ActionScript 1/2 :: Icon Of The Exported Projector File Be Changed / Personalized?
Aug 1, 2009
right-click on a Windows folder, as an example, and to change its icon. Right-clicking on the .exe projector file icon doesn't bring up any such option. Can this icon be changed through ActionScript somehow?
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May 27, 2010
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So, what exactly IS it doing to each layer? What is it exporting them as? How compatible is that on other systems (browsers, O/S's, etc) these days? Also, are PNG files now fully supported in all browsers and systems?I'd hate to build my whole site, only to find that it's not compatible on some other system....Bit of back story... I'm creating a multi-layered interface (background, then another level with some random loaded swf file, then the 'moving stuff' (nav buttons, titles, etc), and then an odd shaped frame on top of that. Previously, I did it by making everything with Flash vectors... but this time, I tried making all the elements/layers in Photoshop with just bitmaps (rather than vectors), as I wanted a bit more detail.
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If so, how did you get it work work again? What did you do to maintain the programming?
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ActionScript Code:
var myXML:XML;
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
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Nov 17, 2009
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var xmlholder:URLLoader=new URLLoader(new URLRequest("test.xml"));
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May 3, 2011
I have a little concern. I started trying to make a MenuBar control with custom icons already made in FXG format. I have 3 FXG files in "" inside my project folder:
After reading the following two links and a bunch of web pages.
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Aug 3, 2011
I ve got this xml file called "icon.xml" saved in the same folder of my flash file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
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Jul 9, 2010
Can the background color of the stage be changed from an external XML file?
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Mar 3, 2012
I published an app to Air 2.5 (.air) from Adobe Flash CS 5 and afterwards also to Air Android (.apk) Since then I receive this error message if I try to publish as .air again:
Error creating files. Icon file is missing.
I tried to delete and recreate the folder and pathes but the error still appears.
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Jun 21, 2011
I am converting all embed statements in my site with lazy loading. The code which was previously like this:
[Embed(source="/newswf.swf", symbol="kungfu")]
public static var Kungfu:Class;
has now been converted to this form:
private var _loader:Loader = new Loader();
public static var abcd:Class = null;
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May 28, 2009
What is the trick to develop an SWF that reads user input text and then displays it after submissions? Should I have the SWF read the text from an XML that receives the data? Basically, it is a greeting card and people can send a personalized message to a recipient.
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Jun 13, 2009
I'm trying to create a personalized gallery, so far it's going ok. What I have is 9 thumbnails, which load an image with an invisible button linked to the button which loads a larger version of the image to the side.
What I would like to do is then click on the larger image and have this pop up in a new window so that the image is loaded on it's own and can be downloaded etc; My thumbnails are loading as follows...
loadMovie("gallery1t.jpg", thumb1.image);
Then when I click on them , I get it to load the medium sized image into the larger image holder.
thumb1.button.onRelease = function() {
loadMovie("", portrait);
loadMovie("", landscape); caption.text = "";
How would I then get the image on my flash page to know what image it is showing and then open gallery1l.jpg when clicked. The full sized image.
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Nov 9, 2009
I am trying to create an e-card with a personalized picture on it.
Does anyone know somewhere with a tutorial teaching me how to create one. I wish it to be like a christmass card that opens.
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May 24, 2011
I have two seperate machines I work on. Is it possible to have a true fullscreen? It was possible in as2, but all examples I've seen on this forum haven't worked. I will not be using an accompanying html file, I will be publishing to exe.
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Oct 10, 2005
I have this project that requires opening pdf's in acrobat reader that needs to be burned on a CD ROM as a self contained EXE. So I am designing this in flash with buttons that will open pdf's, then I'm exporting this as a swf and importing that into Director and then exporting it as an exe. Why you ask... it seems when I export the flash file as an exe, it needs flash player installed to open the exe. This project needs to be burned on a cd rom and as a stand alone player that will open pdf's in reader.
So my question; Is there an easier way to do this? and How? 2nd, what is the code to open a pdf file from a flash swf/projector in (A.) Acrobat reader or (B.) explorer.
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