I need to load separate SWF files depending on different flash buttons being pressed. The problem is I see a flicker inbetween SWF's being played. I think the flicker is where it goes back one frame - but I do not know how to solve this.
The first bike should scroll along to the left then stop, buttons should then appear that allow you to load the external/separate SWF files.
there a more official name for a 'flash container' ? because very little results come up when i try and search for answers!can you load a container within a container, i'm thinking no but would like to clear that up also! for example i've followed this tutorial htm however when loaded up in a container nothing appears in the mouse over effect.. i've also tried loading jpegs into a swf via an xml which again works fine until i load it up within a container and nothing appears..
I have a combo box that is loading in separate .swf files when an item is selected. In the file that I'm loading in, there is a TileList component and a media player. Before I added in those items, it was loading in, but now, this is the error that I get:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at fl.containers::BaseScrollPane/drawBackground() at fl.controls::TileList/draw() at fl.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()
on (release) { _parent._parent.buttonClick("movie name", _parent._name); }
For the above script, am trying to load a swf file to load into an main movie file. This is for a flash website am working on, and i wanted to know if the above .Since having all the pages (6 pages) in one flash file, it would take long time to load, so am planning to have each of the 6 pages in an separate swf file and load these into main swf file, on click of a button, Also there needs to be a loading bar for each page.
This is NOT the same as my last thread as i am after three and NOT ONE as last time. In the attached movie there are three seperate movies loading into three seperate tweens. Please note that i am happy with this movie as it is, and do not want to change anything about it except for the script itself. It refurs to three seperate clips "b.a","d.c" and "f.e". What i want is for the script to incorperate all three clips under one name of "mc" And instead of have three seperate widths, "width 1","width2" and "width3" i want the script to also incorperate all three widths and heights into just one name of "width" and one name of "height".
I'm justing starting to learn some actionscript. I can't figure out why my jpgs are flickering when I go from one scene to another. Do they have to reload each time? Here is a link: http:[url].....I have each animation as a separate scene, and you'll see that the buttons flicker when the new scene loads.
My boss bought some pre-made actionscript that traces the mouse position when it's held down to display a certain frame at a certain position. He uses this for 360 product display.Then he asks me to find a way to load the jpg images each frame externaly.
I did, one jpg per frame using this: this.createEmptyMovieClip("logo_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); logo_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc",0);
I've been working on this problem for months, can'f find a viable solution. I can get the main movieclips of the files to p with a mouseover action, but I really need three separate swf files to sync upon load.
and what i would like yo know is how / if i can communicate between two separate .swf files.. what i want to do is this : i have a soundplayer.. and when i go to a defrente html page (that changes only in the iframe , menu is in another iframe) i want the sound player to play another song! so i need somewhere to put a variable and let the sounplayer read that variable so he knows what song he needs to play
I have movie file named master.swf (main Movie)it loads main_banner.swfmain_banner.swf has few buttons. when you click on one master.swf go to frame and loads product.swf (till this part eavery thing works fine)Now this part is not workingwhen I click on a button in main_banner.swf I want to assign a variable with another movieclip name Eg: _global.pro = "products/perma_core_1.swf";when product.swf loads it should plays above said swf file (perma_core_1.swf) by using this action pro_ct.loadMovie(_global.product);
In flash cs5 can you have AS3 classes in separate files like in flashbuilder. I just want to make games with just actionscript and no flex/authorscript
Now, I'd like to move the blue color coded script to the separate package. When I do that, I've got many reference errors. how the code should look like, when it's in separate package, with all the references to variables that work? And how to call this function from Main class?
- in the parent.fla i created a dynamic txt box and var String named 'txt', this initialises the dynamic text box content to say "parent value".
- in the child.fla i tried to assign and send a new string value i.e. "child value" to 'var txt' which in found within parent.fla. At this point if everything was to work fine the dynamic txt box in parent.fla should output "child value".
I have a 5 menu system in my Flash file, and to keep size down each element of the menu is a separate Flash file. So basically if "About" is pressed the about file loads onto the stage... The problem I am having is, when a menu item is pressed, let's say "About", I want whatever file has been loaded previously, I want it to fade out and then load the selected file... How could I do this? Once the menu is pressed I could easily make an as to fade the current movie out, but how would the file know what to load as the next item?
This is doable in almost every language ive coded in. I would like to place a function in a separate .as file, as to not clutter up my main .as file. Ive already got about 15 classes in separate files and I know there must be some way to do this and its got to be pretty obvious.
We use FMS 3.5 for streaming IPTV. We have a number of channels and currently our mp4 files are all held in the Media subdirectory, below vod
We want to divide them into separate channels for the the stations with their own subdirectories for organised filing but cannot see any way of doing this and then referencing the correct directory with the rtmp: via XML.
In an attempt to organize my code, I'm trying to split up my (lengthy) main controller class into separate files, but my new files must still have access to the variables and functions of the main controller class.I'm trying to cut and paste code from my controller class into a new class/file, allowing the controller class to call the new class, and allowing the new class to have access to the controller class's properties and function.Assuming I'm not totally bludgeoning appropriate design patterns, below is my unsuccessful attempt at accomplishing this task:
In my project I used main document file, which could load multiple nested animations as a separate files. In the main document I had a global function, for example:
and in animations (could be nested) I just called it like:
Is it possible for (1)php script to write to seperate text files? Clarification; Say something like this partial code,
What I'm attempting to do is "ID" post to "schedule.txt" and "STime" post to "time.txt" is this possible or do I need to write a php script for each text file? Or am I way off base here? Now I have gotten "ID" to post to "schedule.txt" but not the other.
I've created a small application that links various Sound Clips to corresponding Sound variables, and the individual start and stop commands work fine. However, when I try altering the volume, the controls affect all the sounds in the movie. I'd like to refrain from creating separate SWF files to represent each sound, but I will if I have to.
I am trying to do something pretty basic I think...I have attached a screenshot below of what the site looks like so far. What I want to do is always have the left hand side links showing on the site. I want to create a new .fla for projects and have that load on the window on the right when the projects link is clicked on. What I have done in the past is create the entire website within one .fla but that is getting too confusing. I assume some actionscript is required here which I am pretty useless with.
I have several Movie Clips in the Library which I need to be able to load and bring up on the screen randomly.The code below shows how I can load one of these, but to get a proper control ideally I would like to load them all in to an array or numbered variables so that they can be called from a simple piece of code and actioned one at a time.
My movieclips can all be called something simple like mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4 etc to make things easier.These need to be referenced in to an array mcContainer[.....] or as mcContainer1, mcContainer2........ so that they can be called easily.I just need to know the simplest way to do this and how i reference them, I have tried several ways like ["mc"+i] etc and nothing seems to work.
Ok this probably has to be the stupidest question ever asked here on kirupa but I�m going to ask it anyways. You see I have 4 containers (mc�s). and according to the user it loads a different swf into it so what I wished to know is how to put a loader for each .The following steps explain it better-
I know it has been done in Madness Interactive, which I did check up on and looked through the code and found nothing, as well as Googled a bunch of stuff, and still nothing.
OK on my main timeline i have 2 buttons each one loading 2 seperate SWF's. When I load the first SWF it works perfect. Now when I load the other SWF. on the same level it replaces the 1st SWF. Now comes the problem, when i go to reload the first SWF the error accurs. "256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list. This is probably an infinite loop. Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie."
I understand the concept of the error. I just can not fix it. Is it a matter of having everthing on one SWF. file. Or is there an unloadMovie script I can use.I found this script from Actionscript.org. Posted it there...but didn't get ther help i needed.
I have several Movie Clips in the Library which I need to be able to load and bring up on the screen randomly. The code below shows how I can load one of these, but to get a proper control ideally I would like to load them all in to an array or numbered variables so that they can be called from a simple piece of code and actioned one at a time.
My movieclips can all be called something simple like mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4 etc to make things easier. These need to be referenced in to an array mcContainer[.....] or as mcContainer1, mcContainer2........ so that they can be called easily. I just need to know the simplest way to do this and how i reference them, I have tried several ways like ["mc"+i] etc and nothing seems to work.