Flash :: Tween Scroll Position Of ScrollPane Component With TweenLite?

Sep 10, 2010

In actionscript3,using the ScrollPane component and the TweenLite package, would it be possible to animate to a particular scroll position?

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AS3 :: Setting Scroll Position For ScrollPane Component?

May 19, 2009

I ve got a series of frames, each with its own instance of a scrollPane called actionText. When navigating from frame to frame I want the vertical scroll position of actionText to reset to 0.For some reason these separate instances of the component are inheriting scroll positions from one another,for example,if I scroll to 50% in one frame, jump to a new frame with a new instance of actionText, that new instance starts at 50%, not 0.

I should be able to set the scroll position by actionText.vPostion = 0 but I get Position is an undefined property of the object actionText .Roll over either the star one or star twotabs and select any action item, scroll the text down (actually a pdf converted to swf), then navigate to another action item and the new scrollPane does not default to 0. Only stars one and two are coded.[url]......

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Actionscript 3 :: Make Scroll Content Scrolling At Both Axes With Flash Scrollpane Component

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I would like to scroll content in a Movie Clip (size: 10000 x 8000 px) with Flash Scrollpane component (AS3). However, I want to make the content scroll in both X & Y axis instead of along of the scrollbar axis. How can I achieve this?

I'm using Adobe Flash CS5 & AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ScrollPane Scroll Position?

Jun 7, 2009

I have a scrollpane with the source set to ImageMovieClip. ImageMocieClip is long in length with 50 images stacked vertically. Because of the size of the scrollpane only 15 are visible at a time.I have a button, navBtn, that I want to jump the scrollpane's scroll position to half way down. Is it possible? What scrollpane property do I need to use?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Logging And Setting Scrollpane Scroll Position?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a scrollpane with a very long list of images stacked vertically. The user can scroll around, click on an image, and it will take them to another part of the application. There, there is a back button so they can return to the list of images. Instead of jumping back to the top, I want the back button to return them to where they were in the list of images beforehand. how do I log the value of the scroll position, and then set it to that value when the page is loaded again?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Eliminate Border And Scroll Bar From Scrollpane Component?

Mar 6, 2012

I have a flash movie using actionscript 2.0. I want to delete the white border around a ScrollPane component i added to my flash movie. I also want to get rid of the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the component.

For better clarity of what i mean, I also attached a picture sample of the scrollPane component.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Horizontal Scroll Bar In ScrollPane Component

Dec 17, 2009

Is this possible? I don't see how to do so in the manual.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField Inside ScrollPane - Scrollpane Wouldn't Scroll To The End?

Mar 30, 2010

import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
recentMsg_bt.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,resentMsgClick);
var sp:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();[code].......

Everything works just fine, except for the last msg gets only half displayed as if the scrollpane wouldn't scroll to the end.

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Flash - Add/Tween/Remove - Multiple Instances Of The Same MC (Tweenlite)?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple loop that adds a random number of stars, fades them out and removes them.The script I've come up with does everything but remove them, and perhaps I need a less on adding children to a stage.

Here's what I come up with

import flash.display.*;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;


I need a way to make the movie clips unique so I can tell my oncomplete function to remove the property clip, if I don't do this the movie will eventually slow down and crash because of so many (invisible) movieclips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TweenLite New Tween Only When First Tween Completes

Feb 9, 2009

I have several mc's wrapped into one mc. On MOUSE_OVER they animate out, and on MOUSE_OUT they animate back in. This works fine. What I need to add now is a tween at the end (completion) of the MOUSE_OVER. Refer to my code... I dont want the following code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move The Vertical ScrollBar Position Of The ScrollPane To Top/initial Position

Jun 30, 2009

I am using a ScrollPane in my application(viz., instance name is: myScrollPane). When I view the contents of the ScrollPane, it shows them perfectly. My issue is: When I try to view data present inside the ScrollPane, if I move the Vertical-ScrollBar of the ScrollPane to middle(or somewhere from top to down) and then click on Submit button(viz., instance name is: submit_btn), then its Vertical ScrollPosition must be reset from middle(or any position where we leave it before) to top(or initial position). Hence, I need to move the Vertical ScrollPosition of ScrollPane to top (or) initial position. Everytime, I need to refresh the VerticalScrollBar Position when I click on the submit button. How to do it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Scroll Bar Component In Flash - Controlled Byr Mouse Scroll Button?

Jun 30, 2003

is there anyway when i use scroll bar component in flash... how do i make it so that i can be controlled by your mouse scroll button.. thing.... ( if its possible )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Something To X Or Y Using TweenLite?

Oct 25, 2011

whenever i tween something to x or y using tweenLite, it tweens it to the coordinates realtive to the object itself, how to i tween something to coordinates on the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash ScrollPane Component?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a scrollPane component set up with a long form in it. When a user gets to the bottom he can submit the form, the button then navigates him away from the scrollPane. If the user comes back to the scrollPane, the content in the scrollPane is scrolled all the way to the bottom where they clicked away. How do I reset the content so if they return to the form, the top of the form is visible in the scrollPane instead of the bottom of the form?

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Actionscript 3 :: Tween Is Currently Playing When Using TweenLite?

Sep 14, 2010

How can you tell if a Tween is currently playing when using TweenLite?

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Actionscript 3 :: Using Tweenlite To Tween 3d Coordinates?

Feb 26, 2011

im trying to tween a sprite to new 3D coordinates (x,y,z) using AS3 and i would like to use TweenLite to do it but i don't know how?Im not a very experienced programmer, i only started to tackle the 3d possibilities of flash 10 and Tweenlite has been far for my animations.I've been trying to use the QuaternionsPlugin like this:TweenLite.to(myMc, 2, {quaternions:{orientation:new Quaternion(x, y, z, w)}});There's the x,y,z properties but i couldn't figure out what w stand for.I tried an example with the Sprite class below but when i compile it, it says : 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Quaternion.

package com{
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;


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Actionscript 3 :: Tween A Variable With TweenLite?

Jul 23, 2011

[code]I get the error #1069: Property _test not found for TweenTest.I also tried this example which does not work for me:URL...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Tweenlite If Another Tween Has Finished

Jan 22, 2010

I have a mc that I want to trigger a few tweens when rolled over but I want two of them to only trigger when another has finished...

Code: Select allmain_inner_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mainRollOver);
function mainRollOver(MouseEvent):void
TweenLite.to(main_inner_mc, 2, {scaleX:2.5, scaleY:2.5, ease:Elastic.easeOut});
TweenLite.to(main_inner_mc.mainheader_mc, 0.5, {alpha: 0, y:100, scaleX: 0.25,


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Flash :: Error 1009 When Using A ScrollPane Component

May 6, 2010

I have the same problem of this post [url]...

But I try to put the component in the parent fla and it doesn't change anything and I still have the 1009 error. Any idea ?

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Flash :: Tweenlite - A Sequence Chain Of TweenLite.to Not Triggering?

Jun 1, 2011

Its pretty simple what im trying to achieve.I have a MC on Stage, which im trying to tween to different X coordinates.I've set up four TweenLite.to sequences, however for some weird reason only one is being triggered - what am I doing wrong?

TweenLite.to(slider.mc_slider,1,{x:_returnXPos(95), ease:menuEasing});
TweenLite.to(slider.mc_slider,1,{delay: 1, x:_returnXPos(35), ease:menuEasing});
TweenLite.to(slider.mc_slider,1,{delay: 2, x:_returnXPos(50), ease:menuEasing});


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tweenlite - Animate A Movieclip From One Position To Another?

Jul 28, 2010

Ive been messing around with Tweenlite recently and love it. However there seems to be an issue how you can set which movieclip you are animating, for example to animate a movieclip from one position to another you would simply have: TweenLite.to(mc1, 1, {_x:220, _y:220}); However Im simply trying to replace the movieClip with a variable which changes like this: TweenLite.to("mc"+i, 1, {_x:220, _y:220}); Where 'i' is incrementing as normal. This in effect should produce mc1, mc2, mc3........and so on but it doesnt??? Anyone have anything they could share with me into why this wont work?

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Actionscript 3 :: Infinite Horizontal Scroll At Constant Speed Using TweenLite?

Jan 24, 2012

I need to do an endless horizontal scroll of elements within a parent MovieClip.No matter what ever method I try, an element of 'drift' occurs and eventually the elements start to overlap.I've tried using relative recursive tweening for each element according but this method seems prone to quite a bit of error after repeated starts and stops.

function doScroll():void {
TweenLite.to(this, .25, {x:"20", ease:Linear.easeNone,onUpdate:checkPos,onComplete:doScroll});

I've reverted to doing absolute tweens to a predefined position using a contant speed. This seems to be more accurate but still some 'drift' occurs.

//_dest is predefined
var speed:Number = 500;
var dist:Number = this.x - _dest;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween To TweenLite And Null References?

Sep 2, 2011

Boy, it feels like I'm here a lot more than I used to be. I'm currently switching tweens to use TweenLite and what happens is I now have a null reference.

What I don't understand is how to switch this code appropriately. The object begin tweened then has to be capable of being dragged again once it's scaled back down and incapble of being dragged while it's scaled up.


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Actionscript 3 :: When Using TweenLite To Tween A Filter While Dragging?

Mar 4, 2011

i'm receiving a very noticeable performance hit when using TweenLite to tween a filter while dragging.

private function mouseMoveEventHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void

i understand there is a Drop Shadow Plusing with TweenLite, but that only has the ability to tween the filter on and off, rather than change the distance or blur amount of an always visible drop shadow.also, i'm not testing this on a mobile phone, i'm testing on my fast desktop in both Flash CS5 and the external debugger - both are lagging the display object, which is just a simple square shape, even after the zoomTween has completed.

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Flash - ScrollPane Component Required In Library Even Though It Is Not Being Used By Parent Movie?

Apr 19, 2010

note: all as3 is written in CS4 and compiled for flash 10.I have a parent movie that loads a separate standalone SWF movie. This standalone movie happens to use the ScrollPane component (fl.containers.ScrollPane), and it runs correctly when launched on it's own.When I attempt to have a Parent movie load the standalone SWF, i receive a run-time error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at fl.containers::ScrollPane/drawBackground()
at fl.containers::ScrollPane/draw()
at fl.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

I understand that this error can be avoided by adding the ScrollPane component to the Parent Movie library. My question is why is this necessary? If the component is only used in the standalone SWF being loaded by the Loader class, why does the Parent movie require the component to be in the library as well?

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Set The Border And Background Color Of A Flash ScrollPane Component To Transparent?

Mar 18, 2011

Does anyone have a simple example of modifying the style of aScrollPane component to set the pane area to transparent?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll The List Of Pics According To The Position Of The Mouse With Out Actually Moving The Scroll Bar?

Apr 20, 2009

I wrote a short AS program to create a tileList and it functions fine, but I need to be able to scroll the list of pics according to the position of the mouse with out actually moving the scroll bar.... example of what I mean: the farther to the right mouseX is on stage, the faster my tileList scrolls to the right, if mouseX moves to the left of the stage, so does the scroll bar...Here`s my code so far:

import flash.display.Sprite;import fl.controls.TileList;import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tlc:TileList;[code]........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have A ScrollPane Component On The Stage And Within That Component?

Dec 22, 2010

All I want to do is have a scrollPane component on the stage and within that component I would like to have a movieclip that is essentially a list, and each list item is a button to be clicked on. I have no problem doing this if I have buttons within a movieclip, but having them in a scrollPane produces the following error:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property mcButtons through a reference with static type fl.containers:ScrollPane.It seems that I am unable to use the scrollPane component as if it were a movieclip and to use dot syntax to access it's content.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrollpane Won't Scroll Far Enough

Apr 29, 2009

I have a scrollpane and I have set it's source to a Sprite:

_pane.source = spriteContainer;

Before hand, I added all of my labels and components to the container itself. The scrollpane works in that it will scroll up and down for me... the problem is that it won't scroll down far enough - it cuts off half of the last textfield.

I have done a lot of searching and have tried adding a ".invalidate();" method... I've even tried resizing the sprite itself, but to no avail.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get And Set The Scroll Bars Position (pixel Position)

May 5, 2011

I have a ScrollPane and I want to get and set the scroll bars position (pixel position). For example, if the user changes the scroll bars position and then refreshes the page, we need to take the user at the same point where he was before refresh. For this I need to get the respective scroll bars positions before refresh and then set it to the saved position after load. I have got the positions by hPostion and vPosition but now when I try to save the values back to the same properties after refresh it doent work.

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