Professional :: Loading The Vidlist.xml File?

Oct 20, 2011

I'm following lessons 11 on ActionScript 3.0 (classroom in a book) and I am using Flash professional CS4; I have properly copied and pated lessons from the CD to my PC. I'm up to the stage where it describes the process of loading external files dynamically by using xml list. I have followed it to a tee, however when I came round to test it, it does load the list however the next video is not showing up.

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Professional :: Xml File Not Loading From Different Server?

May 6, 2010

I have a simple flash banner that is pulling a number from an xml file on a different server. When it gets to the frame where the number should be it just says "transferring data from and will not actually pull in the number. Unfortunately I can't put the files on the same servers.below are the links and the xml code I'm using followed by the action script.[URL]

<?xml version="1.0"?>

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Professional :: SWF File With Button For Loading FLV Video

Jan 6, 2010

I have created a SWF file with a button which is action scripted to load a FLV video. However I am still not sure that I am filepathing the inserted FLV file correctly. I have set the absolute file path including however the movie does not load. Is the _root correct? Should this be cleared?

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Professional :: Stop Loading The Flash File?

Jun 21, 2010

i want the .SWF file to be opened but not donwloaded until a button is pressed but don't know ho to do that..on frame 1 i have an object (movieclip) that consists of a logo with a blur effect.. after 1-2 seconds the blur effect goes away and you can see the logo. the logo itself is a button that send's the user to the next frame in the main scene.on frame 2 of the main scene i have a preloader that shows the percentage of the loaded page and a progress bar .. everything works great

the problem is that when you open the swf it starts downloading the hole flash site and when you press enter the site is already loaded and you can't see the progress bar of the preloader..i want only the 1 frame of the main scene to be loded, then i want i to stop loading (downloading) the SWF file until enter is pressed.when enter is pressed i want the flash site to be loaded and so you can see the preloader in action..can i put some code on the action layer on the 1 frame that stops loading the movie (the first frame is loaded and the blur effect of the logo plays).and another code on the second frame (where the preloader is visible) that starts the donwloading again?

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Professional :: Loading File Order Reverse?

Sep 14, 2010

I try to load 4 pictures. Loading is fine but the order is reverse.This is the code:
function showThumbnail(id:String, xmllist:XMLList):void{
var pics:XMLList = xmllist.(@name == id).*;
for each(var i:XML in pics.pic){
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

The "I" is the picture index. I think the order should be 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png just like the order of  the xml ~~This is the output:
I:1 mc.x:11 mc.y:27 file:///D|/works/Flash/thumbnails/4.png I:2 mc.x:11 mc.y:210 file:///D|/works/Flash/thumbnails/3.png I:3 mc.x:11 mc.y:393 file:///D|/works/Flash/thumbnails/2.png I:4 mc.x:11 mc.y:576 file:///D|/works/Flash/thumbnails/1.png

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Professional :: Is Preloader Loading Rest Of File

Sep 15, 2010

How do I know that my preloader is loading the rest of my file?  I put a preloader on the first frame  The rest of my web site is on the second frame  If that takes too long to load up, I want the  preloader to load.  How do I know it is actually loading up the rest of the site?  Or, is that not what a preloader actually does?

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Professional :: Loading Audio File In Flash?

Oct 23, 2011

When i load the audio as mp3 file some time it will throw error.The error is "one or more files cannot be imported" Then i convert the audio file as wav file,but the quality of the audio is not good.

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Professional :: Loading External Text File Into Animation?

May 6, 2010

I'm a total rookie working with flash and i'm wondering if theres a way to call in text from an external file. I'm building a news feed on my companies home page, and I'd like to be able to have my boss edit it easily 'cause he doesn't know how to use flash.
you can see it here... [URL]

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Professional :: Loading A Text File Into A Global Variable?

Jan 6, 2011

From all the documentation and examples I can find, it appears that it would be
correct to create a global array variable [outside of any functions] to load image names into, then use these images for a slideshow. I want to make the app dynamic, in that changing the text file gives a new set of images.
The global variable goes null [no values] after the load event listener. Why is that?
Isn't global, well global, and alive for the duration of the SWF?
monthNames=January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September ,October,November,December&dayNames=Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Th ursday,Friday,Saturday

How do I access these values after loading from the external file, after the load?

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Professional :: Loading External Audio File In Array?

Dec 7, 2011

I have figured out how to load an external video file - and I can play an imported audio file, but I can't seem to use either method to load an external audio file into an array.

Here is my audio code:
var tour_audio:Array = [tour1, tour2];
var my_num:Number= Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
var ChosenSound = tour_audio[my_num];
var playing:Sound = new ChosenSound();;

Here is my video code:
var my_videos:Array=new Array ("link1.mp4", " link2.mp4", " link3.mp4", " link4.mp4");
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*my_videos.length);
my_player.source = my_videos[randomIndex];
I tried "var tour_audio:Array = ["link1.mp3", "link2.np3"]; - but that did not work.

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Professional :: Loading A Var From A File And Replacing It With An Updated Version?

Jan 27, 2012

I would like to have flash (as3) to save a var to a text file located on my server so everyone can reach it from their client swfs. I also need to know how to update this variable by loading latest var on the server and writing over it with a new updated var I've read so much already and it all seems so confusing[URL]

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Professional :: Loading From Text File Unable To Display Certain Letters Such As W And ?

Feb 13, 2011

I downloaded a flash template that includes a text file that it uses to load the content. So, I opened the text file and started to make changes to certain text and when I view the changes I noticed that certain letters and characters are not being displayed such as the letter w and the question mark ? and other is an example of the text I included in the text file:
&privacy_title1=Privacy Policy&privacy_txt1= what information do we collect?
We collect information from you when you register on our site, place an order or fill out a form.When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address, mailing address or phone number. You may, however, visit our site anonymously.As you can see the w is missing and the question mark and some other letters.

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Professional :: Loading Vector Graphics File Format In IOS Converted App?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm going to create a iOS app in flash and convert. I'm thinking I may want to load graphic assets at runtime. I'd like these assets to be vector graphics so they can be resized easily with no quality degradation. I usually use SWF files ofr this purpose. Unless I'm wrong, a converted iOS app probably does not load SWF files. So I'm wondering what kind of vector graphics file format can iOS load at runtime?

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Professional :: Multiple Fla Projects - When Loading Main Swf File 3 Other Swf Files Are Also Loaded

May 31, 2011

I am new flash developer, and inherited a project which has 4 fla project files. When it runs inside a browser, it appears "window" which occupies whole browser. This project is write in Flash CS3. I have few questions:

1). When loading main swf file, 3 other swf files are also loaded. These swf files are communicating with each other through message. When debug the mail swf with CS3, I can set breakpoint and the program can stop only at limited AS files. My questions is how to debug other AS files in other swf file?

2) I used CS5. It seems that I can stop at more AS files, which does not belong to main swf file. Why?

My questions is should I use CS5, which might makes debugging easier? Is it right direction to go to debug multiple swf? (For CS5, I need to fix some code in order to make the program fully working as CS3)

3) What's best tool to use for such project since CS3 is very old. Should I use Flash builder, Flex. Amethyst?

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Professional :: Jpeg Quality Slider - Reduce The .swf File Size For Faster Loading

May 10, 2010

I am new to Flash CS5 and I have created a slide show. I am trying to reduce the .swf file size for faster loading. I have been trying to adjust the size using the jpeg quality slider, but it doesn't seem to function whether I set it to 0 or 100 or anywhere in between. Publishing always generates the same size swf file.

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Professional :: Make A Small Round Ring Rotate As Long As The File Is Loading?

May 30, 2010

im following some suggestions to cut my flash website into a few sections to make preloading a bit easier.
so all i want is to make a small round ring rotate as long as the file is loading. so i looked and followed a lot tutorials but all the preloaders tutorials are much more compliceted then i need. they all have persentige sowing, and a bar that is filling according to how much the file has loaded, and colors changing etc. so i tried to take from the tutorials wat i need for my simple preloader to work but i get stuck.i built the animation of the rotating ring, but i get stuck with the actions i need to make the animation work as long as the file is working. i called my ring animation "circularloader". here is a image of the page with the ring:

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Javascript :: Defer Loading Elements Until Flash Gallery Images From XML File Finish Loading?

Nov 15, 2010

How would you defer loading of other graphics on the page until after the images in a Flash gallery's images.xml file are finished loading?Is there any way to detect for this, or would I only be able to check if the flash swf object is finished loading? I'm pretty sure the swf object would be loaded/ready as with document.getElementById('flashobject').onload = function(){}; before the corresponding images have loaded though, instead of after.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading File Plays Before Loading Is Complete

Sep 4, 2009

I have a "loader.swf" after which my "main.swf" loades. I have used a loaderPro v3 (AS2) component. Doing that was easy but then when it starts loading, even before the loading completes the main.swf starts playing in the background. And i have no coding in my actions panel.

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Media Server :: Connection Failed When Loading .asc File On Main.asc File

Jan 6, 2011

Got a really big problem here. I keep on getting "NetConnection.Connect.Failed" when I load a .asc file on my main.asc file, i use the method load() in my code. I really don't understand why this happens, but when i comment out the code that loads the asc file, I can successfully connect to fms. I can't figure out what's happening here. Btw, i'm using fms4 in windows 7 32bit.

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Multi File Preloader - File Start Loading Files But Does Not Loop?

Jan 6, 2010

what I'm trying to do is make a preloader that will preload about 20 external SWF files before it lets you get to my main file. I want to do this because my main file needs the SWFs to be ready to go once its done loading. I have looked around and i found a few ways to do this with the "if (loadedBytes>=totalBytes)" and the code loops back till the files are done loading... this would be just what i need but i cant seem to get it to work. the file just seems to start loading my files but does not loop and just runs the time-line even once i state what frames i want it to loop.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading Swf File Into An Existing Flash File - Script For Waiting It To Play Until It's Fully Loaded?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a flash file that is 1.5mb in size. As it takes about 6 minutes for someone on dialup to load this file, I have created a smaller swf file and loaded the larger one from it but I don't want the larger one to begin to play until it's fully downloaded. How do I set this up? I have set up the action script 2 as follows: loadMovieNum("top2.swf", 0);

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Flex :: Extract A Zip File From A Zip Archive Without Loading The Whole File Into Memory

Mar 10, 2011

Is there a way to extract a single file from a zip file in Adobe AIR?

I'm using NoChumps zip library to extract files from a zip. In this library the entire IDataStream is loaded into memory and after that you can extract file entries easily. In cases where the zip is 5 to 10MB there are no problems. But when the zip is 80MB, which many are, 80MB is loaded into memory. This causes the app to crash and run slow on mobile devices. According to the zip specification,

"A ZIP file is identified by the presence of a central directory located at the end of the file, this allows appending of new files. The directory stores a list of the names of the entries (files or directories) stored in the ZIP file, along with other metadata about the entry, and an offset into the ZIP file, pointing to the actual entry data."

Also, I do not have control of the size of zip files but most average is 60 to 100MB. Files inside are ~4MB.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LOADING FILE. File Plays Before Loding Is Complete?

Sep 5, 2009

I have a "loader.swf" after which my "main.swf" loades. I have used a loaderPro v3 (AS2) component. Doing that was easy but then when it starts loading, even before the loading completes the main.swf starts playing in the background. And i have no coding in my actions panel.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check File Name Case When Loading A File?

Sep 21, 2009

Is there a way to check file name case when loading a file? For example:

My URLRequest has this: "filename1.swf", but the actual file on the server is this FILENAME1.swf. Since the file names do not match case, is there a way i can have flash and AS3 catch this?

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Data Integration :: Loading Remote XML File Into SWF File?

Jan 28, 2007

I have a problem loading remote XML file into SWF file. Im doing a banner for a client with adds that is supose to load constantly updated XML file from my clients server and load some images into flash form it. Everything works fine when i test the movie (CTRL+ENTER), but when i publish it and test it from explorer, XML file is just not loading into flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Swf File Into A Main Swf File?

May 18, 2011

I have problem in loading multiple swf file into a main swf file. I will state the things clearly at first. I have a main Index file to which i have to load some swf files which i have placed in a seprate folder. I tried to load those movies to main swf file using loadMovie it worked well when i give the exact path of the swf movies in subfolders. Aslo it worked when i placed the entire swf files including the Index file on a single folder, this worked only on my local machine suppose if i copy those entire folder to some other Computer and tried to run the Index file it doesnt works if it is in an single folder it works. The thing i need is the Index file alone has to be placed on the main folder and rest of the Swf file has to be placed on sub folder so when i run the index file it has to load the required swf file from sub folder this even have to work when i run the application on some other computers.

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Professional :: Loading Components After Loading .fla?

Sep 17, 2010

I've been working on building a flash website for my company and was finally getting somewhere when I encountered a problem I cannot solve. I have it setup so that when you click on an item on the first scene it plays the second scene which is where the customization of the item is to take place. The second scene is where I am encountering the problem. I have seven buttons on the left side of the stage that are on their own separate layer. Everything was working fine until I saved and quit. Now when I bring up the second scene the buttons are all grouped together and uneditable. Also the buttons are extremely small and when I compile the swf file and view the movie all I see is the label of the buttons not the actual buttons themselves. I have tried deleting the button layer completely and redo the layer but every time I add the button component it add the same tiny uneditable button. I am including the errors that I am getting in output when viewing the swf.

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.  at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()  at fl.controls::BaseButton/drawBackground()  at fl.controls::LabelButton/draw()  at


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Frames On One .swf File From Another .swf File

Feb 2, 2009

[URL] I'm using 2 .swf files. The Main.swf file loads the portfolio.swf file when you click on the Portfolio tab. On the portfolio.swf page I have 4 buttons that go to different frames on the portfolio.swf file The buttons do not work when you click on them and I have no idea why.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An Xml File File That Has 32mg?

Feb 7, 2009

Im loading an xml file file that has 32mg, and it is taking up to 30 minutes for flash to load it. Is it normal to take that much time to load a 32 mb file??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Swf File In Another Flash File

Dec 30, 2011

I have a website.fla and want to add a slideshow.swf to one of the pages.

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