ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Variable From Swf File With Loadmovie?

Jan 25, 2010

how to show variable from swf file with loadmovie?if main.swf loadmovie mc1.swf mc1.swf can sent variable in input text to main.swf?if it can how to show variable from mc1.swf in dynamic text in main.swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Hide Button Via Variable In Text File?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a movie that loads several variables from different text files depending on the users selected location.In each location txt file I have set a variable showPDF=false to hide a view PDF button named "pdfBtn" on the main timeline. In the text file the variable is set as follows:

on the main timeline the hide AS is as follows:
var showPDF2=showPDF;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable In LoadMovie Function - Load A Variable That Contains An Url To An Image

Jul 28, 2007

I'm trying to combine PHP/SQL and Flash. I've got a problem now. I want to load a variable that contains an url to an image. so the variable is like this: [URL] Now I want flash to load the image, not the text. The variable is called 'img1' but the loadmovie function doesn't work when I put it in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie - Text Does'nt Show Up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loadmovie Looping Show Reel

Nov 29, 2011

what I want to do is have several external movies, say movie01.swf, movie02.swf and movie3.swf and then have a main movie that pulls in all of those swf's and plays them, sounds simple but I haven't been able to find anyone trying to do the same thing

What I've tried to do is

loadMovie("movie01.swf", this);
loadMovie("movie02.swf", this);
loadMovie("movie03.swf", this);

but this'll just play the last movie over and over, I want a way to say something like loadMovie("movie01.swf", this); then when finished loadMovie("movie02.swf", this); etc etc ..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Main ContextMenu When LoadMovie()

Jan 10, 2005

in Mainframe of test1.fla

var newMovie_mc:MovieClip;


How can use ContextMenu from test1.swf??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Main ContextMenu When LoadMovie()?

Jan 10, 2005

in Mainframe of test1.fla

var newMovie_mc:MovieClip;
my_cm = new ContextMenu();


How can use ContextMenu from test1.swf??

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Actionscript :: Flash AS2 - LoadMovie Movieclip Property Edits Don't Show In Browser

Apr 13, 2011

Using loadmovie I'm loading an external SWF on a different domain. Any property changes made to a movie clip in the loaded SWF don't show in a broswer. container.emc.loadMovie([URL]); Inside movieA is the movieclip "box". I don't want "box" to be visible so I've used = false; All working fine at this point, when I preview the SWF from Flash (CS3) I see that box isn't visible. When I open the SWF in the browser, movieA is loaded but box is not set to invisible. This happens with all browsers or any publish settings I try.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Variable Name In LoadMovie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Variable To LoadMovie

Nov 6, 2002

can i use a variable to load a new .swf file? this doesn't seem to work...


View 2 Replies :: Show The .ppt File In The Webpage By The Slide Show Manner

Jun 10, 2011

In my application,I want to show the .ppt file using the slide show manner.

That's to say,user can upload .ppt file to my server side,then other people can browser these ppts in the page ..

Since I have googled "embed powerpoint in web page" ,it seems that there is not a good idea to implement this and support the cross browser,so I thought the flash.

This is a slide show using the flash: [URL]

What I want is show the contents of the .ppt in this manner(it would be better if it support the animations in the ppt)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variable On Loadmovie?

Apr 18, 2009

I have several movies (movieA, movieB, movieC) that have a button in them that loads another movieb into the same level thus replacing them. My problem is that i need the movieB to start playing from a particular frame depending on which movie, a, b or c loaded it.

I'm trying to find a way of using variables to make it work or maybe just a simple gotoAndPlay function but with no luck. Can you send a variable via loadmovie function?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable In Loadmovie Path?

May 15, 2005

I have a variable that is refers to the names of folders, and I need to insert the variable into the pathname when I loadMovie. I cannot seem to get the variable to become part of the pathname

loadMovie('VARIABLE/image.jpg', _root.loadhere);

I've tried parenthesis, [], (), do not know the correct way to call the variable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trace LoadMovie With URL As Variable

Mar 20, 2006

a) thumbURL is a variable loaded from an XML file. The value is being passed correctly into Flash, as I have traced it and it outputs fine. thumbLoc is a number which increases through a for loop. So thumb0, thumb1, thumb2 etc. are the movie clips I want to load thumbURL into. The thumbURL I'm trying to load is in the format [URL] I have the following code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable To Load External Swf Using LoadMovie?

Jan 29, 2009

i hav one main swf inside which iam loading second swf, but instead of hardcoding it, iwant the secound swf to calldynamically using variables.

The querystring is as follows:
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="film.swf?extSwf=movie.swf">
This method works fine:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie - Random Variable Not Working

May 16, 2002

The tutorial in The Best of Kirupa isn't working for me! When I try doing this:

rn = Math.round(Math.random()*1000000);
loadVariablesNum ("flashdata.txt?reload="+rn,0);

I get a debug error: Error opening URL "file:///C|/pathtofolder/flashdata.txt?reload=263757" Where the reload variable is the random number and flashdata.txt is the file that contains the variable I need.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Fails When Path Is Passed In Variable

Mar 14, 2009

Oddly if I use a quoted string, like

loadMovie( "" , 1);

it works fine

But if I pass in a variable:

var fullpath:String = ""
loadMovie( fullpath , 1);

it fails ???

Can't find anyone else's comments on such an issue.

Using flash 8, as2 on Mac osx

The example above remote domain example works fine within flash IDE

My actual application using a relative path to a sub directory, for a little obfuscation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie To Load In A Variable Amount Of Movies?

Sep 10, 2010

how do you load in a variable amount of jpgs into an empty movie clip? for example, i have a mc called 'holder' which loads in and replaces the previously loaded jpg every 10 seconds from the folder called 'images'. but how can i make it work if the user first puts in 5 images, but at a later date changes that number to 7 images?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie - Inject A Variable From The First Movie To The Second One After It Takes Over?

Jan 28, 2009

I'm designing a game where the levels are too big to be in one swf. so each level loads up a new movie- but if my wildest dreams came true i would be able to, for example, load level 2 and have it remember how well you did on level there any way to do this? to inject a variable from the first movie to the second one after it takes over?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] LoadMovie Pass Frame Label Variable?

Sep 29, 2004

Basically this script works just fine and loads the appropriate movie. The transistion exit frame also works correctly. What I am trying to do is load the movie site_services.swf and jump to frame label "database" after the preloader. I was attempting to use _root.contents.FLabel = "database"; to set the variable.

on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "site_services";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie + OnClipEvent(load) - Attaching Variable Number Of MCs Dynamically(not In The Library)

Mar 16, 2006

taken from this link:


My problem: I am attaching variable number of MCs dynamically(not in the library), and i have to do so using flash6 or older. How can i use then loadMovie+onClipEvent handler to invoke something, if i am attaching MCs dynamically, and onClipEvent works only on MCs attached on the Stage(actions "on" those mcs, not "inside" them). Probably using classes. Any other option? and if not, can anybody guide me through assigning such class to such mc? EDIT: Ok, i also have done following:


and although the movieClip IS in library, and it DOES have MovieClip class assigned, onData event handler is NOT triggered and nothing is traced. Can the reason be "attachMovie" function?

EDIT2: aha. well, again it happened that attachMovie's methods are not yet initialized, so it was not yet "the proper time to assign" handler onData on those MCs. [only sen knows why ]. So that even trace(mc.stop()); at this point traces undefined, where it should trace [type Function], since stop is MovieClip's class method. Stupidstupidstupid.. relax...

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LoadMovie For Automatically Playing The Next SWF File?

Oct 31, 2009

If I published several separate SWF files from several FLA files (because they were too large to work in one FLA document) is there a way to play them automatically one after the other? I looked online and somebody suggested www.swfmergeI tried placing on the last frame of each FLA file the actionloadMovie but I don't know how to define it so that once one SWF file is done, the next one starts.I just open the SWF with explorer on windows so that I can view them full screen (they are for a slide presentation, architecture and I am showing a little bit of animation)

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Flash 10 :: FLA File - Loading Another SWF With LoadMovie

Jun 7, 2010

I have a template that have some buttons in the header. I add one button because my client needs one more section in the SWF. When the movie loads the behave of the intro is to load the first button running from flag fotogram "s1", but it's not working properly. The button get's stuck and it's not behaving like it should. When I rollOver or rollOut is not doing what it should do. Why is happening this? I'm loading another swf with loadMovie but it's _lockroot = true. I tried not loading that flash but the button is still not working fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Up A Swf File Using LoadMovie?

Feb 10, 2011

i want to open up a swf file using loadMovie. when i load the movie i would like to send it a number & tell it to gotoandstop at that key frame.

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Variable - Subtract Number And Show In The Box

Jun 7, 2010

i have something like this in the frame:

var number1 = 10
var number2 = 10

And in the stage i have 3 dynamic text boxes. The 1 one has the variable number1 the secound one has the variable number2. But how do i do so in the third box it says 20? I want it to substract number1 and number 2 and show that in the box.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change The Size Of The Swf File After Loadmovie?

Jan 15, 2011

Now i'm at a frame inside has a button. once i click it will load a swf file
flashmov.onRelease = function(){    flash_mc.loadMovie("animation.swf");}
but i have problem which is my animation.swf is way too big (800x550)and my flash_mc doesn't have anything inside..I want to resize to 480x330. How can i do it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Size Of Swf File After Loadmovie?

Jan 15, 2011

I'm at a frame inside has a button. once i click it will load a swf file[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change Size Of Swf File After Loadmovie?

Aug 11, 2009

i'm at a frame inside has a button. once i click it will load a swf file flashmov.onRelease = function(){flash_mc.loadMovie("animation.swf");}but i have problem which is my animation.swf is way too big (800x550)and my flash_mc doesn't have anything inside.I want to resize to 480x330.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie/gotoFrame From External Text File?

Nov 5, 2005

my next experiments consist on loading a movie/ or gotoframe on a hyperlink with html text that i load from a .txt file.i mean this such type of html code

visit the site<a href="" target="_self"><font color = "#FF9933"> for more info so basicly my intention is, to refer to a hyperlink but just go to a "frame" or load a movie. where you have in your FLA some more info about the site you are going to enter again, i am just experimenting with these things, it has no real purpose but it would be considered nice if it really could work.

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