ActionScript 1/2 :: Can A Boolean Declaration Be Abbreviated
Apr 15, 2009
I know this doesn't work, but basically, I'm looking at something like this:
robot_mc.skullplate_mc._visible = false;$skull = String(robot_mc.skullplate_mc._visible = false);
because I know I can abbreviate stuff like
yellow = Key.KeyisDown(Key.RIGHT);
blue = Key.KeyisDown(Key.UP);
green = yellow && blue;
if(green){ball_mc._x += 5; ball_mc._y -= 5;}
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_errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
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<?xml-stylesheet href="books.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
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//This can be random class such as movieclip/etc
var o = getDefintionByName(getQualifiedClassName(c));
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var o : SOMETHING = getDefintionByName(getQualifiedClassName(c));
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Dec 12, 2010
private function playSound():void
_soundChannel =;
_soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextTrack);
<s:Button width="35" label=">>" click="nextTrack();"/>
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Feb 14, 2012
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private static function getVariables( packet:*): Array
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what does the "pos" for ?
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public class String extends Object {
public native function charAt(pos:Number):String;
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