ActionScript 1/2 :: Why Does The Content Spill Over And How To Position This Under The Menu And Title

Oct 14, 2011

I was following this tutorial on how to add a scrolling image gallery to a Flash website.
([URL]) From what I understand from this tutorial, it is just a matter of copying the Actionscript code and pasting it onto the timelines then making modifications on the XML. (kindly see a screenshot of timeline layers I made and as to where I put the Actionscript code: [URL]) I pasted the code onto the blank keyframe labeled "Gallery". But all I get is this weird effect when I click on the button for the gallery... (kindly see a screenshot of it here: [URL])


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_root.getCurrentText(thisText0, _parent.num);

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// loading the navigation bar
[Code] .....

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navBar == 0;
if(_ymouse >= 425){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling The Menu's _x Position Dynamically

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ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
//take mouse position and invert it


But sometimes during aggressive mouse movement over the menu mc, the mouse position variable goes beyond it's limits (I don't know why, latency error?) by 20-30 px. This makes the menu go way beyond its limits/bounding box and almost completely exits the screen.

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How can I make the menu mc move only in specified movie area?

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[AS]function moveMenu (clip, yPos, speed){
var endPos = yPos-this._y;
this._y += endPos/speed;
moveMenu (menu, 50, 3);[/AS]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Modify This Menu To React To Mouse Position?

Feb 6, 2009

I am trying to modify a fla i got from flash den. [URL]

It works by clicking on menu items, and or using your mouse wheel.

I am trying to make it so that it responds to mouse movement. So if you mouse up, the menu moves up, and if you mouse down, it moves down.

The file populates the menu using xml, and below is the primary code that makes it work.

Every mouseposition functionality that I've worked on required that the content be in an MC, but this is all xml generated content, and I don't know how to target or control it.

package net.flashden.lydian {
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Pause And Start Again From That Same Position 'infinite Menu'

Mar 8, 2004

i need to find a way to pause and start again from that same position the 'infinite menu' found here on kirupa URL...A friend of mine attempted to help me, and gave me some code to fiddle with. I did fiddle with it, but problem was, the code was for Flash MX 2004. So it didnt work on my MX. Here is the existing code i have, but doesn't function (i.e. works fine when control>Test Movie, but doesnt work when actual .swf from folder is opened)[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Menu - Change Scale And Position

Mar 21, 2004

The selector mark is suposed to "mark" the selection on the menu after a selection is pressed. But Im having problems with the X and y coordinates and scales of the MC and when I click on the option, the MC gets smaller and then bigger to the size I want. Its suposed change scale and position but its not working like it is suposed to work. Im not sure either if I�m setting the Mc on the initial x and y coordinates.

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Professional :: Flash Sub-menu To Overlap HTML Content?

May 7, 2010

I have a Flash header with a menu item that drops down a sub menu and takes up an additional 200px or so of space. I need the menu to overlap the HTML content below without having to make the SWF file taller, since that would push everything down.

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JavaScript :: Transparent Flash Content - Dropdown Menu

Jun 19, 2011

I have below Javacript for my embed flash file in page

<script type="text/javascript" src="files/swfobject.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="files/swfaddress.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="files/facebook.js">//</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var assetsFolder = 'assets';
[Code] .....

How to make it transparent when I iframe this page so this flash should not come over the drop down menu ...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Menu - Buttons To Bring The Content Up

Jan 11, 2009

if u click on all the buttons it will bring the content up but i only want one of the buttons to bring the content up. the experiments buttons should bring the content up... i send you the fla file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Simple Extra Menu With Content?

Dec 13, 2010

The website has 5 main-menu items called : Home / Speellijst / Van toen tot nu / media / contact / . a preview of the project can be visited here : [URL]

So when someone clicks "Van toen tot nu" (= an item about her past theatre plays), it displays a new menu that holds chronological buttons. Once someone cliks one of those, an extra element should show that displays info.

So in the element holding all the buttons on frame one AS says:

robbieknop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,robtx t);
function robtxt(event:MouseEvent):void

* the 1st button has the instance name : 'robbieknop'

* a clip that holds the info on each frame seperatly has the name : 'toenclip'

* 'toenclip' has an empty 1st frame, the 2nd holds the info that should display while pushing the instance 'robbieknop'

* 'toenclip' is present on stage when 'van Toen tot nu' has been loaded, it is invisible (empty frame)

So far I can't get it to work, I don't get any error messages and everything else displays 'according to plan'

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Actionscript 2.0 :: MENU Item HIGHLIGHTED While Content Is Open?

Feb 14, 2009

If I am making a simple navigation menu bar for a flash site in AS2 with mouse over/rollOut effects, then what is some possiblr actionscript I can use per menu item in order to have tHAT particular menu item selected while it's active ( in other words, if I click on services and I am located on the services page, the services object form the menu would be highlighted and if I were to click on that 'Active/highlighted" menu object, no event would occur. but it would simply remain highlighted until the point that I click on a different menu object and that highlight effect on previous menu object would fade out.

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