ActionScript 1/2 :: Change Size Of Swf File After Loadmovie?
Aug 11, 2009
i'm at a frame inside has a button. once i click it will load a swf file flashmov.onRelease = function(){flash_mc.loadMovie("animation.swf");}but i have problem which is my animation.swf is way too big (800x550)and my flash_mc doesn't have anything inside.I want to resize to 480x330.
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flashmov.onRelease = function(){ flash_mc.loadMovie("animation.swf");}
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var peelawayimage = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("peelawayimage", 7);
var mcImage = new MovieClipLoader();
mcImage.loadClip(_root.video_image, peelawayimage);
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Feb 11, 2009
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loadMovie("second.swf", _root.clip1);
I have mc with isntance name: clip1 The movie second.swf loads into the position of clip1 but it's originally very big and I want it to make it smaller so it will fit to my site, if possible i would also like it not to be resizeable (so when someone will have smaller browser window it wouldnt move)
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var tfNum_mc:MovieClip = tl.attachMovie("tfID","tfNum_mc_",tl.getNextHighestDepth());
If I'm to assign the above code to a dragDrop action. Is there a way to change the font size of I've tried; = 12;//did not work
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searchRB = new RadioButton(); = "search"; = rbg;
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Jan 30, 2009
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Is there anyway to restrict this? Like setting the properties of the uploaded image to fit within the movieclip?
Another issue is that I am using the following code to edit the size of the preview pane (according to a users input):
ActionScript Code:
setProperty(_root.dimension_preview, _width, Number(_global.dimension_width));
setProperty(_root.dimension_preview, _height, Number(_global.dimension_height));
Now when I load an image into this it actually magnifies it by the amount the user entered, is there anyway to prevent it doing this?
If it is easier, I can upload the bits and pieces.
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May 7, 2008
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knapp.onRelease = Function(); {
minRamme = this.createEmptyMovieClip("clip",0);
minRamme.loadMovie("ann kristin.swf");
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Nov 7, 2005
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How do I constrain the width of A so it is its' normal size? It wants to span the width of swf B. I tried adding "_width=470" but my syntax is not right and/or working. I am using Pro 8.
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May 14, 2009
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May 10, 2009
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Aug 24, 2009
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Jun 24, 2011
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Oct 25, 2010
So I've been staring at my screen all day, my client getting increasingly irate trying to work out what's going on.
I'm on Flash CS3, AS 2.0
Here's my code:
Actionscript Code:
//set stage for FBFStage.align = "TL";Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";loadMovie("image.jpg", pic, 'GET');//define dynamic aspect ratiospicHeight = new Object ();picHeight = pic._height / pic._width;picWidth =
My problem is my client wants to be able to change image.jpg occasionally, to ones of different size ratios. If the "pic" movieclip has a box of the right size ratio inside it I have no problem unless I change the image, which I need to be able to do. If there is nothing inside the movieclip when I load it, the image always appears on its side, and I can't seem to get it rotate to the correct position!
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Nov 10, 2003
i want to know how did the creator of otradesign accomplish the effect in his site like the menu and the main contents change size and the menu position according to the size of main contents.
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Oct 31, 2009
If I published several separate SWF files from several FLA files (because they were too large to work in one FLA document) is there a way to play them automatically one after the other? I looked online and somebody suggested www.swfmergeI tried placing on the last frame of each FLA file the actionloadMovie but I don't know how to define it so that once one SWF file is done, the next one starts.I just open the SWF with explorer on windows so that I can view them full screen (they are for a slide presentation, architecture and I am showing a little bit of animation)
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a template that have some buttons in the header. I add one button because my client needs one more section in the SWF. When the movie loads the behave of the intro is to load the first button running from flag fotogram "s1", but it's not working properly. The button get's stuck and it's not behaving like it should. When I rollOver or rollOut is not doing what it should do. Why is happening this? I'm loading another swf with loadMovie but it's _lockroot = true. I tried not loading that flash but the button is still not working fine.
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Feb 10, 2011
i want to open up a swf file using loadMovie. when i load the movie i would like to send it a number & tell it to gotoandstop at that key frame.
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Apr 21, 2009
I'm wondering whether it's possible to change the size of a flash application at runtime?
I know I can scale the SWF with HTML/JavaScript, but I'm not talking about scaling here. I want to change the actual size, not just enlarge it visually. Let's say my SWF is 400x300 pixels. At runtime, I want to change it to 500x400. All the elements inside the SWF (buttons or whatever) should remain the same size. It's the Stage itself that should change.
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Jan 25, 2010
how to show variable from swf file with loadmovie?if main.swf loadmovie mc1.swf mc1.swf can sent variable in input text to main.swf?if it can how to show variable from mc1.swf in dynamic text in main.swf?
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Apr 24, 2009
I want to change frames instead of Size. How can I revise this?
s3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeSize);
s4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeSize);
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Feb 4, 2009
i mean..i dont want my user to maximize or minimize the u ppl must have seen the softwares setups..their window file size cannot be changed.
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Apr 8, 2009
I have a flash file with the stage size 800x600Now I change the stage size to 1024x768 but all the constant ( movie clip, images, buttons..) do not fit with the new stage size.
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Nov 5, 2005
my next experiments consist on loading a movie/ or gotoframe on a hyperlink with html text that i load from a .txt file.i mean this such type of html code
visit the site<a href="" target="_self"><font color = "#FF9933"> for more info so basicly my intention is, to refer to a hyperlink but just go to a "frame" or load a movie. where you have in your FLA some more info about the site you are going to enter again, i am just experimenting with these things, it has no real purpose but it would be considered nice if it really could work.
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