ActionScript 1/2 :: FlippingBook Flash Component Add A Page To The Number Each Time

May 7, 2009

I wonder if anyone on here has any experience of the above component [URL]. It produces 'turning page' books from jpegs and I'm having problems with one aspect of it. I've created a 'GO TO' button where the user can enter the page number that he or she wishes to visit. It all works beautifully, with one problem. The FlippingBook component is set to start at page '0'. This means that if the user enters '5' in the GO TO page box and clicks 'GO', he or she will be taken to page number 6, rather than 5, because what we are calling page 1, the component calls page 0.

I need to try and find a way around this, as if we're working on existing brochures with contents lists and index numbers, it is not feasible to just change all the page numbers. I would think that I need some code to tell the component to add a page to the number each time, but I'm not clear what the code should be or where it might be added.

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on (release) {
outputBox = parseInt(inputBox, 16);

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onClipEvent(load) {
test = new Date();

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Mar 24, 2010

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 I'm trying to add the line number of the list item BEFORE the <label> in the displayed list.

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Apr 1, 2009

I composed this function to convert a number to a time format (HH:MM:SS.T):

PHP Code:

function convert_sec_HHMMSST(_arg:Number):String {
var hr:int;
var hrText:String;


It works. But I'm thinking it could be optimized for performance. How would you pare it down?

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Mar 15, 2004

does anyone know how to display a random number every time i need to display 3 digit random number display and i has also a random number display for 3 dec place too

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cs4 : Control Number Of Objects Falling At The Same Time?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a fixed amount of words. Lets say 20 words. I want each of these words to be put into symbols - so i have 20 symbols (box1...box20). Now i want the boxes to fall from the top of the screen and until they reach below the screen. But (and this is where i'm lost) I want to have them fall at different speeds AND I want to control how many boxes falls at a time. Starting out with one box and when this box is out of the screen I want to control the amount of boxes/symbols entering the screen next.

A function telling that next there should be i.e. three boxes entering and falling/floating across the screen (from just above the top of the screen untill they all have reached the bottom). And i want to be able to call a function which starts X boxes - even before the existing boxes in the scenes has dropped). It would be nice to have a function, ie. fallBox(3) , which may be called at any time.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Odometer :counting To A Certain Number In A Certain Time Span?

Dec 30, 2009

I want the classic odometer styled counter but i want to put in some information for it to run with.. A start date, a end date and a number (e.g. meters) which needs to be reached in the given time spanThe odometer should hereafter show the current progress and increased accordingly.So i figured out how to get the time span traced out in seconds and thereby the meter increase every second (dividing: meters/seconds)Now the tricky part is to put these numbers in the odometer: The current progress and the increasement.

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what Have I done wrong! I want 'time' to return a number from the function it fires, So that it gets placed into the alphaTo Function ....> have a look

blocks = 6;


So you see that I want to return a Number to 'time' ... How do I Return the Number?

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