ActionScript 2.0 :: Combining Logical Operator With Variables Defined By Radio Buttons

Aug 7, 2008

I have completely hit a wall. Here's what I'm after. I have two sets of radio buttons, each of which controls what loaded swf appears on stage. Then, depending on which button is clicked in group one and which button is clicked in group two, a third swf appears. I can access the value of each radio button, and I'm passing it into a variable (I think - the trace command works) but when I drop it all together into an if/else statement, no data is passed.

Here's the code:
//printArea is a movie clip on stage, which has dynamic mc's attached via code
var thisFront;
//function for what happens when fronts radio buttons clicked
frontListener = new Object(); = function(evt) {
[Code] .....

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Radio Buttons - First Radio Button Never Turns Off When Clicking Others?

Feb 10, 2010

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var h:String = "";
var p:String = ".png"


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[Embed (source="assets/image11_a.jpg")] public static const 11_a:Class;
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var second_part:String="a";

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this.onEnterFrame = function(){ [code].....

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Frame 1:

ActionScript Code:
function init() {
var markedFrom = myVariables_xml.firstChild.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
//trace("Marked From: " + markedFrom);


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var _default = 5;


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function btnDown(event:MouseEvent):void {
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var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost/test.php");


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//Load external asset
function loadfail():void


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Create Radio Buttons From Scratch?

Jun 28, 2009

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Remove Radio Buttons On Submit?

Jun 16, 2009

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May 11, 2010

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if echeck_mc is visible I need echeck_mc to be invinsible. If I'm doing this wrong (marked in red) how should this be coded.
this.check_btn1.onRelease = function() { _root.glv_mc.rotate_mc1._visible = !_root.glv_mc.rotate_mc1._visible; _root.ltab_mc.echeck_mc._visible = !_root.ltab_mc.echeck_mc._visible; if (_root.ltab_mc.echeck_mc._visible = true) {  _root.ltab_mc.tcheck_mc._visible = false; }};

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Flash :: Radio Buttons For PHP Email?

May 12, 2011

I need to add a sign-up form for services to a flash AS2 web site.
I found a very simple example of a Flash/ PHP email form at Kirupa.
It works fine, but I need to add some radio buttons.
My web site will offer various services. Ideally I would like to be able for viewers to sign up for a service by clicking the appropriate right radio buttons


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Add Up Values Of Radio Buttons To A Variable?

May 7, 2009

This one is tripping me up. I'm creating a simple 10 question 'quiz' with simple "yes" or "no" radio buttons for each question. If they picked "yes" the value is 5, while "no" is 0. I want them to be able to choose all of the answers and then click submit. On submit it would add up all the answers and save that number as a variable named "score".

I know how to setup all of the radio button groups, calling each group question1, question2, question3 etc and giving the values to each yes and no radio button. I just don't know how to capture the values on submit, add them up and save to a variable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Radio Buttons To Slider?

Mar 4, 2004

How would I be able to make this "slide" between the images, rather than just switching them with buttons? It's a landscape that changes with each click (img 2 alpha fades over image 1 on click), but it's kinda clunky. I guess I'm asking if theres a way to build a slider that controls the alphas in AS, so it can go forward And backward on slide...

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IDE :: Radio Buttons And A Combobox In Form?

Feb 28, 2003

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IDE :: Custom Radio Buttons Coding?

Mar 9, 2010

Does anyone know the actionScript to apply to custom radio buttons? I want them to function exactly like the component radio buttons available in CS3, but I can't use those because adding one makes the .swf about 30k and I have a 30k limit on all flash files.I imagine the radio button would have to be a mC with frame 1 a drawing of a button unchecked and frame 2 the button checked. Then another mC of 4 of those radio button mC's grouped together and coding to tell it that when one is clicked to unclick the others, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I haven't been able to find any info on this online since everyone just uses the component versions anymore

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IDE :: Feedback Form With Radio Buttons?

Apr 26, 2009

Im trying to create a feeback (basically a fancier email form) using flash & PHP. Ive got a simple contact form which Ive always used & it works fine - but Ive never had to add radio buttons? I need this info to be sent to the client through the form,

Company: a or b (radios buttons I think)
Country (they want a drop down list for this)
Select: a, b,
Select: a, b, c, d
Message or comments.

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