ActionScript 3.0 :: Each Different Section The Content Frame Slides To The Left Regardless Of What Button Click?
Mar 24, 2009
When you go to each different section the content frame slides to the left regardless of what button you click.. We learned recently about buttonmode etc. and I can go to different Frames on a click.. but here it doesnt seem to go to a new frame it just loads each new clip with the same tiny effect? Is is pure scripting or how did they manage this??
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Feb 23, 2010
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if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT))[code]....
But when I click the shift button, he shows the first frame static of the movie clip in frame 3 (running frame).
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May 25, 2009
there is a button on 1st frame. there is a movie clip on frame 2. I named the movie clip as "ball_mc" I want to go to frame 2 when I click on button on 1st frame. I know that the code "gotoAndPlay(2);" on button will work. But for some reasons, i want to try another way.... i tried several codes:
1. this.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay();
2. _level.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay();
3. _global.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay();
4. _root.ball_mc.gotoandPlay();
However these codes dun work. Is there other way to resolve this besides this code "gotoAndPlay(2)"?
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Click on button 1 > plays frames 10 - 15 > Goes to frame 20
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The query is this. When i release a button i want the timeline to roll on for x frames (fading components out) before going to the frame that button links to (The beginning of the new page).
I have no idea what AS to use for this.
No matter where in the timeline you are, the button should fade out that area and then skip to a new one.
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Sep 21, 2011
I can't get this to slide back into postion. I am trying to create a MC that slides in and out on click. Currently it slides in fine. But does not slide back into position
Am I missing something:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
squary_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fslider);
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Apr 29, 2009
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Jul 23, 2010
i dublicate my movieclip named mc2. (mc2 in mc1 moviclip). And my scrollpane 's contentpath is mc1. When i do that, it works. but if i make scrolldrag = true, my button in my movieclip doesnt work. How can i use scrolldrag and button click in scrollpane content ??
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Aug 16, 2004
i have posted last time on how to scale using as.what i mean is...take a look at [URL], the content box change into different size when clicked on the other section.i tried to do something like that few times but it just didn't work.
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Nov 30, 2006
panning my content from left to right (with stop as intervals) then right to left (also with intervals)
1. I created an mc (name: "content")Notice in this mc, I layout 4 sets of text (like a page) from left to right
2. I created another mc (name: "pancontent_mc")
-I added a layer for "content" and created a motion tween for it to pan from left to right
-I created a mask layer on top of "content" that will show 1 set at a time
-I created an action layer that has total of 4 stops(); on each frame where the 4 sets of text will show directly under the mask.
3. maintimeline -There's only 1 layer. I placed an instance of buttons (left/right) and an instance of "pancontent_mc"
4. actions for right button, works fine and stops on each set of text.
on (release) {;
5. actions for left button - none. I havent figured this out yet.
on (release) {
this.pancontent. - something like play previous frame until stop...
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Mar 4, 2006
I just tested out my site in Firefox and IE. Everything works the way I want it to in Firefox but in IE I'm having trouble. When I click on a button my preloader shows up but doesn't stop to load the content, it plays straight through and then my movie pops up. Does anyone know why this might be happening? I've never encountered this problem before.
Web Design, Illustration, Resume and Downloads are all I have working so far.
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Apr 21, 2007
i've got a fair bit of text i'm trying to keep on an internal page by just making each section a scrolling content box. So there are 3 buttons at the top, each 'scrolls' onto a new section and I would like the ability for it to scroll back too, hence using the tween class to do this. I've managed to set it up and each button goes to each 'page' fine in reading order, so to speak (1, 2, 3), but if I got to 1, 2 then back to 1 it will start from 0 on the x axis.
Basically what i'm wanting to do is set the tween from the current _x value. So if I go 1, 2, then back to one, it will take the current _x value from 2, and scroll the opposite direction back to one. I am using the following code on the buttons:
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Sep 11, 2009
looking to create an image/mc slider that moves form right to left via user clicks of a left and right button.I would assume I would create an array to hold a series of mc's in (my images) and then tell the left and right buttons CLICK events to move linearly through the array (displaying next in line and previous etc.
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May 10, 2011
So I had a book on actionscript but I lost it, I looked through the forums and found nothing so..
Is it possible to have the distinction between a right and left click in Actionscipt 3.0?
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Jun 24, 2009
It's the simplest thing: I have a button. I want to click the button, and go to the next scene frame 1. I made my own button. AS 2.0 was so simple with it's code. I having a very difficult time with the code. I'm an artist, not a code guy.
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Oct 29, 2011
I got these codes on the web, but they're not working. (I'm pretty new to flash).[code]...
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Sep 20, 2007
What is the best (or the only way) to get a button in actionscript 3 to when clicked (released) jump to a specified frame label. I've seen a fair amount of little tutorials out there that can tell you how to link to a URL but not within the flash file itself.
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Jan 18, 2010
So what I have is this: 1 frame with stop(); action and 1 button. To the button I added the action on (release){ gotoAndPlay(2);} so that it plays frame 2. Frame 2 through 6 is a simple motion tween, with the stop action at the end. Yet, when I click the button it takes me to frame 2, but the motion tween doesn't play.
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Dec 27, 2011
i put a code in to Flash AS3 to go to another frame when the play button is clicked, and it has worked successfully. But when it goes on to the other frame and i click, the play button comes up and keeps making the game i've made restart. Does anyone know how i can stop the function after it's gone onto the next frame?
View 4 Replies
Feb 18, 2009
I put a mcBtn in the end game frame, put this code in the frame:
mcBtn.buttonMode = true;
mcBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playGame);
function playGame(e:Event):void {
The object is to go to frame 1 when you press mcBtn. When I click it, Nothing.
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