ActionScript 2.0 :: After Pushing A Button Like A Movieclip To Delay

Feb 1, 2004

After pushing a button I like a movieclip to delay for lets say three seconds before it appear. This action don't have to repeats itself!

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add A Time Delay Before Pushing To An Array?

May 16, 2009

I have a function, loadXML, that loads an xml file with a list of locations to OTHER xml files.  Within this function I load each individual xml file and run a new function, parseXML, to pass each of the variables I desire from the individual xml files into an array.
This all works fine and dandy on my computer, but when I run it online it breaks down.
What I believe is going on is that the initial xml file loads fine, but because the referenced xml files are on the web and are varying sizes, they stop loading sequentially and the data no longer corresponds to the xml file referenced in referenceListA array.  (ie. all the data from each referenced file, item1, item2, and item3 will stay together because they are called at the same time, but will become mixed up from the referenced xml file).
This normally would not be a big deal, but because I want to also create a link BACK to the referenced xml file, sometimes the link will not lead back to right location (it will lead back to another xml file in the list).
I was thinking about adding a time delay somehow in the loadXML function to give time to load the newxml file, but that would still be problematic...
How can I make sure that the referenceListA[i] mathes up to its own information?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Movieclip To Move By Pushing Either The Left Or Right Button

Apr 9, 2010

im trying to get a movieclip to move by pushing either the left or right button, and then when the enter button is pushed i want the mc to keep moving but it seems to stay still. this is what ive got so far:

ActionScript Code:
mcBoat.onEnterFrame = function()
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) )


it keeps moving if the enter button is pushed and then pushing an arrow key but not the other way.

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Load An External .swf Into My Stage Pushing A Button?

Nov 18, 2009

I have to add in a precise position into my stage another swf by pushing a button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete The Textfield Pushing A Button?

Feb 21, 2012

i have the following code:

var str:String = "blablabla"
var fontDescription = new FontDescription();

How can i delete the Textfield pushing a button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draggable Button Pushing Away Other Objects Over?

Jun 27, 2009

I have a draggable button/rectangle that when goes ontop of other objects they are being pushed away depending on the less distance around the rectangle.

If someone knows a tutorial or something that could help me please say

I started with if (button1.hitTest(button2)) { ... } but I dont know what to do next

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load An External .swf Into Stage Pushing A Button?

Nov 18, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shared Object - Save Without Pushing Button

Sep 14, 2010

I'd like to get the input text in the SWF to save on exiting the SWF without pushing a button. Here's what I have so far that incorporates pushing a button

var savedstuff:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("Cookie");
btnSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SaveData);
function SaveData(MouseEvent) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copying An Existing MovieClip Instance And Pushing Onto Array?

Aug 31, 2009

Here's what I am trying to do: I have an array of movie clip instances called iconArray[]. what I want to do is create the effect of shifting icons on screen right or left. Lets say we're shifting the icons left--what I want to happen is the icon on the left (iconArray[0]:MovieClip) to tween to the left about 20-30 pixels and then fade out, which I can currently achieve. The problem is I want copy the instance of that icon as a temp MC and push it onto iconArray and then have it fade in tween from the right.
In other words, the left most icon should "wrap" back around to the position of the right most icon but in order to create the illusion without having the left most icon pass over the other icons (which looks tacky) I want to create a copy of the left most icon and push it onto the array as a new movieclip with the same image and have that fade in from the right while the other one dies off.


it does not create a new icon, is seems to point to the same movie clip as iconArray[0] and any adjustments I make to the x or alpha affect the original MovieClip instance and not the new on I created and pushed onto the array.
How does one go about copying a movieclip, storing it in it's own instance/var so it can be displayed and manipulated as a separate entity?

View 8 Replies

Delay On Loading A Movieclip?

Apr 10, 2009

I have a clip that's 1450 pixels wide, masked to 725 - basically a left side, and a right side. The left side will contain navigation for a portfolio, which when clicked, the movie plays 10 frames during which a movie clip called portholder will slide over from the right, and load the appropriate movie clip. Here's the code on one of the bits of navigation:


Essentially, I'm trying to replicate the effect Your Majesty is using. I'm sure there's a way of using actionscript to slide portholder back and forth, instead of using animation, but alas I'm not a scripter (as you can tell!). But what I'd REALLY like to do is to tell the container clip to wait until it's fully in position before loading whatever.swf, as opposed to having a movie already in progress moving across the screen. Basically tell portholder "Wait until your x value is 0 before loading whatever.swf" I thought about using the setInterval, as recommended to someone else on these forums, so tried:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Delay Of Movieclip?

Feb 1, 2004

After pushing a button I like a movieclip to delay for lets say three seconds before it appear. This action don't have to repeats itself!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Archive A Delay For Each Movieclip?

Jan 21, 2007

My problem is the next. I am making a kind of gallery using an xml file.

Now ,when i attach a movieclip for each generated item i have into my main mc, "this movieclip is kind of a holder for an image with some information and a button" They come up all at once , i would like them so show up ,for example 500 msec after each one.

so i thought i could accomplish this with setInterval , but with no luck for now

The code that attaches it is:


for (var g=offset; g < fin ; g++) {
var BoxHolder = moviecl.attachMovie("new_item","item"+my_counter, my_counter);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Delay Before Playing Movieclip?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a "News Bar" on my flash site that plays a movieclip I created to display the news. I would like a one-time delay of around 2.5 seconds before the movieclip starts playing. I'm comfortable with flash and am learning AS3 more and more everyday.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay The Preloader To View MovieClip Right Away?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a preloader with directions to view the swf. But it goes so quickly that you can read the directions. Is there a way to put a delay in the preloader before it begins the swf file??This is my code in the preloader...

ActionScript Code:
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Final.swf");
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Delay A MovieClip's Show Up Time

May 29, 2010

I want to replicate one of the Flasheff's function with AS2 script. The delay show function, where I can set how many seconds should a movieClip wait before it actually shows up.For example, I create 3 vector shapes on the stage. I convert them to movieClips (symbols). Instance names:

- one_mc;
- two_mc;
- three_mc;

When I test the movie, I want one_mc to show up right away, then after 1 second two_mc to show up, then after another second three_mc to show up, you get the idea.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Action Of Button To URL?

Dec 20, 2010

Created button that activates short animation AND ALSO connects to URL.
I want viewer to see full animation (26 frames that lasts about 1.5 seconds - 18 frames per second). Instead the button connects almost instantaneously to URL and viewer does not see animation.
Animation automatically plays (full loop - 26 frames) when viewer first opens swf/html. The same animation plays again when viewer clicks button to go to URL.
Is there some code in AS3 that can delay the connection to the URL until the 26th frame of the animation.I am beginner/intermediate to Flash and extreme novice to Action Script (get most of my AS coding from searches online). Need to be led by my hand in Action Script.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delay Execution On Button

Apr 17, 2007

I am trying to find a way to delay code placed on a button. The code is executed when a learner presses it and makes a specific movie clip appear. At the same time, this code checks to see if the other movies have been viewed (which is required) and if so, goes to the finished keyframe. The problem with this is, the last movie clip goes too quickly because the code immediately executes sending the learner to the last "Finished" frame. I am trying to find a way to either use a setInterval or something else to delay the execution of this last bit of code allowing the learner time to view it. Here is what I have placed on each of the movieclips:


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Flash :: Remove Delay When Dynamic Creating MovieClip?

Sep 18, 2010

I would like simulate road in my game, and for this i use road's lanes and traffic, lanes and traffic dynamic created like this

if(roadlineTimer-- == 0){
roadlineTimer = 30;
newRoadline = new Roadline();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound Delay After Button Push?

Jan 2, 2009

I have made this little thing, its more or less just to try out some basic scripting, its a button that you would push and when you do so it would play a random sound out of six different sounds, and it does all that, but it delays the sound, so it has a short delay, does anyone know how to fix this? Here is a link to the page where the button is (test page).[URL]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Time A Button Apears?

Dec 18, 2008

When a page appears I want to delay the appearance of the button so users stop to see the animation i have put there but the help file just tells me how to create classes when I'm sure there must be a few lines of code to do it? can someone tell me what is wrong here as when I make the alpha of the button to 0 the whole page becomes 0 alpha and it wont do anything or give out any errors[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Possible To Delay Visibility Of MovieClips With Button?

Nov 19, 2009

I'm attempting to make a "Wheel of Fortune" style game. Everything's going great except this one nagging problem. On the main game board screen (where the word puzzle is solved), I have placed small buttons with all the letters of the alphabet. When the player clicks a certain letter button, the corresponding letters, (if the word or phrase contains them) appear on the board. Well, this works just fine, but as of now, when a letter is chosen, all letters on the board appear at once.

Of course, in the real "Wheel of Fortune" game, if the word or phrase contains 2 or more letters that have been chosen, the letters appear on the board in a sequence, probably around 2 seconds apart (I'm sure most people are familiar with the game show). So, basically, I would love to know how to delay my letter MC's appearing, when the corresponding letter button has been clicked.

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Actionscript 3 :: Show Button After Some Time Delay?

Jun 30, 2010

I've been working with actionscript 3.0 and have an array that gives me some text and a button on each new page (clicking the button gets me to the next text-page and button). I'd now like my button to not appear on each page immediately, but time delayed, maybe wait 10 seconds or so before it appears.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Delay Button A For 2 Seconds On Click Of B?

Feb 7, 2009

I'm using tweenMax and I want a tween to start after the mouse has been hovering over the button for about 2 seconds.

Now, I have figured out the 'delay' function but that is not that useful because it just registers the fact that the mouse is over the button and starts the tween 2 seconds later, regardless of where the mouse is on the screen.I basically want the button to become active after the mouse has been over it for 2 seconds.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Delay The Weapon Even If The Button Is Held Down?

Oct 13, 2002

im makin a game.... and i want to be able to delay the weapon even if the button is held down... like in this...


how would i go about doing that?... the only reason is cuz right now my game lags so bad if i just hold dow the button cuz so many movie clips on the screen at once...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Delay Via SetTimer, SetInterval Or Delay?

Feb 23, 2009

I want to create a function based (not frame) delay of about 10 seconds to the function at the start of a flash movie, the code only needs to run once.I'm very new to actionscript and have been given links to SetInterval and SetTimer examples but they all seem to be very complex.The function is below. I believe it's possible to add the commandTimer(delay:Number, repeatCount:int = 0) how me to a simple example.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
framePos = int(_xmouse / 100 * _parent._totalframes);
if (framePos < 0) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delay GotoAndStop Function On Button Press?

Apr 15, 2011

I am trying to add a delay function to a btn action in actionscript AS2. I want to delay the gotoAndStop function.I want the attachMovie("glamour", "glamour2", 202); to play in full before the gotoandstop action say for about 3 secondsI want to be able to delay for as long or short as needed?below is the snippet of code for the btn im working with?

btn.onRelease = Delegate.create(this,buttonHandler);


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Professional :: Insert A Time Delay On The Action Of A Button

Apr 2, 2009

how do you insert a time delay on the action of a button, say 1/2 sec. script 2.0 Flash CS3

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trigger Animation - Conditional Delay On Button

Sep 7, 2010

I have a bunch of buttons each one with a roll over on it that trigger an animation. So far no problem. The problem is that as I would like to add to the buttons a behaviour like this: if you roll over the button more than 200ms the animation happens else nothing happen.

Here is my code:
tab01_mc.buttonMode = true;
tab01_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOverTab, false, 0, true); //this is one of the buttons
function rollOverTab (event:MouseEvent):void{
var delayTime:int = getTimer();
if (delayTime >= 200){"Over"); // over is the animation of the button

But this isn't working because what getTimer actually does is return the time since the whole movie started not since the function star running. So my question is: is the a way to tell AS to start counting from 0 so that I can use the elapsed time as my condition to trigger the animation?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Image Appear (a Button) After A Delay Of Say 15 Seconds?

Apr 18, 2006

How can I make an image appear (a button) after a delay of say 15 seconds?

I need the image to display after 15 seconds, and then stay. I have read to use gettimer or setInterval, but I'm not sure how to do it in my particular case. In very rough terms, I need something like this:

setInterval to 15000 and then
_root.button.gotoAndPlay(2); (this will display my image)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slight Delay In Button Sounds During Sound Stream?

Jan 30, 2009

I have some sounds on buttons:

var mySound:Sound = new myLibrarySound();
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
function playSound(e:Event):void


... and that works fine. I then have some streaming music:

var myStream:Sound = new Sound();
myStream.load(new URLRequest("myPath.mp3"));;

... and that works fine too. Now, however, the initial button sounds have a slight delay -- I'd estimate about 150-250 ms. It's enough that rollover click noises happen about the time you click, and click noises happen about the time you release, etc. Now, here's the KICKER. It only happens in FIREFOX. CURSE FIREFOX. Seriously. I've been having so many Flash issues in FF3, it just drives me nuts. Firefox and wmode is a pain, Firefox and sound is a pain, Firefox has been crap for Flash development lately.

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