ActionScript 1/2 :: Nested Movieclip Not Showing On Stage?

Dec 1, 2009

on frame 1
for (j=0; j<20; j++) { duplicateMovieClip("letterCont", "Letter"+j, j);}
//this frame is executed only once
on frame 2
for (j=0; j<20; j++) { if (j<MsgLen) {
// remove old clip in a loop sequence  _root["Letter"+j]


frame 3 is looped until all 20 are shown and then it send back to frame 2
The checking the data given in frame 3 is correct
What my couse it not to show? is there a way to debug the clip it self the? _x _y _width _height on the debugger has correct values for all clips as expected but the clip is not on the stage why?

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// constructor


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Stage > gunAmmo (TextField)
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........ > >

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Registration point:
top left


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I have a picture of a mine which is nested within an object, nested within another object. Now what I want it that on the keypress of shift, I created mine image at the same position of the tank. The issue is that the main object that is nesting the mine moves, thus not creating at the the center, rather on that position of the object.

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1. Tank Stays in the center
1. Land (moves) -- 2b. map -- 3b. All objects that hitTest
2a. Objects
3b. All the objects that don't get hit (in here is mine.)

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var SliderTestClass = new SliderTestClass;

mContent01.addChild(issSlider); //trace says undefined
addChild(issSlider);//trace says [object SliderTestClass]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Deeply Nested Movieclips On Stage?

Oct 14, 2008

As you can see on the image, ive created a 1-frame-timeline which has a movieclip called Main_mc (instancename is myMain_mc). Main_mc has 3 movieclips, one is called Intro_mc. These 3 movieclips are not present on the whole timeline. F.e. Intro_mc is just present at frame 2-19. All of these movieclips has instance-names, f.e. myIntro_mc.

Intro_mc is again a movieclip which has more movieclips,which are present on certain frames, f.e. one movieclip is just present at frame 12-20. All movieclips has instance-names. (I code into a seprated actionscript-file.

Problem is that i cant refer to moviceclips which are nested in the movieclip "myMain_mc" which is on the main timeline. I can just refer to movieclips which are on the main timeline (like myMain_mc), i cant go deeper.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Passing Coordinates Relative To Stage Into A Nested MC?

Jul 8, 2009

I am building a project where I have 15 'islands' inside one big 'ocean' movie clip. I created navigation buttons so you can explore the Ocean movie clip and look around the islands. my problem comes when i want to 'zoom into an island'
So basically on the stage i have a movie clip called- Ocean_mc, and inside it are 15 movie clips, one of them (for this example) is a movie clip called GreenIsland_mc.
when a user clicks the GreenIsland_mc it needs to expand and place itself centre stage, then when clicked again in needs to colaps back to where it came from. The problem is that when GreenIsland_mc expands it needs to expand to coordinates relative to the stage, but when I shrink it back again it need to find the original coordinates relative to its place inside the Ocean_mc movie clip.


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Actionscript 3 :: Positioning Nested Movieclips Based On Stage?

Aug 12, 2010

I have multiple nested movieclip in its own different movieclip, and i would like to arrange them accordingly. My idea was to use the localToGlobal function. I can get the position of the MC on stage, but how do I use the function and place the MC based on stage?

cAPos = new Point(objectA.y);
newcAPos = objectA.localToGlobal(cAPos);
cBPos = new Point(objectB.y);
newcBPos = objectB.localToGlobal(cBPos);
objectB.y=objectA.y+objectA.height <-- based on stage

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Intercept The Coordinates Of A Nested MC Respect To The Stage?

Oct 14, 2011

I've a button on the stage called "closedbt" that i have to move near an image. This image is nested into a MC named "gallery", then it's coordinates are different from the rest of the stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Centering Nested Movie Clips To Stage?

Aug 16, 2007

I'm currently working in Flash 8 with Actionscript 2.0.

I've been trying different alternatives and none of them are working. I've even posted here previously and tried a few things but I haven't quite resolved my centering to stage problem. Some of you may have already read pieces of this from another post.

I have a landscape that functions sort of like a 360 vr tour. The main movie clip directly on the stage is labeled, "mainMovie", and within it is another movieclip labeled, "singleStrip".

To simulate the 360 vr tour, there's script inside, "mainMovie" to duplicate "singleStrip". Also, inside the "singleStrip" movie clip, I have different elements appearing through the landscape, in this case, we'll use letters as an example. The letters A - Z are sitting on the landscape throughout the entire "singleStrip" movie clip.

Everything rotates fine with the script that's placed some sensitive area movie clips that are placed on the root level. When you place your mouse pointer to the left edge of the stage, the landscape shifts left, when you move the mouse pointer to the right edge, the landscape shifts right, (or vice versa, I can't remember).

The problem I'm having is for the letters that are in view on the stage, I want the user to be able to "click" on them and then that letter zoom up to the center of the stage, (through the "x" coordinate). I'm having difficulty with this since the letter movieclips, (example, "letterA"), are within the "singleStrip" movie clip, which sits inside the "mainMovie" movie clip, which are both constantly moving and their x position continues to change.

I've been using the tween class in order to animate them with easing and it's usually the "endx" variable that I'm having trouble because I don't know how I can match it up to the center of the stage, whether it's a "endx = stage.width._x /2; " or something else. Here's an example of some of the [code]...

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Flash :: Find The Parent Of A Deep-nested Sprite From The Stage?

Jan 21, 2011

I'll give a complete explanation of what I'm trying to do. I have a video player as a separate SWF. In this video player I have a VideoContainer class extending Sprite, which contains the video and a control bar with specific video buttons.

This SWF is loaded in another main SWF, which has a menu that is on top of everything else. When I click "Fullscreen" in the video SWF, everything goes smoothly, except the menu remains on top of the VideoContainer object.

I need a way to change the display order of the loaded SWF, to put it on top of everything else on Fullscreen and change it back when Fullscreen goes off. All this needs to be made inside the video player. Also, the configuration of the children can change (the video player can be loaded in different places in the main SWF), so I can't use a certain unchanging path.

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Horizontal Banner Repeat Without White Stage Showing Inbetween Motions?

Dec 9, 2009

Using Flash CS4 trial I am trying to make a banner on one time line.I have 6 photos on one time line with a right to left motion tween, and I would like it to repeat it  without the white space of the stage appearing inbetween instances.I have tried it with two time lines also, but to no avail.Basically I would like it to repeat picture 1 again from the right side of the stage directly after picture 6 has left the left hand side of the stage without white space.
Also have problems selecting the bez curve, to drag a motion, so far I find if I create a key frame at the end of the timeline and click a couple of times on the mouse (not consistant) then hold the left mouse button down for a few seconds it some times turns the white circle green, then I can move it? but as I said not very consistant.

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