ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Width Constraints - Normal Size?
Nov 7, 2005
I am loading swf A into a mc within swf B.
How do I constrain the width of A so it is its' normal size? It wants to span the width of swf B. I tried adding "_width=470" but my syntax is not right and/or working. I am using Pro 8.
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Mar 13, 2010
I have this playing in a larger .swf which is 1000x1000.
The second swf is supposed to be 400x400.
I am wondering how to put restrictions with loadmovie?
loadMovieNum("gallery.swf", 1);
thats the code i have.
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Dec 9, 2009
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Code: Select allnewClam.clamTop.mov_NowPlaying.loadMovie("../videos/video3/meow.jpg", newClam.clamTop.mov_NowPlaying);
newClam.clamTop.mov_NowPlaying.onEnterFrame = function () {
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Oct 2, 2009
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Feb 11, 2009
I have this problem: in my swf on frame 100 is a code:
loadMovie("second.swf", _root.clip1);
I have mc with isntance name: clip1 The movie second.swf loads into the position of clip1 but it's originally very big and I want it to make it smaller so it will fit to my site, if possible i would also like it not to be resizeable (so when someone will have smaller browser window it wouldnt move)
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Nov 14, 2006
I got this frame i created and gave it a linkage name of : "myframe"
myframe has a picloader mc and a picmask mc..
I loop through attaching "myframe" at proper depths 12 times and once it is attached, i use loadmovie or loadclip to attach an image to myframe.picloader and enforce the mask onthe pic.
once I load the image, i do some tweening effects in AS but the width and height is no longer correct.
myframe is supposed to be 130 x 100 but now im getting 621 by 400.2.
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Jan 15, 2011
Now i'm at a frame inside has a button. once i click it will load a swf file
flashmov.onRelease = function(){ flash_mc.loadMovie("animation.swf");}
but i have problem which is my animation.swf is way too big (800x550)and my flash_mc doesn't have anything inside..I want to resize to 480x330. How can i do it?
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Jun 3, 2011
I have loaded a .swf into my main timeline, but it's quite large. I am trying to get it to fit in the constraints of my current movie. I have read that by putting it into a movie clip, it will constrain to that dimension. How do I accomplish this?
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Jan 30, 2009
I am using loadMovie to load an image that a user has uploaded. If I have the loadMovie target as a movie clip of size 300x300 and the user loads an image of size 600x600 it does not restrict and scale that image down to fit within the 300x300 box.
Is there anyway to restrict this? Like setting the properties of the uploaded image to fit within the movieclip?
Another issue is that I am using the following code to edit the size of the preview pane (according to a users input):
ActionScript Code:
setProperty(_root.dimension_preview, _width, Number(_global.dimension_width));
setProperty(_root.dimension_preview, _height, Number(_global.dimension_height));
Now when I load an image into this it actually magnifies it by the amount the user entered, is there anyway to prevent it doing this?
If it is easier, I can upload the bits and pieces.
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May 19, 2010
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Jan 15, 2011
I'm at a frame inside has a button. once i click it will load a swf file[code]...
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May 7, 2008
We have used loadMovie to load some small SWF files on a home page we have made. The swf files are in different sizes and we need to be able to set the size. How do we do this? We hoped the problem was solved with the following code, but this code only sets the size of the variable "minRamme", the contents are still to big, resulting in only a part of the swf file being visible. Anyway the following code ignored the onRelease command, so the swf file started playing at once. How come?
knapp.onRelease = Function(); {
minRamme = this.createEmptyMovieClip("clip",0);
minRamme.loadMovie("ann kristin.swf");
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Aug 11, 2009
i'm at a frame inside has a button. once i click it will load a swf file flashmov.onRelease = function(){flash_mc.loadMovie("animation.swf");}but i have problem which is my animation.swf is way too big (800x550)and my flash_mc doesn't have anything inside.I want to resize to 480x330.
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May 14, 2009
I have some external .swf's of different dimensions. I'd like to know if there is a way to load an external swf to the stage and force it to fit to 100% the size of the stage it is loading into?Also, is there a way to handle the antialiasing of the scaled clip to ensure smoothness / clarity. The swf's contain both vector and jpg's and when scaled down appear jaggy.
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Jul 27, 2011
Here i want to set my SWF heigh and width in 100%.
If i want to increase my height by draging on my SWF corner then automatically the width should change.
So both should be in 100% at any case. how to achieve this.
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Jun 2, 2009
I'm sure there are a million posts on this, but I cannot for the life of me figure out the wording under which they are classified.I am trying to get my site to scale so that the width is 100% the width of the screen, and the height, if there's more than can be viewed, is cut off. No scrolling. If I simply use the 100% width property, it seems to also give height at 100% value, so this way the whole site fits on the screen, but there is empty space on the right and left which is not what I want. Does this make sense how I've worded it?
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May 15, 2009
So I have my project area set at 900px and have everything setup and they way that I want it. Anyways I want to change my size are to only 800px which I know how to do. But how can I shift everything over say those 100px to center everything back up?
Is there an easy way to center everything with out manually doing it?
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Jul 16, 2009
I have a video object and would like to size it to the width of my document. In order not to distord it, I would like to size the height in relationship. I can't seem to wrap my head around the math for that. How is that done?
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Sep 10, 2005
is it possible to define a width and then autosize the height?
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Jan 9, 2007
i been trying to get the width and height on this set to one standard size
PHP Code:[code....
i got this from flashkit and been edeting it,
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