ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Classes In Loaded Swf?
Jun 22, 2009
I have 2 swfs, one is main and it loads other file "skin.swf". skin contains object of custom class SkinClass. I can access it from main swf, but when I try to cast that object, the result is null. This happens when I use absolute url, when I load skin from relative url, everything is ok.
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I have a document class which links to several classes, one of which adds a container onto the stage and loads external .swf's into it.Q: How do I access the various classes loaded in the document class from the external swf timeline?For instance, when you click a button in the loaded swf it changes the soundtrack from the soundtrack class. I have tried dispatchevent from the external swf timeline, but I still can't seem to get it to work. Is this supposed to work, or should I be doing something different?
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package {
import flash.display.*;
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ActionScript Code:
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, fireBullet);
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Mar 31, 2012
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Sep 15, 2010
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package classes
import flash.display.*;
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Aug 28, 2009
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Code: Select allvar f = new Foo();
And it appears on the stage, as it should. But I need to be able to create other instances of this object from other classes. If I use the same code above in, I get nothing on the stage, obviously because this class doesn't know about the Foo object in the library.
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Aug 30, 2006
I began with a class for a movie clip rollover function FigureRollOver. It works marvellously. Three things happen:
1) it loads XML from a file "mod1_fig1.xml" and uses another class, XMLMember, to retool the scoping of the XML so that I can get at it
2) an onload call inside of XMLMember calls the myOnLoad function and transfers the XML into an array.
3) so long as the array is finished building, rolling over a movie clip attaches a new movie clip with the rollover text in it.But I don't want all those functions in one because I need it to be more dynamic, starting with being able to load any old xml file instead of just "mod1_fig1.xml", plus it seems lik overbuilding to have all of that in one class, so I've separated out the loading of the XML and building of the array into its own class, FigureXMLLoader. FigureRollOver is then left to just attach the rollover with text in it, extracted from the array built by the new class.
Problem is, though the array builds inside FigureXMLLoader, I can't figure out how to make it available outside the class. I know that I'm constructing things in the wrong order, and that the array needs to be somehow built inside the class function to be available, but I can't figure out how to do that. A cruddy work-around is to put a function call at the end of the building of the array, which calls yet ANOTHER function on the main timeline of my .swf to put the array I've just built into a new variable.This works, but it's messy. It seems like I should be able to have one line of script in the .swf that generates an array on the main timeline (or just a public array) which I can then access from my FigureRollOver class:
var myRollOvers:Array = new FigureXMLLoader("mod1_fig1.xml");
Here is FigureXMLLoader (see comments in the code for more details) which obviously does not return an array as it is, because of all the working around I've had to do. Note the "testing" variable, which can be traced from the main timeline of the .swf, but I will get "not what I want" because of course the array hasn't been built yet, and never will be, inside of the declaration as it is. How do I get it in there so I can return an array?
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Dec 26, 2006
i've got two classes and i'm not extending to MovieClip. I like to attach the mc in the constructor just because i'll be working with different MC's that have the same purpose.
however, im using private var loadedMC:Movieclip and now i've got another class that needs to be able to access the instance's variable.
for example, myClass.loadedMC , but this would mean having to make it public and I rather not go that route.
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Jun 1, 2011
I'm using this code to bring in another swf into a movieClip called "movieLoader":
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var urlMovie:URLRequest = new URLRequest("movie1.swf");
The movie loads just fine, but how do I access it?
I tried:trace(movieLoader.totalFrames);
and it just gave me "1". I know the movieclip has more than 1 frame.What do I do to access the swf called "movie1.swf" I just brought into that movieClip?
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May 20, 2011
I'm loading an external AS3 SWF using the Loader class but i need to access a method inside the loaded SWF. how can i do this?
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Oct 13, 2010
So I want to access another loaded SWF. How can I have ChildA talk to Child B? All are external SWFs.
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm stuck in a project because I don't know how to communicate with other classes in another external swf? After I load the swf using the loader class how would I be able to access the classes loaded by the swf?
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Jun 6, 2011
The first part is that I am downloading a SWF from a server that has a bunch of exported images in it. I am doing a lookup of the class names for these images then using that to load the data into the application. Later on down the line it is possible to download a separate SWF that has images in the same format with overlapping names.The issue here is that when loading the second SWF with duplicate names it doesn't overwrite the data as one might expect, it uses whatever was loaded first. So I need to know if it's possible to either make it overwrite the classes with the new data or throw them away before loading the new SWF so the old ones don't get in the way. Is this possible at all
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Mar 5, 2012
I have external swf (ext.swf) that is loaded in my FlashDevelop as3 project.When I make check (objectsList[0] is Class1) I am getting false even though the objectsList[0] element is Class1. The Class1 is in the ext.swfBut when I write command like (objectListInExternalSwf[0] is Class1) in external swf and then use that swf in my project and make check (objectsList[0] is Class1)My question is: do I have to use all the classes in my external swf so the compile
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Mar 5, 2012
I have external swf (ext.swf) that is loaded in my FlashDevelop as3 project.When I make check (objectsList[0] is Class1) I am getting false even thoughthe objectsList[0] element is Class1. The Class1 is in the ext.swfBut when I write command like (objectListInExternalSwf[0] is Class1) in externalswf and then use that swf in my project and make check (objectsList[0] is Class1)I get true. My question is: do I have to use all the classes in my external swf so the compilerhave to put them in the swf so they can be used in other projects where the swf is loaded as external?
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Sep 10, 2009
In my code I have SWF A and SWF B.
SWF A loads SWF B.
The problem that I have is that both of the SWF's have a class of the same name but that have different member variables.
So from time to time depending on the scenario conflicts occur.
How can I avoid this?
I remember reading before about being able to separate the classes of two different swf but I can't find the article again
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Jan 9, 2010
How to organize access to classes from the loaded swf?[code]...
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Jan 31, 2010
I make flash games with a standardized UI. There are dozens of different *.fla files of different games, created at different times, and all them should share the same interface. My solution was to put this interface into a Library.swf and make every game load that file first and initialize the required classes. It worked perfectly.Now, the UI and the game had to exchange events. If the "Next" button in the UI is clicked, the game has to know it. The solution was create an InterfaceEvent class. The game calls
ui.addEventListener(InterfaceEvent.BTN_NEXT_CLICKED, desiredFunction)
and the UI dispatches
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Mar 30, 2009
I am using a zoom component which i purchased recently to load different external swfs on different button clicks. But instead of loading separate external swfs I would like to load a single swf and go to frame labels - "one", "two", etc. - I've been reading about casting the external swf as a movie clip, but I am confused how this would work with the code I have at the moment.
var image:String="introlocal.swf";
function loadContent () {
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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Jan 6, 2009
finding the url of the swf filefrom which it has been loaded? The purpose of the url is, I amloading some flv files using relative path. I just want to achievethe same by appending the relative path to the parent swf url fromwhere the parent was loaded. I am a newbie to AS3
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Sep 15, 2008
I have a problem accessing a variable loaded from another swf. Actually the variable is a singeltone class, which needs to be initialized.It has structure presented in the last part of the message.The project has the following structure:
- main.swf - this loads all the other swf files and is their holder.
- assets.swf - contains some common elements and initializes the SingleTone class
- interface.swf - contains some interface elements and needs to use the SingleTone class
- all the three swf files have access to a common class structure, where the SingleTone class is defined.
Now, the problem I have is accessing the SingleTone class from the interface.swf file. If I try to send the SingleTone.singleTone. property parameter to the class I get "Type coercion failed: cannot convert from ClassName@.. to ClassName". If I try to access the SingleTone class directly from the interface.swf file i get "Cannot access a property or reference of a null object...". Both errors I get seem logical:
- if I send a parameter, I send the reference to that object, but the interface.swf file does not have access to the assets.swf domain;
- if I try to access the SingleTone class directly from the interface.swf file, I get the null error because the class is not initialized over the interface.swf domain.
Is there any work arround? I know a simple solution may be to initialize the variable over the interface.swf domain, but what if there is a variable that can only be instantiated in the assets.swf? Can I access that variable from another swf, or can I change the ApplicationDomain?
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Nov 14, 2010
I am trying to load swf file with Loader class into AIR application. The broblem is that the loaded swf can not access web cam (it can when I run it standalone). Is there any security settings I have missed.
AIR loader code:
loader = new Loader(); = "moduleLoader";loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,
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Nov 23, 2011
In Flash Professional, I drew a shape, converted it to symbol, linked it to class Symbol1 (extends MovieClip) which is generated at run-time, and saved the SWF file as shape.swf.
Now my main application wants to load shape.swf and create multiple instances of Symbol1 but I get ReferenceError when trying to access the class Symbol1.
Below is my main application's code. Errors thrown are mentioned in comments.
public class MovieClipTest extends Sprite
public function MovieClipTest()
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Mar 4, 2012
I have a SWf application built in flex 4. One part of the application relies on accessing a public variable ("step1") set at the application root, and is accessed with
var app:Object = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;
trace("step one is "+app.step1);
This, while not optimal, has worked fine. Now, hoever, I need to load this entire application into another application, and I can't figure out how to access my step1 variable any longer.I have been loading the swf into the new parent application like so:
public var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
public var pizzaContainer:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
private var myUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("chickensoup.swf");
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Jul 1, 2009
I am creating a flash program to open other flash programs (load swf files), and change their textfields to my own extended textfield class. This is to capture all text written to screen using a textfield object. Here is what I am doing:
1. If a textfield has been created, the event is captured
2. I want to replace the textfield with my own class extending textfield
*3. Any further access to the original textfield for value changes can be captured, and would update the replaced extended textfield object
The problem is if in their original code, at sometime, the text value of textfield is changed (mainly through textFieldObj.text = some_value) , I don't know how to capture this event.
This cannot be captured by event.CHANGE which requires the user input (ie: keyboard strokes) into the actual text field and changing the text through the code: textFieldObj.text = some_value does not trigger the event.
Here is a simplified example:
// FlashMovie.fla START -------------------------------------------
// any DisplayObjects (such as a created textfield) created will be captured
// by ChildAdded()
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, ChildAdded);
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