ActionScript 1/2 :: URL Decode Street Addresses From PHP

May 6, 2009

I had a php programmer write me a script to download information from a local real estate board, and it works great, but we had to have it download to an xml file using urlencode in php (there were characters in the listings that caused problems - ie. > < & "). Anyways, now I'm parsing the information in flash, and still left with a few "+" signs between street names (ie. Bear+Mountain Road).

I tried adding:
var loadVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();loadVars.decode(i.attributes.street);trace(i.attributes.street);
In my actionscript, but I still end up with "Bear+Mountain Road."

I guess either the "decode" function doesn't work to remove "+" signs, or I'm using the wrong thing. Right now it seems to be ONLY "+" signs, so even if there is a way to search the attribute and remove them that would be great!

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IDE :: Decode Text Into A Function Parameter?

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Simply said, I want to have an inputtextfield, a button that is linked to the textfield and a dynamic textfield as an display, to display stuff, which comes from the inputtextfield and the button.Then, I want to have items in the actionscript, like item1 = 5, or item1 = 1a, or 1a = item1. Just some code that equals to another code. But for now item1 = 5.For the button that is linked to the input textfield, has to calculate something when pressed and the dynamic textfield will display it. So if I would type in the inputtextfield 5 and press the button, it will be as example multiplied by 2, so the dynamic textfield will show 10.

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