ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Preloader Into External Swf File For Transition Loading Question?
Apr 18, 2007
[URL] The website button function and External swf transition scripting is base on that tutorial. it would be great if i could let peoples to see the preloading process while my web loading the external swf file.. can any one here tell me how to add a preloader to show loading progress every time the external swf files loading?
I'm hoping someone out there with a wee problem-ette I'm having with loading external swf's with a transition. I've worked through Voetsjoeba's tutorial and have found it works excellently. However, I'm putting together a site and using it to teach myself some more in-depth AS and I'm trying to get my head around which bits of script work with which. I've attached my main site SWF and one of the external SWFs that I'm loading in so you can see what I'm up to.
I'm trying to make a navigation system for my website where each nav item is loaded as an external .swf. I was able to get that functionality in place. The problem is I want to add a preloader for these external swfs as well.
The code I'm working with is this:
var loadedSWF:Loader = null; /** * Loads an SWF and adds it to container once complete * @param file The URL to the SWF to load
I've got a Flash AS3 animation that is completely coded in an .as file. The only thing on the timeline is the background image. All of the movieclips are Exported for ActionScript in frame1. How would I go about adding a preloader into the .as file? I have tried a couple that I've found through Google but they don't seem to work as the .as file seems to be loaded instantly.
what I'm trying to do is make a preloader that will preload about 20 external SWF files before it lets you get to my main file. I want to do this because my main file needs the SWFs to be ready to go once its done loading. I have looked around and i found a few ways to do this with the "if (loadedBytes>=totalBytes)" and the code loops back till the files are done loading... this would be just what i need but i cant seem to get it to work. the file just seems to start loading my files but does not loop and just runs the time-line even once i state what frames i want it to loop.
Having problems with creating a simple progress bar with percentage loader recieving bytes loaded from a external swf file loading into a empty movieclip using as2. When exported the progress bar is complete and reads 100% and doesn't load the swf. Other attempts resulted with the loader not being shown and the swf being loaded, which is good but, the progress loader doesn't appear.
Here is the code I'm using. -------------------------------- //First Frame
I'm creating a flash 3d website for a company. The idea is that there is one overall swf file - this holds the navigation and design. Once the user clicks on a button, it goes to frame 10, I have included the following script to load a swf file
the preloader works, but instead of going to frame 2 of that swf file, it goes to frame 2 of the overall swf that holds the navigation. Does anyone know how to get around this so that it goes to frame 2 in the same swf file as the preloader?
I'm creating a website with an animated intro. I would like the intro and the website to load at the same time using the same would be Swf 1 + swf 2 = total bytes
First of I'm using Flash CS4 and AS 3.0 I'm trying to make a photo gallery for my website. I have the gallery all setup and made and now I need a preloader for loading my images. Right now my gallery is setup like this:
-A list of clickable thumbnails. (20 thumbnails)
-A UILoader
-You click a thumbnail and it loads an external image into the UILoader.
Actionscript: I have an array with 20 images. I have 20 different event listeners for each thumbnail.
The eventlistener looks like this: thumbs.thumbs1.t1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent. CLICK, loadP1); The function looks like this:
The UILoader is inside 2 moveclips because of a transition effect I have. The buttons are also 2 movieclips deep because of motion tweens.specific reason.
Basically I have this one level "stencil.swf" which is a page showing thumbnails.when you click on one of the thumbnails it does an onrelease / loadmovie that loads an above level of one the works ("stencil1.swf", "stencil2.swf" etc etc) pertaining to the thumbnail you clicked..What the problem is when you click a thumbnail some of those external swf's take a while to load and you can't tell anything is happening. I know I need to put a preloader on the main stencil level to show that it's loading something above, but I don't know where? is there a way to run a preloader when you onrelease?
looking around this site I've found you can do a levelXX.getbytes in the main level so that it will tell you something is loading above, but I don't know how this can work for me in my case because they load onrelease, where would I put these loaders for each thumbnail? I'm stuck, and I have 2 more pages with similar problems. because they are loading when you click a here for files
files include "stencil.fla" - which is the main level "stencil1.swf" "stencil2.swf" "stencil3.swf" "stencil4.swf" etc - the swf's that load in
I created a flash slideshow which preloads the images. After preloading the images, it proceeds to load an external flash file and then the images. The problem is, very very occasionally, it will fail to actually load the images into view, and I'll just see the preloading animation, but it might still load the external swf. Additionally, it might do the reverse, and load the images and not load the external swf.
Here is the (I think) relevant code: function onXMLLoadComplete(e:Event):void { // create new xml with the received data xmlSlideshow = new XML(; // get total slide count // misc xml data [Code] ..... The live site is here: [URL]
I am facing a problem using a preloader which is nested in an MC. When I load an external swf the preloader gets stuck on 100%. This is the code for the preloader:
ActionScript Code: //stoped the playback MovieClip(root).stop(); //importing all neccessary libraries import flash.utils.Timer; [Code]...
I'm made a simple preloader that works fine for my main movie. Now I need it to work when loading external movies.Below is the code I'm using (AS 2.0) for the preloader.
I can't get the preloader to show when loading these external swfs.The functionality works but I need to show the preloader. When I test it the first movie will show the preloader.Does anything in my code keep the preloader from showing?[code]
My preloader works fine only for the first time, then after it not works ? I got 3 buttons on the stage which are calling 3 external swfs. I am getting this Error ?
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. at flash.display:: DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild() at Design_fla::MainTimeline/finishLoading()
I'm writing a preloader to load external movie clips but my function doesn't seem to be working properly. I call the function and it says that 100% is loaded and makes the movie clip thats showing the out put invisible...thats what supposed to happen except for the going to 100% straight away. the percent is being calculated properly but i think that the function is being executed before the new movie even starts to load...i've tried movieClip.onData but it doesn't seem to work..
I can't get the preloader to show when loading these external swfs. The functionality works but I need to show the preloader. When I test it the first movie will show the preloader. Does anything in my code keep the preloader from showing?
I've been searching to find a simple answer to external preloaders, but it seems there are many ways to accomplish this with ac3. I am new to as3 and this is what I've come up with so far:
green_mc.scaleX = 0; black_mc.scaleX = 0; var loader = new Loader(); loader.load(new URLRequest("zibapistachiointeractivesmfilesize03.swf")); [Code] .....
Everything else is working except my dynamic text that should also be calculating the % of loading.
Can you put a loading bar on, say, frame 1 and have Flash show it? Or do you need to put in another file and load the external SWF (which I am loading is 1.8 mb) into another SWF to have a loading screen? It would be convenient if you could do it in the same file
I am currently preloading it (game.swf) from another SWF file (gameload.swf). However, game.swf's sound files are not playing, and I'm just testing it locally. All sounds exported for actionscript are not playing
How do I use a dynamic preloader [say a circular preloader that I've designed myself and not the ProgressBar preloader] to load an external jpg. Obviously, the jpg would be contained within a movie clip, say, 'imageHolder'. In short, I'd like this dynamic preloader to load the external jpg into the movie clip 'imageHolder' placed within my swf.All that needs to be figured out is how to attach any dynamic preloader to load external pics.[code]
I'm working on a project that requires a swf file to have a built in preloader. In the past, puting a preloader in caused problems, because the preloader, wouldn't load until about 90% of the swf had allready loaded. Is there a way to tell flash to load a particular frame first? Or perhaps stream itself?
How do I know that my preloader is loading the rest of my file? I put a preloader on the first frame The rest of my web site is on the second frame If that takes too long to load up, I want the preloader to load. How do I know it is actually loading up the rest of the site? Or, is that not what a preloader actually does?
Code: filename = ["header1.swf", "header2.swf", "header3.swf", "header4.swf", "header5.swf"]; path = "[URL]"; i = filename.length; k = Math.floor(Math.random()*i); loadMovie(path+filename[k], movieTarget);
That is the code that I am using for the container swf. I know the code works because I used it for static images and it worked fine. When I take a look and the HTML file, this is the error I get. "A script in this movie is causing Macromedia FLash Player 7 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive." Each of the header swf files are about 40k, and they each load AS from a single AS file. Do I need a preloader?
I'm trying to wrap my head around AS3 and it isn't going well. I'm getting stuck on the most basic of problems it's making me pretty angry. I'm trying to do something as simple as reference the stage and I just can't figure it out; something that usually takes me seconds has eaten up 2 days of my time.
I have a Main.fla that outputs Main.swf; it contains no script, only library assets. I have a document class set up using, which itself has 1 trace and code to run the Preloader class, which is held in
I have a preloader that loads an external .swf file. Preloader works fine, technically the external .swf loads fine, but the external .swf is scaled up so you can only see about 2/3 of the screen. I made the stage for the preloader the same size as the stage for the external swf. I used the HTML for the swf that gets loaded, and just changed the file name to that of my loader.
I used the CS5 Flash templates>sample files>preloader for external file, to create my preloader.The problem is that when the preloader is done and my SWF is loaded, my SWF has already started playing.It is an animation that builds for 200 frames then buttons appear.By the time the SWF appears it has already gotten to the button frame.Depending on connection speed I have caught the animation building.
Here is the preloader action: var contentLoader:Loader; loadContent("stage002.swf"); function loadContent(url:String):void { contentLoader = new Loader();