Actionscript 3.0 :: Tweenlite If Another Tween Has Finished

Jan 22, 2010

I have a mc that I want to trigger a few tweens when rolled over but I want two of them to only trigger when another has finished...

Code: Select allmain_inner_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mainRollOver);
function mainRollOver(MouseEvent):void
{, 2, {scaleX:2.5, scaleY:2.5, ease:Elastic.easeOut});, 0.5, {alpha: 0, y:100, scaleX: 0.25,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Objects Via RemoveChild After Tweenlite Has Finished Tweening?

Oct 11, 2011

I'd like to remove objects via removeChild after Tweenlite has finished tweening. But it doesn't really work because my objects are still in the DisplayList.


//, .5, {alpha:0, onComplete:removeChild, onCompleteParams:[sndText]});//does not really work; still in DisplayList, .5, {alpha:0});, .5, {alpha:0});, .5, {alpha:0});


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TweenLite New Tween Only When First Tween Completes

Feb 9, 2009

I have several mc's wrapped into one mc. On MOUSE_OVER they animate out, and on MOUSE_OUT they animate back in. This works fine. What I need to add now is a tween at the end (completion) of the MOUSE_OVER. Refer to my code... I dont want the following code:


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Actionscript 3 :: Tween Stopping Next Tween To Happen Until Last One Is Finished

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How to stop the next tween action to start until the previous tween completes playing in as3.0?and also i want to stop the tween to happen on the same object twice.Basically i have a container (movie-clip) in which there are n number of movie-clips (arranged as bricks). When i click on the container the target (brick) will disappear (made scaleX and alpha to 'o'). also i am tracking how many bricks are closed.But the problem is if i do a fast double click the tween seems to happen twice. and the count also seems to increase for the same brick.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Something To X Or Y Using TweenLite?

Oct 25, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Tween Is Currently Playing When Using TweenLite?

Sep 14, 2010

How can you tell if a Tween is currently playing when using TweenLite?

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Actionscript 3 :: Using Tweenlite To Tween 3d Coordinates?

Feb 26, 2011

im trying to tween a sprite to new 3D coordinates (x,y,z) using AS3 and i would like to use TweenLite to do it but i don't know how?Im not a very experienced programmer, i only started to tackle the 3d possibilities of flash 10 and Tweenlite has been far for my animations.I've been trying to use the QuaternionsPlugin like, 2, {quaternions:{orientation:new Quaternion(x, y, z, w)}});There's the x,y,z properties but i couldn't figure out what w stand for.I tried an example with the Sprite class below but when i compile it, it says : 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Quaternion.

package com{
import flash.display.*;


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[code]I get the error #1069: Property _test not found for TweenTest.I also tried this example which does not work for me:URL...

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What I don't understand is how to switch this code appropriately.  The object begin tweened then has to be capable of being dragged again once it's scaled back down and incapble of being dragged while it's scaled up.


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Actionscript 3 :: When Using TweenLite To Tween A Filter While Dragging?

Mar 4, 2011

i'm receiving a very noticeable performance hit when using TweenLite to tween a filter while dragging.

private function mouseMoveEventHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void

i understand there is a Drop Shadow Plusing with TweenLite, but that only has the ability to tween the filter on and off, rather than change the distance or blur amount of an always visible drop shadow.also, i'm not testing this on a mobile phone, i'm testing on my fast desktop in both Flash CS5 and the external debugger - both are lagging the display object, which is just a simple square shape, even after the zoomTween has completed.

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Flash - Add/Tween/Remove - Multiple Instances Of The Same MC (Tweenlite)?

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I'm trying to create a simple loop that adds a random number of stars, fades them out and removes them.The script I've come up with does everything but remove them, and perhaps I need a less on adding children to a stage.

Here's what I come up with

import flash.display.*;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;


I need a way to make the movie clips unique so I can tell my oncomplete function to remove the property clip, if I don't do this the movie will eventually slow down and crash because of so many (invisible) movieclips.

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Actionscript 3 :: Wait Until Tween Has Finished?

Sep 20, 2011

When I click my button I wish one of mc's disapear completely(first alpha changes from 1 to 0) then removeChild.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;[code].....

I dicided to use events but it doesnt work,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waiting Until A Tween Has Finished?

May 3, 2006

I have this bit of actionscript that tweens a movie in position and scale. It then attaches a movie from the library.

Code: = 100;, 100);["_xscale"],[140],1);


Whats the best way of waiting until the tween is complete before attaching this movie. Basically I want the attached movie to appear once info._x == 20.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach MC When Tween Is Finished?

Aug 11, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If A Tween Has Finished For BOTH Clips?

Jul 5, 2009

What I was looking for is a way to check if a tween has finished for BOTH clips. I thought I could try it like this:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var xScaleT:Tween = new Tween(kText, "_rotation", Elastic.easeOut, 0, 360, 3, true);


But I noticed that first the ending of xScaleT is triggerd after 3 secs. and after that the ending of XPosT 9 secs. later. What I want is for this.yoyo() to occur if BOTH xScaleT and XPosT have finished. There isn't something like 'onMotionFinishedAll' ?

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Apr 28, 2010

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import com.greensock.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delete Tween Motion After Is Finished?

May 8, 2006

I have a small problem, how it's possible to delete a tween effect after he has finished the tween?I use tween class, this is the code, and i want in frame 41 to delete the tween.

btn_sector1.holder.loadMovie ("sector1.jpg");
btn_sector1.buttontext.theText.text = "S E C T O R 1";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To Certain Frame In Timeline After Tween Finished?

Jun 9, 2008

I would like to go to a certain frame in my timeline after the last tween has finished! I know it most likely will have a "onComplete".

HTML Code:
import gs.TweenMax;
//what elsee?? =[

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween - Accept Second Rollover Only When The First One Is Finished

Jan 22, 2005

With the script below I am making a ball move from left to right and back. but when I rollover twice quickly, it also accepts the second rollover command. I would like it to accept that second rollover only when the first one is finished. I mean, I want the first to be finished before it accepts another rollover. I know it is simple to solve this with a tween using frames instead of as, but I was wondering if someone knows how to adapt the script.


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Flash :: Tween Lite: Tweens Stopping Before They're Finished?

Jan 11, 2011

edit2: Well I found out what was wrong. answered my own question. * Face-palm* sorry for this waste of space. (if you come across this randomly, my solution is answered at the bottom)Edit: While mulling over my code trying to find a solution, I noticed that when my .swf freezes as it is tweening out, an animated movie clip that is on the stage also freezes mid-animation. which brings me to believe that my problems may stem from the loading/creating image portion of my code. as a result, here is my loading function to supplement the code below:

function loadImage():void {
//if it's not already been loaded)
if ((currentImageNbr+1) > imagesLoaded || images.length == 0) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class File, Tween On Motion Finished?

Dec 15, 2005

im building a class file that tweens an empty movie clip, containiing an attached mc, using the tween class. How can i make the script wait for the tween to finnish before executing the next function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: While Tween Ignore Mouse Event And Activate When Finished?

Sep 13, 2010

I have asked before but that was a week ago and ive changed alot of code. I am still having the same issue of trying to ignore MOUSE_MOVE while a tween plays and then reactivate MOUSE_MOVE on Finish. I have tried timers aswell to anticipate the finish with no luck as if i move some code a error #1009 happens.

I have alos tried motion_finished, if statements and even values with no luck as the code will just not function unless left as below.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Tween Class To First Rotate An Object And Then After The Rotation Is Finished?

Mar 21, 2006

I am trying to use the Tween class to first rotate an object and then after the rotation is finished, use a new tween to move the object off the screen. Here is my code:


The trace runs, just as expected, right after the first Tween completes. But the second Tween doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If An Animation Of A Movieclip Is Finished (no Tween Handler)?

Feb 4, 2007

I'm having some difficulties on checking when an animation in a movieclip is finished. It's not a tween, otherwise I could make a tween handler with the "onMotionFinished"-property. My situation is different.My movieclip has 60 frames with each frame containing a 3D image. These 60 frames make the impression that a die is rotated in 3D.How do I check in the actions of my scene (root) when the animation is finished?

I already tried making an interval that constantly polls if a variable "finished" is set to true (which the movieclip sets to true on its last frame).This solution isn't really accurate enough due to the interval number.Setting the interval to 1 millisecond won't do any good either.Is there a listener object or something else that makes this possible?On my last frame of the movieclip is a stop() statement which might be polled by a listener?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Thumbnails And Can't Click On The Button Till The Tween Is Finished

Dec 12, 2007

created the gallery and made thumbnails vertical everything works fine except my tween for the thumbnails. i need help disabling the hit_up and hit_down buttons for the amount of time the tween is going on so someone can't click on the button till the tween is finished.


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Flash :: Tweenlite - A Sequence Chain Of Not Triggering?

Jun 1, 2011

Its pretty simple what im trying to achieve.I have a MC on Stage, which im trying to tween to different X coordinates.I've set up four sequences, however for some weird reason only one is being triggered - what am I doing wrong?,1,{x:_returnXPos(95), ease:menuEasing});,1,{delay: 1, x:_returnXPos(35), ease:menuEasing});,1,{delay: 2, x:_returnXPos(50), ease:menuEasing});


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ActionScript 3.0 :: "custom Tween" An Object Like In Tweenlite - Just X / Y Values

Jan 22, 2010

I need to "tween" an object like in tweenlite, just x/y values, but have ran into a large issue.


it's kind of accurate at high 'refresh times', but low ones, or long tweens it's very inaccurate. Basically, it needs to move 300pixels/1000ms, I chose to move it every 10ms, the amount I move it is 3000/1000(ms/pixels)*ms=3pixels every 10ms, so we should get to 300pixels moved over in 1000ms. But it doesn't work- the time intervals aren't consistant, sometimes it moves it after 10ms, sometimes it doesn't catch it to move again for 30ms! Tweenlite is able to bypass it's loop being able to run every 10ms, but how?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Class - Quiz_holder Box Expands Sideways, Then When This Is Finished, It Expands Lengthways?

May 23, 2007

why this isn't working?

changeWidth (quiz_holder, _width + 200, mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeInOut);
function changeWidth(movName, moveTo, moveType){[code].....

What I want to happen is that the quiz_holder box expands sideways, then when this is finished, it expands lengthways. At the moment it's just getting to the point where it's expanded sideways and then stops?

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