current load and load something else.
Adobe Actionscript 3.0 reference says I can use the following:"Use the unload() method to remove movies or images loaded  with this       method, or to cancel a load operation that is in progress."
Here's what I have (my attempt to stop the loader is in bold):
button_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, newPage);
function newPage(e:MouseEvent):void {    loaderState=true;    newDescription();
if (loading){


I'm getting the following error on loader.unload(req);  :  "1137: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 0."I've also tried just using loader.unload(); but it doesn't work - the url loader just continues to load and doesn't load the new content.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: My Sound Keeps Stopping

Apr 21, 2010

I am trying to get music to play continuously, it works, but everytime you click on a button, the song restarts on the new frame.The sound code is on frame 1, and is loaded from and external file.[code]...

View 17 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping An Flv Movie?

May 21, 2010

I need to stop an flv movie when I click a button that is not on the control bar. e.g. I have three pages in flash and when I navigate from the videos page after starting the playback of the movie, the audio from the movie continues to play. I have no idea why this is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping External SWF??

May 26, 2010

I am having a problem manipulating a loaded swf. I would like it to load, play once and not continue until told to. have looked around the web and have gotten confused.I have been using a loader, but I have read that to controll a time line you need a movieclip(?)so I had created an empty mc, and placed the loader with the swf in the mc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Is Timer Not Stopping

Aug 25, 2010

Here's my code:

var TIMER_DELAY:Timer = new Timer(3000, 1); // 8 second delay
TIMER_DELAY.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, EXMove);
function EXMove(event:TimerEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping .flv When Navigating?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm trying to teach myself actionscript 3 and going insane over an issue with an .flv video that I can't stop.
The problem I'm having is that I can't make video (an .flv within the "FLVPlayback" component set as a movie clip) stop when navigating to another tab. Navigating away from and back to my video page/frame even results in 2 audio streams playing simultaneously. I think the problem lies with me not being able (or knowing how) to identify the video/movie clip with "(name)".stop();

Here's the source file (the first and last navigation tabs on the left are complete, video is on the last tab) SOURCE:
and my code (all my references to the FLVPlayer/video were wrong so I've removed them to try again) -


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Professional :: Video.swf Not Stopping?

Mar 22, 2011

In my website design. I have a swf video that doesn't stop when i go to another page in my website. How can I fix this?

View 13 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Stopping Only One Sound?

Mar 14, 2012

just looking to stop one sound without stopping all sounds with a buton click

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Stopping A .swf By Clicking Anywhere Outside Of Movie

Apr 19, 2010

So I am having a problem on my HTML page. I have a flash (.swf) video player that is controlled by AS 3 and the problem I am having is that I need the video player to stop whatever its playing when the user clicks anywhere on the screen.

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