ActionScript 1/2 :: Tell Button To Be Unclickable (and Highlighted) While In Its Section
May 7, 2009
now i've divided my scene with frames labeled. say: at frame 1, it's my about section. At frame 20, its my photo section, etc. on the same scene, i've created my menu to navigate to these sections. each button calls a frame label, and the proper ainmation happens, and then, you're in the section you chose. NOW... (i have a feeling i should of thought about that earlier...) i'm trying to figure out a way to tell my button to be unclickable (and hightlighted) while you're in its section, until you leave that section. i know that my site is probably NOT constructed the way it should be. but starting over isnt really an option, since i have a deadline...
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on (release) {
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heres a link
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<div id="wrapper"><center>
<div id="headerwrap">
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private function selectRow(e:MouseEvent):void {
if( is CellRenderer) {
// do something
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Nov 25, 2004
Have been incorporating XML data into applications for a while now... have now begun using it for medium to large navigation lists.While I can do any method of horizontal, clamshell, expandable, motion-based navigation etc I have a strange problem overall... I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to code a smart function that will check which nav item was clicked and keep it highlighted until another one is clicked... then that one would highlight and all of the others would be un-highlighted.
I can do rollOvers using references to XML array generated items. BUT-- the smart checker is something I cannot figure out... any ideas out there. Must be simple.
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Dec 3, 2010
I'd like to be able to tell my ADG to set a specific row to be highlighted and update the adg rendering to match such new value. Note: highlight != selected.
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Sep 3, 2009
I've recently designed some menu buttons each one gets highlighted on mouse over and defaults back on mouse out. On Mouse click the button remains highlighted and when another button is clicked the current button goes back to its default state and the new button is now highightedI know this has been asked before, and I know how to do this using a timeline and having flags marking the 'start' 'end' and 'highlight' states on the timeline. My original code uses IF and gotoAndStop statements...But recently I've been getting into tween classes using as2 and would like to know how to achieve this effect using _alpha values within tween classes.To me it seems easier to do this purely with code, i.e _alpha is 0 then tween to 100 on rollover. On rollout it reverses, and on click the alpha immediately goes to 100 and stays at 100 until another button is pressed
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Nov 25, 2004
Have been incorporating XML data into applications for a while now... have now begun using it for medium to large navigation lists.
While I can do any method of horizontal, clamshell, expandable, motion-based navigation etc I have a strange problem overall... I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to code a smart function that will check which nav item was clicked and keep it highlighted until another one is clicked... then that one would highlight and all of the others would be un-highlighted.
I can do rollOvers using references to XML array generated items. BUT-- the smart checker is something I cannot figure out..
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Dec 25, 2005
i have a menu http[url]....that i want to have the month and day stay highlighted depending what page you are on. you will have to check it out to see what i am talking about
the menu sits on an asp page so the whole site is not all in flash but when someone clicks and month and day i want it to stay colored in even after they are taken to that page. i know their has to be a way to do this without making a menu for each month.
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