AS2 :: Professional - Button - Linking To Certain Frames In Timeline

Mar 22, 2012

Decided to stick with AS2.0, i've got buttons that are working great, linking to certain frames in my timeline etc. The only problem I'm having is after they have been clicked and gone to their respected frame, they remain clicked. This is my code for each button


Could this be something in my code or something in the timeline i've possibly done wrong?

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this is my code which i use to get the data from the database
var theXML:XML = new XML();
theXML.ignoreWhite = true;
theXML.onLoad = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button With Link (linking Within Timeline)

Sep 6, 2008

I'm very new to Flash (using CS3). I created a button instance out of text but I don't know what to do next. I'd like for the button to link to a different place in the timeline of my website. Right now, when I click on the text link and go to actions, it says "current selection cannot have actions applied to it". I'malso not sure what the script should read and if all the script goes into one "actions" layer or separately. This is what I'd like for it to look like: [URL]

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I am new to AS3 and was doing a little bit of research before diving in. I wish I could just create external swfs to load with each button, but the CMS system that I am uploading to won't allow it~ so I HAVE to make the thing into one swf, but the file size is too large. Is it possible to make a button that loads only a few frames within the timelime? and the next button will load another few? this is what i found and it says i can't:[URL]

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Professional :: Video Sound Won't Stop When Changing Frames On Timeline

Nov 19, 2010

I've been making the transition from AS2 to AS3 for the last week and am making progress. But I'm having a problem that hopefully someone can help me with. I'm using Flash CS5. I have a fairly simple Flash website I'm working on. I have sections on the timeline like Home, About, Photos, Media ... all set up using labels for each of those sections. Everything is working fine but when I go to my Media section where I have a video placed (using the flv component) I'm having a problem as follows:

The video auto plays fine when I go to the Media section but when I attempt to leave the section and go to another the sound of the video doesn't stop. It continues to play when I go to another section and if I go back to the section it starts again. The video is not there when I go to another section which is the part that's confusing me. In AS2 when I did this the video and the sound both stopped because you went to another section on the timeline. Why is the sound of the video not stopping in AS3?

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Professional :: Modify Frames In A Voiceover (audio/sound) Timeline?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to modify many .fla files (in CS3) that have a voiceover layer on them. Because I'm adding or deleting other items on the stage, I need to adjust the audio fo synch with the modified flash file. I have tried deleting frames and this happens - I select the unwanted frames, such as frames 200 to 300 of a 500 frame file. Then, the audio from frames 300 to 500 (at the end of the file) gets deleted instead.

I need to create gaps (like 200 frames of no sound) in the audio (.wav) file so I tried adding blank frames. When I click on "insert frames" in the middle of the timeline, Flash adds the new frames to the end of the sound timeline.

I also tried adding a keyframe at the beginnig of the range and Flash deleted all the frames after the keyframe.

It looks like any modification to the sound/audio layer only affects the end of the timeline. How do I modify sound parts in the middle of the timeline? I know this can be done but how?
Details: The audio layer (.wav) runs the whole length of the Flash file. The .wav file is a sound file in the Library;  22kHz Mono 16-bit 27.4s 12.1kb. The files were created in CS3. These files work fine.

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Professional :: Linking A Button Within The Same Website?

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I have created mc's (movie clips) for each one of my pages and for pages within those pages, if you can understand that lol. The problem I am having is, linking from one mc to another.
Example: I am in my home page movie clip, and I have a "read more" button on one of the articles, when a user clicks on this button I want him to be redirected to the page that article is on.
In my case, I am making a website that gives users information on Paris, France. On my home page I have an article that speaks about Napoleonic and I have created a "read more" button. The information on Napoleonic is on the landmarks page(which is its own movie clip). When the user clicks on the "read more" button I want him to be redirected to the page thats in its own movie clip with the info.

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Professional :: Linking A Button To A Scene?

Oct 12, 2010

how to link the button I made to say Scene 2 of my flash project. I'm not sure the actionscript required or where I put the action script.

Here is the file I'm using, trying to simply figure out how to make the open button go to scene 2. [URL]

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I have a movie that I have been working on.There is a simple animation/intro and then a main frame with several buttons set up to jump ahead to other frames.There are 4 buttons and they all work just fine and go to the respective frame with no problems.
My problem is in trying to add a button to one of those frames.  I can't get any button to work on any of those frames at all.  I tried to add a "home" button that jumps back to the main frame, but that wouldn't work.  So, I tried to copy the main frame and move it ahead on the time line but that didn't work either.  I tried to add buttons for the other frames as well and no button would work (regardless of where it was referenced) on those other frames.Here is the error message I keep getting:
Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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I am trying to make buttons (or maybe they should be movie clips) on my menue to link to the correct frame (about me, faqs, ect...).

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Professional :: Rollover Button And Loop Frames In Different SWF File

Feb 20, 2010

I have two buttons and an swf file (a movie I created in After Effects). I want to do the following:

-When the page loads I would like the swf file (the TV) the stay frozen on frame 1 (the picture of the child's face).
-When the mouse is rolled-over the "Home" button, I want the swf file (the TV) to play frames 2-59, and loop on these frames until the mouse is rolled-off the "Home" button.
-When the mouse rolls off of the "Home" button I want the swf file (the TV) to instantly go back to frame 1 and stay on frame 1 until the mouse rollsover another button.

If the mouse rolls over the "Products" button, I want the TV to loop frames 60-109, and again instantly go back to frame 1 when the mouse is rolled-off the "Products" button. I will use these buttons as a template, copy and paste them, so that I can easily make different segments of the TV play when different buttons are rolled-over. Please take a look at the fla file [URL]. The fla file is a little large (about 23 megs).

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Professional :: Control Frames In MC_b Using Button Inside MC_a?

Jan 27, 2011

Im making a scrolling image gallery basically i have 2 movieclips inside a main movieclip, MC_a and MC_b. MC_a animates the scrolling effect of the thumb panel. within which there are 15 buttons. MC_b has 15 large photos arranged in 15 frames. (1 photo per frame).
what i want to do is when i press a button in MC_a it will gotoAndStop at the frame in MC_b displaying the large photo.
I've tried placing script in MC_b in a layer called "action" and extending it to 15 frames:
Object(root).MainMC.MC_a.button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,pla y1);
function play1(event:MouseEvent):void


I did this for all 15 buttons but none of them works. btw, i am using actionscript 3, Flash CS5

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Scenes - Organize The Timeline And Not Take Up As Many Frames Per Timeline

Dec 5, 2009

how many of you use scenes to get your projects done. I've been switching to a different scene for every new angle (I'm making a flash movie, drawing somewhat 3D perspective, and storyboarding it out like a movie.) I find it makes it easier to organize the timeline, and not take up as many frames per timeline. Are there any downfalls to this method? Because I'm early on in the production, and if there's going to be any problems down the road I'd like to know before I get too involved.

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Professional :: Change The Look Of A Button During The Timeline?

Jun 2, 2010

In web design, you usually define a  CSS style for a navigation link, which will appear when the user is  currently on that page. So if I was on the "about" page, the "about"  link in the navigation would be highlighted red, for example.I'm trying  to do the same thing with a button in Flash. When a user clicks the  button ("on(release)"), it will take them to another frame in the  timeline, and, the look of the button will change to let the  user know they are currently on that frame. I thought I could do this by  adding a keyframe at the destination frame, then going into the button  and changing the "up" frame. Sadly, that doesn't work, as it changes the  "up" frame for the button everywhere.

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Linking Back To The Main Timeline?

Aug 26, 2010

I recently started creating a flash website from a template that was created back in 2004. I have very little knowledge of either AS 2.0 or AS 3.0. I am currently attempting to link my buttons that are in separate movieclips back to specific parts of the main timeline "scene 1". Currently when clicked, the buttons just cycle through the varying pages that have been created, "s1" , "s2" etc.

How do I link a movieclip/button back to "s8" in the main timeline?The AS 2.0(I think it's AS 2.0 anyway) that currently exists is as follows:

PHP Code:

on (rollOver) {


I understand what first rollOver and rollOut commands are and they work fine, but the "On (release)" doesn't seem to go where it needs to.

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Professional :: (in Cs4)When Change A Movieclip To A Button:TimeLine?

Feb 3, 2010

With Flahs CS4 with as3 paint a rectangle F8 and convert to symbol button, now if edit the new button, timeline is like this: paint another rectangle F8 and converto to symbol: Movieclip, now the time line is like that:if in the second symbol, edit in properties, and change MovieClip to button, when I edit it, the timeline is no change as first option. What can I do to see the button timeline.

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Professional :: Link A Button To Main Timeline?

Jun 19, 2010

i want to link a submit button in a movie clip to the main timeline, any ideas of how to do it?

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Professional :: Adding Mute Button To Timeline

Jan 1, 2011

I currently have several photos that rotate in an out and i also have a music clip which plays when i test the movie. i want to add a mute button from the components tab onto a timeline. Not sure how difficult this is for a novice, but I would like to try and figure it out. Most of the tutorial i've looked at tell you how to create the button and link it to the music. I haven't come across anything that tells you how to embed it into a timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking External SWF To Main Timeline?

Feb 27, 2012

keyframe one - dialogue / conversation with characters ( then a button is triggered to call an external swf [placed at keyframe two] )keyframe two - the external swf game. i want to put a button that makes you go back to the main timeline once you're done with the game and proceed to keyframe three (that's the problem. i dont know how to declare and make that button work)keyframe three - dialogue / conversation again .

keyframeone [main timeline]

memory_t.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, recalltraining)
function recalltraining(e:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking From One MovieClip To Another On Main Timeline

Dec 21, 2009

I have been trying to figure this out for 3 days now. Here is the structure on the timeline:
movie clip (portbtn)
inside port btn (button)
I need (button) inside (portbtn) to link to a keyframe inside of another movie clip on the main timeline called portPage.

Here is the code I have been trying to get to work and it seems like it would:
Select allusa.onPress = function() {
gotoAndStop ("closed")

Now this is what everyone else tries and it doesn't seem to work. Also I want to note that I have tried to trace the movie clip "portPage" and it says undefined which from what I have read means that the button is working but it is just not getting the right directory. I have no clue what other directory to put in there since this one seems to be the right one.

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Professional :: Button That Goes Back To Main Timeline From Movieclip

Feb 11, 2010

I have a movie created that is broken down into sections on the timeline (home about contact etc) Each section has a movieclip I want to be able to be in the about movieclip and click a button that will bring you back to the main timeline contact section Heres is the actionscript I am using to navigate the main timeline for each section

//handle events for buttons...
index.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
wind.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Class With Stage Object And Timeline?

Feb 13, 2009

I've just started using classes while developing my basic platform game in Flash AS3.

On the stage I have a character, instance name 'ball_mc'. I have AS in the time line which controls the characters movements.

I have an external AS file named '' which is basically an ENTERFRAME hittest which stops the character from moving when the character 'hits' the ground.

I have placed a rectangle MC on the stage to represent the ground and linked it to the external AS file ''

The Code for is as follows:

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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IDE :: Linking Buttons - Return To Frame 1 On The Main Timeline?

Apr 27, 2009

im creating a character sheet and all i have to do is get the character to do a few things, im using Stan from american dad, so he draws his gun, salutes, and does this guns speech, only problem is. i can get him to salute by using the code


this links fine, the salute is in a movieclip on frame 2 of the timeline, and the button is set to link to this.problem starts after the movieclip finishes playing, how to return to frame 1 on the main timeline, ive tried gotoAndStop("1") amongst other things (gotoAndStop ("Scene 1", 1)ive also tried frameLables too but that didnt work, though im not sure if i was doing that right to start with.Then im having a problem with my other buttons, even when set to on(release){gotoAndPlay("3");} they still go to frame 2 (with salute on)

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Professional :: Creating Button On Main Timeline To Go To Frame In MovieClip

Feb 5, 2010

In AS2 I need code for a button, on the main timeline, to go to a frame in a mc off the main time line. I have attached a picture of the time lines in case I have not articulated my needs well.

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