ActionScript 3.0 :: When Loading Other SWF On Same Movieclip Can't Able To Rest To Normal Size
May 1, 2011
I am having a problem, After Loading External SWF on a Movieclip and Zoom in/out when loading the other SWF on same Movieclip can't able to rest to normal size for zoom in/out im using scaleX,scaleY. When i click to load other SWF i'm giving size of widht and height to set back orginal size.[code]
I need to make a button animate from its normal size to a larger size but in a fluid scaled motion. I'm using a png image I cant seem to get it to scale from small to big when animating, and I have inserted a motion tween.
i was creating my portfolio using xml gallery script from this site. the thing is that it loads one picture at a the with a preloader between each load. is there a way to load the first image and keep loading the rest so there will be only one loading time? here is my action script:
My website splash page is around 780x480 and the rest of the flash site is all 800x500. I'm not quite sure how to work this, but I want to have the splash page play automatically then go to the main page of the website. Can someone help me out with this? And does it matter that they are different sizes?
I am loading swf A into a mc within swf B. loadMovie(dir/A.swf,target_mc); How do I constrain the width of A so it is its' normal size? It wants to span the width of swf B. I tried adding "_width=470" but my syntax is not right and/or working. I am using Pro 8.
I made this Code to scale the movie when mouse is over and turn it to the normal size when mouse out, I got this error and i don't understand it (TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "mc1" to flash.display.MovieClip. at Scaling_fla::MainTimeline/DoMe()TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "mc1" to flash.display.MovieClip. at Scaling_fla::MainTimeline/reDoMe()
I've made a flash application using actionscript 3, I wanted this application size to be dynamic, To be able to embed it in any size and let it adjust itself accordingly. I managed to accomplish this, theres a problem though: The original width of the application is 700 pixels. I'm embedding the flash in a smaller size, (400 for example) going to full screen, and when I exit, the application sets itself back to being 700 pixels wide, and isn't adjusting itself to the 400px width of the actual embedding area..
What I want is to create a 2d/flat site wich is larger than the normal screen size... for easy viewing I want the site to move related to the mouse movement so that when you drag your mouse left the entire site kinda moves to the right, and by that permits the viewer to browse the site without using the scroll bars. It should work like the example in this link, but not only horizontal, but also vertical...
i got a logo, each letter it a clip, cos the logo is bit more than just text, but thats beside the point. I want each letter to start of larger than it should be and zoom out (scale down) to the normal size, pref with a bit of a bounce at the end, so it goes from very big to, slightly smaller then proper size, to proper size, get it? with help from Master64 (via IRC) i worked out that i could use _xscale and _yscale (i am relativly new here, lol ) but the problem i got is that it scales, but in huge jumps, not smooth.The class is ment to be reusable (duh!) so my concept is
I am trying to load a swf into a movieclip of the same size but the swf seems to be resized somehow.The Movieclip and the swf are both 300 x 300 pixels. Yet the swf loads in scaled down and is only taking up part of the movieclip.I have the following code on the 1st frame of the timeline of the container movie:[code]
How do I know that my preloader is loading the rest of my file? I put a preloader on the first frame The rest of my web site is on the second frame If that takes too long to load up, I want the preloader to load. How do I know it is actually loading up the rest of the site? Or, is that not what a preloader actually does?
I have a list of collapsible move clips. When any of the clips is closed or opened the rest or the clips in the list react by changing position. I had this running with and on enter frame event. But that was a memory hog when too many items were in the list. So what I want to do is this. When any clip is closed or opened it triggers this function
Code: function resetY() { for (var i = order; i>=many; i++) { this.onEnterFrame = function() { _y =; roundB4me = Math.ceil(; [Code] .....
I am loading images of different size and then images are scaled and border is drawn for each image as shown in below link,[URL]... I want that border of images to be of the same width and height and for that I need to find out the max width and height size image before loading all the images. Is there any way that I can know the width and height of an image before loading it completely?
Im trying to get a movieClip to change its tint on roll over and back to normal on roll out. But this has to happen gradually like a tween. Im trying to use the code for alpha tween but its not exectly i also tried the tweenlite but im to confused :S here is my code:
This is the third thread I've written for my current project (1st was answered perfectly, 2nd failed [but I still figured it out anyways]) but I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem. I can't really explain my problem, so once again I've included a helpful animation to show you what I mean. Bear in mind that the pale-blue box represents the movie clip's borders, and those borders are usually changed to include the animation (instead of the borders moving with the animation, the borders get bigger).
For the animation problem, I've already got a solution: create an invisible movie clip that has the exact size and shape of the animated movie clip and make it follow the movie clip as it animates, and make the hitTest check the invisible movie clip instead of the animated one. As for the rotation problem, well, I don't know how to fix it. Is there a way to change that?
I need to load some fixed size swf(800*600) in main swf file which displayed 100% in page, i just need to not "resize" secondary swf. Can anyone show me the AS with size definition functions loading other swf.
I have a preloader(as3) that is working great, I use FlashVars to pass it what movie it is loading, then it loads that movie, and shows it on the stage after loaded. I would like to make this a bit more dynamic. Right now I can use the same preloader for any movie so long as the movie and the preloader is the same size. I would like to pass the size of the movie im loading to the preloader with flashvars just like im passing it the file path for the movie itself. Here is how im passing the movie:
var swfLocation = this.loaderInfo.parameters.flashPath; var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(swfLocation);
now i just access the variable wherever i want to say load the movie
I tried:
var swfHeight = this.loaderInfo.parameters.flashHeight; var swfWidth = this.loaderInfo.parameters.flashWidth; stage.stageHeight = swfHeight; stage.stageWidth = swfWidth;
then in my flashvars i have a value of flashPath=<?=path?>&flashHeight=<?=height?>&flashW idth=<?=width?> (passing these to the embed and object using php btw)
Ive been searching high and low to find out how i can dynamically load an image into a container [i.e. im using the xml_photogallery tut. template] and setting it so that it scales to fit specific dimensions. At the moment Im having to resize images in photoshop so that it fits with in the container/webcontents dimensions. Otherwise different images with different sizes will bleed on main body of the site.
Ok so basicaly what I want to do is load in an external swf onto the stage which is 1024x768, above all existing items (so preferably into an existing container mc) but set the loaded swf's width/height so that it fits into a pre-determined space of 700x400, even though the loaded SWF is larger.
The stage of the SWF being loaded in is 700x400, which as stated above is the desired size, but objects within it are larger than it's stage for purposes of the animation. This means that when you load the SWF onto your current stage with the normal loadMovie("xxx.swf","container") you wind up seing parts of the object that would normaly be outside the 700x400 stage if you were to view the SWF on it's own, obviously resulting in an ugly movie clip.
I could cover up those parts with extra layers, but the majority of the primary stage is transparent so this isn't really an option. So, is there a way to load an external SWF but only display the actual stage of that SWF, or set the width/height to mimmick the same sort of thing?
i have several custom classes which all contain Sprites.does the fact that each as file imports flash.display.Sprite increase file size?i would assume when compiling that flash is smart enough to just import each package once but i just want to make over simplified example (obviously in this example the over all effect is 0 but i am starting to have more and more custom classes so i want to know)say i have a simple class that extends sprite to include an index property.
public class NewSprite extends Sprite { public var index:int }
now if in my code i would like to have "Sprite"s and "NewSprite"s for my own benefit of keeping track of what needs an index but does it add to file size to import twice or would i be better off just importing NewSprite.also if i add variables to a custom class but dont give them a value does it take up extra space - for instance if the above NewSprite had 99999 indices instead of 1 - i am assuming if each index has a value the NewSprite is much bigger, but if i leave each index null, does it still increase file size?
i'm creating a button to load my 360 panorama swf onto my stage, it works but it appear at different size and it appear on my button, i decide to solve it by using an empty movie clip called "container" This is my code:
Ive been searching high and low to find out how i can dynamically load an image into a container [i.e. im using the xml_photogallery tut. template] and setting it so that it scales to fit specific dimensions. At the moment Im having to resize images in photoshop so that it fits with in the container/webcontents dimensions. Otherwise different images with different sizes will bleed on main body of the site
For video playing I used as3 sample script (because there must be only playpause, replay, mute buttons with custom styles), like that
var strSource:String = "video.flv"; // create a new net connection, add event listener and connect // to null because we don't have a media server
The problem is that I can't find a way to play it smoothly. It's loading in very annoying way, video is interrupted after each few seconds of playing.
I understand that the main problem is large video file size and hd quality, but may be there is some way to largely decrease .flv size or handle playback in more friendly way?
I am using the MovieClipLoader class to load a bunch of images, and I am trying to build a loader that has a single percentage for the whole batch of images. I need the.bytesTotalof every image prior to loading them, so that I know the total number of bytes I am working with to calculate the total percent of all images that have been downloaded.
My issue is that it seems to be loading the images in a generally linear way (loads all of the first pic, then starts loading the second pic, etc...) and .bytesTotal is returning as 0 for all pics that have not yet started loading.
Anyone know how I can grab the total bytes of each image prior to the actual download of the image?
I'm trying to load a SWF movie into a target movieclip called blankmc. The SWF movie is loaded from an absolute URL (eg. [URL]/img/20042005113934movie3.swf ) My Loading Progress code fails to detect the SWF file size. However the same code works perfectly for a JPG! Essentially the .getBytesLoaded() and .getBytesTotal fail to work. Why is this and how can I get it to work for loading SWFs?
I've found the loader component handy in loading JPEGs and scaling them to the specified size. However, I've found it a little annoying that when the image is loaded, sometimes you can see the image in it's original size for a fraction of a second before it's resized to fit the loader. Is there any way to avoid this -- such as the loader only being visible after the image is resized?