ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating A Movie When Text Is Entered?

Apr 28, 2008

I have an .swf file that is going to serve as a login for a new website being built. The .swf will contain a movie symbol and two text fields underneath it. The idea is for the movie symbol to play at different points on its timeline based on what is being typed in the text fields below. For instance, when someone is typing in their user name, the movie file will start at a certain point on the timeline and when they type in their password, it will jump to another point in the timeline. I figure thats the easy part and I would settle for just that.

The complicated part is this: Ultimately, I want the movie symbol to jump to those points on its timeline based on how many characters have been typed into the text fields. For example, if someones user name is "christoper", I need the file to play the movie once someone has typed in "chri" and then jump to the next section of its timeline after they've typed in "stopher", and so on down through the password.

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I'm still a rookie in flash and I'm having a little bit of trouble with some actionscript. I've gotten as far as placing the buttons and assign the correct actionscript for them to work. Everything is working fine with the buttons activating the external .swf into a blank movie clip in the main movie. Ony thing is, I would like the external movie assigned to the first button to open once the movie is loaded.

I thought by using the same actionscript i used on the button {and removing the on(release) tag} and placing on the first frame of the main movie would help, but it doesn't.

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on (release) {

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on (press) {

The button drags fine, but when released over the movieclip nothing happens. I've tried using "_parent.slide1_mc.gotoAndStop(2);" instead to no avail.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Activating Movie Clips?

Mar 11, 2004

Ok so, I have a button called btnEnter and its instance name is enter. Then, I have a movie clip called mcRotatingDot and its instance name is center. These two work so that when the mouse is over the button, the dot blinks. When the mouse is no longer over the button there is a fade in from alpha 0 to 60 of the dot. It all works fine, here is the code that I am using on the movie clip:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 75;
this._yscale = 75;[code]...........

1)How can I make the movie clip blink with pure action script? And not having to do a stupid tween on the movie clip's timeline.

2)Can a button activate more than one movie clip? Because I am also trying to make the same button (aka. btnEnter, instance name enter) to change the rotation speed of another movie clip to spin faster. Here is the code for the other movie clip called mcRotatingCircle instance name outter:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 1000;[code]............

Yet the movie clip will not spin faster on roll over. The only thing that I thought could go wrong is that there is another instance of the same movie clip mcRotatingCircle, named middle on the stage. I tried absolute addressing the outter instance, but it just won't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Activating Movie Clips?

Mar 11, 2004

Ok so, I have a button called btnEnter and its instance name is enter. Then, I have a movie clip called mcRotatingDot and its instance name is center. These two work so that when the mouse is over the button, the dot blinks. When the mouse is no longer over the button there is a fade in from alpha 0 to 60 of the dot. It all works fine, here is the code that I am using on the movie clip:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 75;


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I've been trying to figure this out all day, with no luck - so I'm hoping someone here can help a girl out with her code .I'm working on what is essentially a 'character profile' page, in which you can scroll across the page to see different characters, and clicking on them will bring up a short profile.However, I've set up these different characters as separate buttons within the scrolling movie clip and can't seem to get them to activate.Here is the code I've used so far:

p1.visible = false;
p2.visible = false;
var tar:Number;[code]....

It doesn't work.However, using tutorials and trying different things, all I have achieved is making all the profiles appear at once, or having them activate when you press anywhere on the movie clip.In AS2, I would have used myMC.b1 to target it,

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Feb 16, 2009

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Html :: Newline Automatically Entered After Css Tag?

Jun 27, 2011

I am rendering a TextField (Flash CS5) with the following css and html properties :

css = "a {font-weight: bold;} fu {color: #00A0A0;}"
wordWrap = true
multiline = true
html = <![CDATA["Phoenicians were pioneering artisans and ingenious craftsmen...

They developed the technique behind the production of transparent glass...

Their innovation spread around the globe throughout the past centuries...


The last QUOTE is rendered in a line BELOW "WE AIM TO...". It's rendered like this :


The ONLY way to render the quote in the same line with "WE AIM..." is to :

a) Either put it INSIDE <fu>

b) Or remove <fu> altogether.

Is this a Flash bug? Am I doing something wrong with css or html?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Number Has Been Entered

Nov 14, 2005

How can I check if the value entered in the textbox is number or not. Dont want to restrict the user to enter number by putting restrict etc. just want to validate at the end How?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check To See Whether / Not Anything Has Been Entered Into InputTextField?

Feb 25, 2009

How would I go about check to see whether or not anything has been entered into an InputTextField.

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CS3 : Keep Button From Activating Until After Mc Plays?

Jul 17, 2009

I have a simple movie clip of fading in text displaying on page with a sound. also have a button that allows user to go to the next frame. It is an exercise for students that basically goes like this: object presented in each frame, spelling (text) for that object fades in on mc with sound attached to mc, then button activates to let them move on to next. Since they are trigger happy, I don't want the button that allows to move on to activate on the frame until AFTER the movieclip and it's sound have played out (which is like 2 seconds so not a long wait) - otherwise, they would just keep clicking next and not listen to the material presented (it's very young children).

How do I set this up? I knew it's likely very simple, but I'm a newbie. Of course, I could always just do it on the timeline, but I have a ton of material, so am trying to use actionscript to be more efficient. for even younger kids, am considering setting this up so they can move to next frame through any keypress. I know how to set up a certain key, but not ANY key.

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May 20, 2010

I' am building a web site where i have a navigation which also works by pressing the (4) keyboard buttons, up, right, down, left. When the web site loads the keyboard navigation works only after i click somewhere on the screen.

The same things happens in Safari, Firefox and I.E.Any thoughts about how can i make this work without the need to click somewhere on screen before it works?

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Mar 13, 2004

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load A Swf But Keep Invisible Until Right Frame Entered

Feb 16, 2009

This is for a website with seven frames (one page per frame)

I can load the gallery .swf in background but I only want it to show up on frame 7 (gallery button). Then if the user goes anywhere else (eg. home button - frame 1) the loaded gallery .swf disappears.

I can load it and make it invisible, and can make it visible on frame 7 but then it's visible when you navigate anywhere else.

This is the load code on entering frame 1:

//make gallery invisible in this frame
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, invisible);
function invisible (event:Event):void


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Data Entered And Calculated To Answer?

Jun 27, 2010

options as I wish to learn how one would create a tool that would provide allow the end user to enter numbers, in some predetermined/static fields. The tool would then use this data and provide the answer.Simply put, i'm looking to create a basic ROI calculator (Return on Investment).

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