AS3 :: Accessing Attributes Of A Static Variable Of An Object From Another Object

Nov 7, 2009

I have 2 classes, Display holds the currently selected Component:

public class Display
public static var selectedComponent:Component;

Component has an ID string and the selectedComponent variable is set on click:

public class Component extends MovieClip
public var id:String;
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function() {


Removing the selectedComponent variable type so it reads public static var selectedComponent; removes the conversion error and seems to change the ID variable but it appears to only be a copy of the object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing XML Attributes By Variable?

Jul 30, 2010

if there is a way to access XML attributes by replacing the actual attribute name with an ActionScript variable?

For example:

var myXml:XML = <root> <child id="child1" /> <child id="child2" /> </root>;
var propToAccess:String = "id";

As you might expect, this throws a compiler error. Hopefully it gets the point across, though.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error - Null Object Reference When Creating A Static Variable

Feb 5, 2010

Basically I have 2 classes, A and B. B derives from A. Inside A, I declare a static variable/constant to the class of B. When I run the program, I get a null object reference error, with the line pointing to the class declaration of B, i.e.

public class B extends A

For reference, these are the 2 classes:

public class A


Also, this error only occurs when the variable is static. If it's just a normal variable it works fine, i.e.

private var OTHER:Class = B;

If I change the static variable to point to a different class, it's also fine, i.e.

private static var OTHER:Class = Main;

I can probably work around this, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass. Anybody know what's causing it, or is this a Flash bug?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Attributes From XML / Sub-attributes

Jun 29, 2009

I am dynamically creating a number of objects (movieclips) which all have a number of attributes.[code]and so on. i.e sub attributes. I don't think this is possible? Only sprite and movieclips can have dynamic attributes so unless atrbY is a movieclip (which it isn't, it's a string) it isn't allowed?Each object can have suboptions with further attributes associated with the chosen suboption.Later in the program I will manipulate, read and interact with the objects and they have text display behaviours dependent on the suboption chosen. That part (should) be straightforward! heh. One the object has the attributes attached in a usable format, accessing them should be simple.This will be for a store. i.e t-shirt1 has size small, price 10, size medium, price 12, size large, price 14. t-shirt2 has size medium, price 35, size large, price 40 and so on.[code]

This format of the XML can be adjusted if it would make the parsing easier.I am currently reading the XML in, stepping through, grabbing the individual parameter such as category and then adding it as an attribute of the object and it works fine. i.e. I end up with obj.category = 'catname'. However, on suboptions I am having a problem.Should I put all the suboptions in a multidimensional array and use nested loops to apply them to the object?I would still have the problem of objX.suboptionarray[Y].suboptionprice which isn't allowed? In the above XML case Y would be 0,1 and 2 giving 3 suboptions to objX and each suboptions would hold attributes such as pvid associated with that suboption.I could go down the horrible route, obj1.suboption1subptionprice ; obj1.suboption1suboptionpname; obj1.suboption1suboptionvalue; obj1.suboption2suboptionprice; obj1.suboption2suboptionpname and so on and so on for each suboption which could be five options (small,medium,large,x-large, xx-large) and which would "work" but would be bad programming and involve splicing names to get say, the "third" suboptions' price and pvid e.t.c

Going down the route of mutidimensional arrays sounds good except that on say 50 objects I would have stacks of arrays which I'm guessing isn't great in terms of resources?.Just to add, the number of suboptions varies between object, every object has a minimum of one suboption (default option) but can have as many as needed (unlikely to be more than 5 but should be scalable). i.e some t-shirts only come in medium whereas some have many sizes.I have a fair amount of leeway on the format of the XML which I generate from the database so the formatting of that could change to make the parsing easier.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combining Object Array And Accessing Object Property Name

Apr 2, 2010

I have an xml say in following format


What I should do is parse an xml and from its node name create object property and then create an object array based on those property. Am I able to make myself clear.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Static XML Variable From Within A Switch Statement

Jun 1, 2009

In the following class

public class Factory


A break point on the "Okay" line shows that x1 is null but x2 is equal to "<entity id="DRONE" points="100"/>".

If I take the whole block out of the switch statement, both x1 and x2 are equal to the expected xml.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object.VARIABLE - Call A Field Of A Object Using A Variable?

Sep 1, 2009

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Flex :: Get All Attributes Names Of An Object

Jan 17, 2012

Let's say I have a class which looks like this :

public class MyClass
public var attribute1;
public var attribute2;

and I'd like to get attribute1 and attribute2 as strings. I tried this :

var test:MyClass = new MyClass();
for (var key:String in test)

but it does not work, it never goes in the loop. How can I do what I want to do ?

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IDE :: When Change Attributes The Object Just Disappears?

Oct 20, 2008

Would anyone happen to know how to change attributes like .z, .rotationZ, rotationY etc on a created MovieClip/Sprite or whatever. Because when I create a new mc or sprite and try to change these attributes the object just disappeares.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Object - Error "Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference"

May 31, 2009

I have problem with accessing object created by function imported from another package.
I have 2 packages DragDrop and UserInterface. In UserInterface I create methods for buttons and later add them in DragDrop . I make it in two different ways:
One(this one works):


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Object From Other Object

Jul 20, 2011

I'm just starting with OOP in AS3 so apologies if this question is too simple...The goal of this script is to have a button change it's own features (colour and transparency) and change the alpha value of a loaded picture.There are 27 buttons for 27 (stacked) pictures.In the fla is the following code:[code]When I try to access the picture (= portrait class and the test_portrait var in the fla) it can't be found. The object and the loader have for example this path when I debug: Movie Clip: Frame=0 Target="_level0.p_4.l_4. But when I do trace(getChildByName("p_"+tmp_name)); in the P_button class it returns null. Doing the same trace from the fla returns: [object Portrait] Why can't I access it from the P_button class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Variables To A XML Object's Attributes?

Sep 22, 2009

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ActionScript Code:
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
var clientToAdd:String = userInput.text;
xmlData.appendChild(<project name=clientToAdd></project>);

How can I take the variable clientToAdd and make it the attribute "name" of the "project" node?

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I am not sure if I worded the question correctly, however, I have code to detail it. Firstly, I have a class Class1:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Object Attributes To A DisplayObject That Is Created In The Authoring Tool

Dec 16, 2009

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Is a DisplayObejct a dynamic class, that can be extended from anywhere?

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Flex :: Avoid Kicking Of PropertyChangeEvent For An Object Until All Attributes Are Assigned?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to capture a change in a property of an item as follows

protected function listener(event:PropertyChangeEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Class's Static Functions From A Variable Of Type Class?

Feb 19, 2010

I realize this is kind of an odd issue, but I am wondering if there's any way to get Flash to allow me to access a class's static functions using a class variable that points to the class. Example:I create a class called FooClass that has a static function named fooI then create a variable of type Class that points to it

var class:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("FooClass"));
However, when I try to call foo() using the variable, it errors saying the function


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Php Variable In <object> </object>?

Feb 15, 2010

i'm building a band website in joomla. Each band has it's own page. I want one mp3 player to cover al bandpages by just editing the url of the playlist.xml (the variable)

I want to connect the pageid (itemid as it is called in joomla) to the xml.

So artist nr 22 has page 22 and playlist 22.xml

with the following code i got the page id:

PHP Code:

$band = JRequest::GetVar('Itemid','');
echo $band;


Behind autostart=false i can set "playlist=(itemid).xml

how can i get the value from itemid into the flash object?

I've tried going the other way around by saying the actionscript i wanted it to load a variable, but i didn't succeed..

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Box2D - How To Get Position Of Static Object

Apr 14, 2011

I'm using sensors in a Box2D project. On a collision with a sensor, I'd like to know the sensor's position in the world. I'm detecting the collision with a contact listener, but the sensor's position is always 0 0.

From my code: (edit, added the whole class)
public class MyContactListener extends b2ContactListener {
public var onSensorEvent:Function;
override public function BeginContact(contact:b2Contact):void {
if(contact.GetFixtureA().IsSensor()) {
var ud1:GameEntity = contact.GetFixtureA().GetBody().GetUserData();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Collision Of A Moving And A Static Object?

Jan 2, 2010

I have three objects in the main scene (so far), one of them is draggable (up and down only), then the animated one that moves downwards and the start button (activates the animation). So I've been trying to figure out how to script the collision detection for the first two? The collision should take place not because I dragged the slider onto the animated block, but because the falling piece hits the slider after I pressed the start button.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Using An XML Object To Retrieve A Static XML File?

Mar 3, 2010

I m working on learning how to bring XML info into Flash. Eventually Im trying to pull a bunch of data about Interstate 80 drug and cash stops for an interactive project to go with a big centerpiece story for the newspaper I work for. I ve been through a [url]..... tutorial three times now.I made a dataset, bound it to a datagrid and attached the datagrid to the xml file. When I run a trace,I can see in the output window that the XML is being pulled in. But I must be doing something wrong nothing is being displayed in the datagrid. It should bring in the first three items in the code:

var myXML:XML = [code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call A Static Method From A Class Object?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a pointer to a Class object like so:

var temp_class:Class = getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(some_obj ect)) as Class;

I want to use it to call a static method 'can build' on that class, like so:

function can_build_ot(c:Class, qualifier:Object):Boolean {
if (c.can_build(this, qualifier)) {return true;}
return false;

When I do this, Flash CS4 AS3 tells me

1180: Call to a possibly undefined method can_build.

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Actionscript 3 :: Object Memory Usage With Static Vs. Instance Methods?

Nov 17, 2010

This has been a long-standing curiosity of mine, and I haven't gotten around to profiling to find out, and haven't seen it asked yet (for AS3):Let's say that I have a class:

class MyClass {
public function myMethod():String {
return "some return value";


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Actionscript 3 :: Make Static Method Act Over Object Of Its Class That Is Already On Stage

May 13, 2011

Is there a way to make an static method act over an object of its class that is already on the stage, without using the keyword "this"? I mean, like "generic object of this class: do what I'm telling you to do, wathever your instance name".My goal is to create an method that get called by any object of this class, based on the changing on the value of an external variable, but since I cannot use the "this" keyword to reffer to each instance, I could not figure out a solution.

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Flash :: Use Xml, A Class Object Or Static Array To Load Information?

Dec 14, 2011

I'm currently writing a feature for an interactive periodic table which dynamically displays the name of the element and other properties when you hover over the element. I have thought of three ways to do this and I am wondering which is the best, memory-wise and speed-wise, for loading this information.

make a class with an array ( new Array("hydrogen", "helium", "lithium",...etc.)), instantiating it, then accessing the info with object.arr[i] make a class with a static array (otherwise, same as no.1), importing it, then accessing the info with class.arr[i] put the information into an external xml file and accessing it from there. The 3rd method seems excessive as you have to go through the hassle of adding event listeners for URLloader every time. Is there any difference between the 1st and 2nd way? (What is happening in terms of memory when you are importing a class - is the entire array added to memory?)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch An Event From A Static, Non-display Object Class

Aug 23, 2009

I have a SendData class that sends form info to a php script. It is a static class that does not extend anything.

I want to be able to dispatch an event if there is an error, or when it gets info back from the server. I have a custom event class that I have been using to dispatch events like this, but I have only used that in displayObject extended classes.

The problem is, it seems like something has to be a displayObject based class to dispatch events. I know there must be a way to do this, but I'm having trouble finding it in searches.

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IDE :: Accessing An Object Placed On A Frame?

Nov 25, 2009

Ok, so I made a custom class, but I did not want to add all the text to it through code (much easier to type it in flash on the frame). I name the instance aScoreBoard.

As my code runs, I need to call some of the functions that are part of the ScoreBoard class. As the code gets to this point, I try this line:


which will update the scores on the scoreboard. When that line in AS3 tries to execute, I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Main/Main:ayEnd()[]
at Main/Main::ButtonAfterJump()[]

Is there a way to do things this way? or will I have to go and do all the extra text entering in the code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Via An Object?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to access a shared object declared in a certain function, from another function. I am having
difficulty doing so. My code are as follows:


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