ActionScript 1/2 :: ScrollPane Position Buttons In Another Frame?

Nov 6, 2011

I've been looking everywhere but not solved my problem:In frame "2" I've got a ScrollPane with a long external sfw text scrolling. At his side I have buttons that links to a certain position of the scroll so they have:

on(release) {

(where 200 is n°of pixel down from the top)My problem is that I'd also like to have those shortcuts buttons on frame "1" (main menu) so they can jump directly to the ScrollPane position in frame "2" by press.

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I should be able to set the scroll position by actionText.vPostion = 0 but I get Position is an undefined property of the object actionText .Roll over either the star one or star twotabs and select any action item¯, scroll the text down (actually a pdf converted to swf), then navigate to another action item and the new scrollPane does not default to 0. Only stars one and two are coded.[url]......

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btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,followCa t);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,follow Cat);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,stopCat );


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see the button on the top left how it is darkened, this is the over state, but the mouse isnt actualy on the button, its above the scrollpane area, but its still being selected and is able to be clicked.

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scrollPane.source = myContent;
K1Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playVid);
function playVid(e:MouseEvent):void{
myVideoPlayer2.myFLV2.source = "video/K.mp4";;
[Code] .....

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Feb 11, 2010

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home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);staff.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,


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ActionScript Code:
home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);


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I want to click a buttons and change the Scene.

This is what I have implemented for the button's click function[code]...

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is where my code is. I'm currently able to load an empty button and work through. But I need the code to load test1_btn and test2_btn. The XML file will finally contain just the name(s) of such predesigned buttons (symbols) in the name attribute and the destination link will be in the goto attribute.

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Sep 3, 2004

whats up with the scrollpane.Ive got it loading my swf files into it but for sum reason u can press the buttons even if theyre not showing. see below see the button on the top left how it is darkened, this is the over state, but the mouse isnt actualy on the button, its above the scrollpane area, but its still being selected and is able to be clicked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Not Working Within MovieClip Inside Scrollpane

Jun 29, 2010

I have a couple buttons that work outside of the ScrollPane but don't work within it. This is my exact code, how do I get them to work?
scrollPane.source = myContent;
K1Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playVid);
function playVid(e:MouseEvent):void{
myVideoPlayer2.myFLV2.source = "video/K.mp4";
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Within A Movie Clip Within A Scrollpane Within A Movieclip

Nov 12, 2009

I'm in desperate need of some help here. I've been working on a website for months and I'm so near the end, but I just need to rectify one problem (and judging by my google searches for the past two days, it seems to be quite a common problem). I'm pretty much a novice/beginner when it comes to actionscript and need some help to figure this out.I have a movie clip (called 'CLvertlist_mc') which is simply some text and buttons. This movie clip has been placed inside a scrollpane, which sits inside another movie clip ('Client list 2'). Also sitting inside 'Client list 2' is a third movie clip called 'clientlist_mc', which has a few different labelled frames in it.Now, I want to get the buttons in 'CLvertlist_mc' to link to the labelled frames in 'clientlist_mc'. At the moment I've put an actions layer in 'Client list 2' with the following actionscript:[code]'clb_cch' is the instance name of one of the buttons in 'CLvertlist_mc', and 'SM' is one of the frame labels in 'clientlist_mc'. I keep getting a 1120 'access of undefined property' error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Not Working Within Movieclip Inside Scrollpane?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a couple buttons within a movie clip of a ScrollPane that are not working. This is my exact code, how do i get them to work?

scrollPane.source = myContent;
K1Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playVid);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons In A MC As A ScrollPane Source In A MovieClip Not Functioning Properly

Oct 27, 2011

im currently working on building a search app which allows filtering of a list of products.

NOTE: shift+leftClick to drag and reorder the lists, just left click to use scrollbars and buttons.


here is a preview of the stage as it is at the moment.

when the scroll pane is created (dynamically) i also create a new instance of my own class which is as follows . . . (the content for the scrollpane)

ActionScript Code:
package  {
import flash.display.*;


holding shift and clicking allows you to drag the scroll panes into a different order. clicking one button in each of the scroll panes works fine. if you try clicking a second button in either of the scroll panes you will notice you have to click twice.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Frame In Parent MovieClip From Scrollpane

Sep 8, 2009

I have a Scrollpane with a movie clip inside of it and am trying to link to a frame in a parent movie clip and keep getting an error. I am linking it the same way I do any other links. I was using this code.
//-------------Home Button
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homeClick);
function homeClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
Is there something special I have to do because its linking to a frame FROM a scrollpane? Never done this one before.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking A Button In A Scrollpane To A Frame In Another Clip?

Mar 26, 2011

I'm sure I am missing something. I have created a scrollpane instance "Buttons_sp" and set the source in the properties panel to "SantaThumbs_mc" Set the symbol linkage property to Export for Actionscript and used the default assigned class name for the SantaThumbs_mc. On my main timeline I have another clip LargeSantas_mc that I want to access specific frames on when a button in the scrollpane is clicked.
The button listeners are on an actions layer in the SantasThumbs_mc and at this point I have only one button with active code so I know that the code is being seen when I test the movie, which it seems to be.
My button code is:


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Button Inside Of ScrollPane To GotoAndPlay Frame On The Main Timeline?

May 5, 2011

I have a scrollPane on my stage, and I have a movieClip inside of it with a bunch of buttons. When you click on one of the buttons, I need it to gotoAndPlay a frame label on the main timeline. So far I cannot get this to work.

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Mp3 Player Modifications - Insert The Playlist 'track Buttons' Inside The Scrollpane On The Stage

Jul 3, 2009

I will inlcude here to code i used and a zipped folder containing all the files of my mp3 player. What i would like to do, (i am not an actionscript expert and did this following a tutorial) is to include a download button for the track which is being listened, be able to insert the playlist 'track buttons' inside the scrollpane on the stage, and sort an annoying bug which makes the music form the player continue even when i leave the section of the site where its in, keeping the music in the background running and starting a new track ontop every time i renter the section where the player is placed.


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Actionscript 3 :: Import Frame Based External Swf File To Scrollpane For Flash?

Mar 15, 2010

i'm using pdf2swf but i can't import external swf frame per frame in scrollpane like to scribd[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click A Button Inside A Scrollpane And Make It Load A Swf Outside The Scrollpane?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a MovieClip inside a ScrollPane. Inside this MovieClip i have buttons. What i want to know is: how to click a button inside a Movie Clip, that is inside a scrollpane, and make it load a swf outside the scrollpane?

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