ActionScript 3.0 :: Distinction Between Right Click And Left Click?
May 10, 2011
So I had a book on actionscript but I lost it, I looked through the forums and found nothing so..
Is it possible to have the distinction between a right and left click in Actionscipt 3.0?
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Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
var dewsliderpath = _root._url.substring(0, _root._url.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/dewslider.swf?xml=" + xml;
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Aug 16, 2010
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blueButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(event:MouseEvent):void {
trace( "-----click detected-----" );
// now do other stuff
Problem is, the click handler is called multiple times per click. The number of times called seems to be random (sometimes 2, sometimes 4, sometimes 3 etc). could I be missing something in my code, or maybe I set up the button wrong?
also I noticed that it seems to always get called once on the first click. After the first click is when it starts getting called additional times, maybe that has something to do with it?
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the problem is that when i click on the first button loads ok but when click on second still showing the first movie clip in the back ,,,,, i have try everything without luck ,,,, i guess i need to keep reading but will like to find an answer to this situation ,
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Sep 11, 2010
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SO I tried the If function, but i seem to make a mistake somewhere and i dont know what to do. Now there is no error in script, but onw there is a problem in link, the button finishes the click animation but it does not go to the tarrgeted"about" frame. here's the code
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Jun 21, 2010
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Jun 13, 2009
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btn_next.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, nextClick);
function nextClick (e:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndPlay ("twoIn");}
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Jul 9, 2010
i want to know that when i click on a movie clip it is changed by a image on click using action script any ver.
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