ActionScript 2.0 :: Content Box Change Into Different Size When Clicked On The Other Section?

Aug 16, 2004

i have posted last time on how to scale using as.what i mean is...take a look at [URL], the content box change into different size when clicked on the other section.i tried to do something like that few times but it just didn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Swf Height And Width According To Content Size

Apr 13, 2010

I've implemented a video player to integrate into my Drupal website.

I would like to assign different width and height size to my swf according to the videos sizes.

How can I do it ? Should i pass back values from Flash app with an External Call ?

Can I retrieve the height and width of the video before to pass it to flash app, so I can set the html wrapper parameters in advance ?

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how I resize (or tween-resize) the size of a flash movie depending on its content.[URL]When you click on a new page, the stage size resizes depending on how large the page is.Do I have to use javascript to do this (because I can't find the javascript on the pier website to take a look at it).Or can I do this with actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Each Different Section The Content Frame Slides To The Left Regardless Of What Button Click?

Mar 24, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Class - Keep On An Internal Page By Just Making Each Section A Scrolling Content Box

Apr 21, 2007

i've got a fair bit of text i'm trying to keep on an internal page by just making each section a scrolling content box. So there are 3 buttons at the top, each 'scrolls' onto a new section and I would like the ability for it to scroll back too, hence using the tween class to do this. I've managed to set it up and each button goes to each 'page' fine in reading order, so to speak (1, 2, 3), but if I got to 1, 2 then back to 1 it will start from 0 on the x axis.

Basically what i'm wanting to do is set the tween from the current _x value. So if I go 1, 2, then back to one, it will take the current _x value from 2, and scroll the opposite direction back to one. I am using the following code on the buttons:


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I bought a template. xml flash. able to change anything in that. I had trouble, but the gallery section. I met with template-help. did not help. I want my products section of the text when I click on the menu on the left side there are three. I want to get these categories. When I want to come to each of the other galleries. but somehow could not.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play A Section On The Timeline And Then Move Onto Another Section Or Scene

Mar 9, 2009

I have a button that I would like to use with the basic actionscript as follows:

on (release) {

What I would like it to do is play a section on the timeline and then move onto another section or scene.


I know this is incorrect, so would anyone know how to write an actionscript button that plays a section then goes somewhere else?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Content To Load Into The Loader And Have Its Content Change Once Click On The Other Button Flash 8

Aug 15, 2009

I'm have made some buttons (movie clip) and when I click on it, I want a file (home.swf) to load in a loader (mx.contents.loader) and I want the other buttons to do the same, all load into the same loader. I have no Idea how to do that. The way I have it set up now, the home.swf will load over the entire screen and that is not what I want. I just want the content to load into the loader and have its content change once I click on the other buttons. Here is a copy and past of that I have at the moment, I'm using Flash 8 to do it all.


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Professional :: Flash CS4 - Change The Colors Of The Background Or Text That Shows Up In The Layers Section?

Mar 8, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: .size ._droptarget - Change The Font Size Of

Sep 28, 2011

var tfNum_mc:MovieClip = tl.attachMovie("tfID","tfNum_mc_",tl.getNextHighestDepth());

If I'm to assign the above code to a dragDrop action. Is there a way to change the font size of I've tried; = 12;//did not work

var format1:TextFormat( = new TextFormat();

format1_fmt.size = 12;;//did not work

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Flex :: Change Radiobutton Size And Label Size In Actionscript?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to change my radiobutton size and label size in pure as3...

searchRB = new RadioButton(); = "search"; = rbg;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keep Size Of Button Same When Canvas Size Change On Run Time?

Nov 3, 2009

I want to reduce the size of Swf using the size mentioned in the object tag of html. Same swf file size can be different for different request.

The problem is this if we reduce the size all control in swf reduced according to the change in swf size. But we want the buttons and one more graphics remain same size for any change in size of swf file. How can we make it ..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Is The Word 'section' In _root.section

Dec 17, 2003

on [URL] what is the word 'section' in _root.section? I assume it is a movie clip instance, but can't seem to find it on the timeline.

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Display Content Once Button Is Clicked?

May 16, 2011

I'm still learning how to use Flash... and am still struggling on one thing.  It may seem simple to the most of you -- how exactly do you have the content displayed once you click the button?  I'm attempting to have the content for each navigation link button to show up each time it's clicked. Still a failure.

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Hide / Show Content From Layers When Button Is Clicked

May 14, 2009

I have an animation that shows items highlighted in a diagram. As the items are highlighted, the audio will play (to explain the animation). because we are creating this for people with possible disabilities, we also created captions with text for the audio. So, in separate layers, we created speech bubbles and text that is synchronized to the animated actions on the screen. this will also be synchronized with the audio. We want to have a button (close captioning button) that when users press it, they see the text captions and if they press it again, they don't see the text captions. my questions are

1) what will be the easiest way to create the effect i am looking for?
2) what actionscript command will i need for the button's actions?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Content Reverse And Disappear When Another Button Is Clicked?

Jun 29, 2003

I am new to action script, please help! I have three buttons and when you click on them, new content appears. However, I'd like to make it so that when you click on a button, the content on the screen will reverse itself, disappear, and the new content for that button would appear. I don't know how to do this with action script? What kind of action script could I use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Content For Home To Disapear / When Another Button Is Clicked?

Jan 16, 2010

i have a menu, that works with a xml file.the xml has the specific code that triggers the .as file:[code]when i press the button home for example, the home will load...then i press the button about, and it loads as well, but the home still playing on the do i make the content for home to disapear when another button is clicked? because the code works for all the buttons, it has to be something generic that would work for the event of anybutton being clicked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The "news" Section Without FIXING The Whole .fla And Exporting And Uploading It

Feb 13, 2002

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Actionscript 3 :: Setting The Stage To Scroll Horizontally Left Or Right To Show Content When Button Is Clicked?

Mar 10, 2012

I want to create a flash site where I have a long horizontal movie clip split into about five sections, each about 960px wide. The effect I want to achieve is when the user clicks on the button it will scroll horizontally to the specific section of the flash project. For example, if your on the home page and you click on the contact the movieclip will tween to the right until it reached the contact section of the long movieclip. And I also want it where if the user clicks on the home it'll scroll back to the home page. I can't seem to accomplish. I tried positioning with the x property and move right so many pixels. I'm thinking about setting like some coordinates or some kinds of reference points so when the button is clicked it will go to those specific points in the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Size Of UILoader Content

Oct 7, 2010

Is there any way of getting the size value of an image that is loaded into, and scaled down, a UILoader?It's not the original image size I'm looking for, nor is it the size of the UILoader, but the present size of the content of it. I found setSize, but I need something like getSize.

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Professional :: Content To Window Size RatioOk?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a site i've done for a client and I wand the content to remain in the center of the window no matter the size of the window, I know it's probably something simple in the actionscripting but I'm still a bit new to this whole Flash thing seeing how everything I know about flash I've taught myselfthe content that pops up when you click one of the menu buttons needs to remain at the center of the page/window at all times.

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Flash Object Auto Size To Fit Content?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a list of items dynamically loaded from an XML file into my flash movie.Each item is positioned vertically with some buffer space between it and the preceding item.However, if the amount of items exceeds the flash objects height,then the excess items are invisible (because you cant scroll through them!).So then is it possible to make some form of call (undoubtedly an externalinterface call to a javascript function) that will resize the height of the flash object to fit all of this dynamically loaded content so that the browser's scrollbar is triggered allowing the user to scroll through?Or is it more practical to simply carve up my own scrollbar to fit the entire flash movie?

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Flex :: Detecting The Size Of SWFLoader Content?

Sep 23, 2009

I want to load in a SWF and set it to fit in the window, whilst keeping it's aspect ratio.When I do this by setting the height and width of the SWFLoader, the SWF will resize to best fit in the space (as it is keeping it's aspect ratio).However I can't find a way to detect the height and width of that SWF now it has been resized. The size of the SWFLoader reflects what I set it to, and the SWFLoader.LoaderInfo size seems to be totally random.

I have also tried the loaderInfo.content, but again I don't get a value that compares to the size of the SWF I have loaded (or at lease the size of what is visible).The only thing I can think to do is to know the height and width before and then figure out the aspect ratio, so if I resize the width to 50% of the window, I can do the maths on the height to make the swf loader the same height as it's scaled content.

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Actionscript 3 :: Getting Size/Coordinates From Loader Content?

Mar 23, 2010

i'm attempting to position a textfield to the bottom left of an image that is added to the display list from the Loader() class. i don't know how to access the width/height information of the image.

var dragSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest("picture.jpg"));


within the displayPic function, i could assign the and to variables that i could use to position the text field?

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Change Clip While Playing When Hotspot Clicked

Feb 13, 2009

I am looking for some code that will simply change the clip that is playing when the hotspot is clicked.

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IDE :: Gradual Opacity Change Of MC When Button Clicked?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm trying to "fade" out a movie clip when I click on another movie clip. I know how to change the visibility to false or alpha to 0, but I want it to do this gradually rather then instantly.This is the code I currently have placed on the movieclip I'm using as a button, I am only trying to fade the SolidPurple, everything else is working exactly like I want it to...

on (press) {
this._parent.SolidBlue._visible = false;
this._parent.SolidOrange._visible = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Color Of The Button When Clicked?

Nov 24, 2004

can change the color of the button when clicked, however I want to make sure when you click on a different button, it changes the previous button back to its original color.I know i can do this the ghetto way and list out all the buttons i want with no color each time but if later i have 50 buttons i dont want to list them. So i built a loop but the loop is not working rightThis code is an example of what might be on the first button:

for(i = 0; i<11; i++){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ScrollPane To Allow Scrolling Full Size Of It's Content?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a movieclip linked to a scrollPane.It loads into it fine.  The problem is that the scrollPane won't scroll the full size of the movieclip. The movieclip is about 1000 high. If I set the scrollpane size to 500 by 500, it'll scroll down about 600y of the movieclip, but no further.How do you tell a scrollPane to allow scrolling the full size of it's content?And on a similar thread, is there a way to tell a whole swf to scroll?  So if you have a swf that's 1000x 500y, and it's dynamic content becomes 1000x 800y, can you make the whole swf scroll like an html page, or do you have to encase all the content in a scrollpane?

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