How do I know that my preloader is loading the rest of my file? I put a preloader on the first frame The rest of my web site is on the second frame If that takes too long to load up, I want the preloader to load. How do I know it is actually loading up the rest of the site? Or, is that not what a preloader actually does?
My Preloader works fine when I preview in Download mode BUT only loads the first frame of animation.I have attached my file- just a simple image fade ( it has a lot more images but no space here!)Here is the code in the Actions layer:
I have a preloader that is about 150kB in size and it doesn't load completely until about half of my 6MB movie (yet to be optimized) loads. So by the time my preloader progress graphics come up, 50% of the whole 6MB movie is already loaded. Moreover, it's blank until 50% of the movie is loaded (the preloader just seems to wait until that point before it's graphics and actions begin)?
I have the pre-Loader in the first frame of the movie and the movie begins in the second frame. I tried using separate scenes (a preloader scene preceding a scene for the rest of the movie) and that exhibited identical behavior.
Question: Is there any way I can force my preloader to completely load and run--load progress graphics and all--before the rest of the movie starts loading?
(see code below just in case).
Also - I'm using greensock tweenlite in the preloader, would that make a difference?
PS: When I say movie, it's actually a website
PSS: I'm using MovieClip(root).loaderInfo.bytesLoaded and bytesTotal etc...
I'm in the middle of optimising a site, to which end I've constructed a preloader / welcome screen. My problem is that although the preloader apparently works (as in the bar moves and a numerical "percentage loaded" value is displayed), it only appears once the rest of the site is 80-90% loaded, i.e defeating its purpose.....?
i was creating my portfolio using xml gallery script from this site. the thing is that it loads one picture at a the with a preloader between each load. is there a way to load the first image and keep loading the rest so there will be only one loading time? here is my action script:
what I'm trying to do is make a preloader that will preload about 20 external SWF files before it lets you get to my main file. I want to do this because my main file needs the SWFs to be ready to go once its done loading. I have looked around and i found a few ways to do this with the "if (loadedBytes>=totalBytes)" and the code loops back till the files are done loading... this would be just what i need but i cant seem to get it to work. the file just seems to start loading my files but does not loop and just runs the time-line even once i state what frames i want it to loop.
Can you put a loading bar on, say, frame 1 and have Flash show it? Or do you need to put in another file and load the external SWF (which I am loading is 1.8 mb) into another SWF to have a loading screen? It would be convenient if you could do it in the same file
I am currently preloading it (game.swf) from another SWF file (gameload.swf). However, game.swf's sound files are not playing, and I'm just testing it locally. All sounds exported for actionscript are not playing
i use an action for preloading a movieclip on my website and it works the first time it downloads, but when you click on the gallery again, it doesnt load, but just shows the start of the preloader.The site:[link removed at poster's request]You can see the problem if you click on "Talk Show Hosts", wait untill it loads, click clients and then back to "Talk Show Hosts".Now it doesnt load, and its the same with the other galleries.The site works by loading an external swf file with the UILoader, the swf that is loaded is a ScrollPane that loads a Movieclip.
stop(); //PreloaderloaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreloader); function updatePreloader(evtObj:ProgressEvent):void{ //container for the progress of
Code: filename = ["header1.swf", "header2.swf", "header3.swf", "header4.swf", "header5.swf"]; path = "[URL]"; i = filename.length; k = Math.floor(Math.random()*i); loadMovie(path+filename[k], movieTarget);
That is the code that I am using for the container swf. I know the code works because I used it for static images and it worked fine. When I take a look and the HTML file, this is the error I get. "A script in this movie is causing Macromedia FLash Player 7 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive." Each of the header swf files are about 40k, and they each load AS from a single AS file. Do I need a preloader?
I am having a problem, After Loading External SWF on a Movieclip and Zoom in/out when loading the other SWF on same Movieclip can't able to rest to normal size for zoom in/out im using scaleX,scaleY. When i click to load other SWF i'm giving size of widht and height to set back orginal size.[code]
I have created a preloader, and I want to tell the action script of the preloader once the file is done loading, put it away and load a new movie, or even a new flash file if i have is the action script i have on the loader right now. Its just numbers counting from 1-100% and a .gif clip that plays but they are not connected in any way.
I want to create a preloader that plays a certain amount of frames as it loads the rest of the frames. So, I have labels on the frames basically and need a preloader to play the "loading" frames as it is loading the "content" frames. Does that make sense? I have no idea how to even start this one... p.s. I am using AS 2.0, but if it can be done in 3.0 easier, I can switch over its no biggie
I've been searching to find a simple answer to external preloaders, but it seems there are many ways to accomplish this with ac3. I am new to as3 and this is what I've come up with so far:
green_mc.scaleX = 0; black_mc.scaleX = 0; var loader = new Loader(); loader.load(new URLRequest("zibapistachiointeractivesmfilesize03.swf")); [Code] .....
Everything else is working except my dynamic text that should also be calculating the % of loading.
I have created a preloader in flash, with help from a tutorial, but it doesn't work properly. The preloader starts with loading on 100%. This is what I'm talking about:[url].......I created a smaller file to demonstrate my problem.
[URL] The website button function and External swf transition scripting is base on that tutorial. it would be great if i could let peoples to see the preloading process while my web loading the external swf file.. can any one here tell me how to add a preloader to show loading progress every time the external swf files loading?
I have preloader bar of loading video. If i use NetStream actions bytesLoaded and bytesTotal to create preloader this show how many bytes are loaded I want to create how many seconds of video file are loaded. The same preloader are on youtube player. If i use NetStream actions and if i move slider of position to end of preloader bar video is no playing from place where i put slider but slider are go back, and then video is playing. I want to video are playing from place where i put slider.
The system is a Flex application communicating with a WCF REST web service. I am trying to upload a file from the Flex application to the server and am running into some issues. I'm using a FileReference in the Flex app to browse and upload the file as defined here: [URL]. I am then receiving the file as a Stream (shows as System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.StreamFormatter.MessageBodyStream in the debugger) in the WCF REST web service (using project type of WCF 4 REST Service)
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "_test/upload")] public void UploadImage(Stream data) { // TODO: just hardcode filename for now var filepath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\_testfile.txt"); using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(filepath)){ [Code] .....
Basically I have imported .flv videos into my flash website. The actual .flv videos have been uploaded to my website so the player skin is the only thing on each page and each skin is linked to the url of the video location. Hope its making sense so far. My problem is that the first video works fine but the other 3 videos do not play...the video player skin does not even turn up. I have also uploaded the "ClearOverPlaySeekMute.swf" video skin file onto my website but still does not work..Heres the flash website (its my own portfolio). If you go onto the "Projects" page and click on Solar System and go through the pages then you will see what I mean.URL...
And I'm using the multipart parser from here: issue is that the above works great for some files (.bat, .txt, .cs, .doc) - I see in Fiddler all the good signs including the 200 (OK) status. When I try to upload other files (.xls, .vsd), it fails with a 400 (Bad Request) status. I'm very surprised that a .doc would work and a .xls and .vsd would fail.
It is consistent as well. I've uploaded several .doc files successfully without any failures. I've also tried to upload several .xls files - some succeed, some fail (the successes are consistent over and over, the failures are consistent over and over). As I write this and test more and more files, there is a .pdf file that consistently produces a 504 (Fiddler - Receive Failure) error.
FYI, I am using Flex on the client and using the FileReference class to do the uploads. The Flex code is as standard as they come - using this code with the only change being the WCF REST URL: http:[url].....
I have a site with a common SWF embedded at the top of each page, and then regurlar graphic/text HTML content below it.I was anticipating that the SWF might have a bit of a delay for it to load, and that the rest of the page would be appearing pretty much right away... and that DOES happen from time to time.
However, the one thing I wasn't expecting, and don't quite understand, is that sometimes the SWF will appear first and even start playing, yet the rest of the page doesn't appear for a second or two, so I end up with this SWF movie floating in black.
Not entirely sure what is holding the page back, since most of the graphics are shared/common on each page. There are some embedded videos (with poster frames, so they shouldn't take too long to load) on some pages, which are probably the culprits.
What I don't get (besides how to further optimize the pages), is why the SWF appears and plays, if it is an element within the table that contains all the content of the page. I thought that tables only display once EVERYTHING in it is loaded... So, why would the SWF appear before the other elements are ready? I'm assuming the other (non-common) elements are not finished downloading... although I'm starting to suspect that maybe they are, and the delay is something else... like the embedded QT's 'initializing' or something?
in XML gallery , how we can load all images first so that rest of the slide show runs smoothly
For example: I have placed 10 images in XML , when slideshow starts , all the effects not appears , because it waste time in loading each image on its turn I want to load all images first , then want to start the slideshow how i load all images at the start ?
I have a simple flash banner that is pulling a number from an xml file on a different server. When it gets to the frame where the number should be it just says "transferring data from and will not actually pull in the number. Unfortunately I can't put the files on the same servers.below are the links and the xml code I'm using followed by the action script.[URL]
I'm following lessons 11 on ActionScript 3.0 (classroom in a book) and I am using Flash professional CS4; I have properly copied and pated lessons from the CD to my PC. I'm up to the stage where it describes the process of loading external files dynamically by using xml list. I have followed it to a tee, however when I came round to test it, it does load the list however the next video is not showing up.
I have created a SWF file with a button which is action scripted to load a FLV video. However I am still not sure that I am filepathing the inserted FLV file correctly. I have set the absolute file path including however the movie does not load. Is the _root correct? Should this be cleared?
i want the .SWF file to be opened but not donwloaded until a button is pressed but don't know ho to do that..on frame 1 i have an object (movieclip) that consists of a logo with a blur effect.. after 1-2 seconds the blur effect goes away and you can see the logo. the logo itself is a button that send's the user to the next frame in the main scene.on frame 2 of the main scene i have a preloader that shows the percentage of the loaded page and a progress bar .. everything works great
the problem is that when you open the swf it starts downloading the hole flash site and when you press enter the site is already loaded and you can't see the progress bar of the preloader..i want only the 1 frame of the main scene to be loded, then i want i to stop loading (downloading) the SWF file until enter is pressed.when enter is pressed i want the flash site to be loaded and so you can see the preloader in action..can i put some code on the action layer on the 1 frame that stops loading the movie (the first frame is loaded and the blur effect of the logo plays).and another code on the second frame (where the preloader is visible) that starts the donwloading again?
I try to load 4 pictures. Loading is fine but the order is reverse.This is the code:
function showThumbnail(id:String, xmllist:XMLList):void{ var pics:XMLList = xmllist.(@name == id).*; for each(var i:XML in pics.pic){ var loader:Loader = new Loader();
The "I" is the picture index. I think the order should be 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png just like the order of the xml ~~This is the output:
When i load the audio as mp3 file some time it will throw error.The error is "one or more files cannot be imported" Then i convert the audio file as wav file,but the quality of the audio is not good.