ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Random Image Onload From XML
Apr 5, 2004
Cello posted an excellent example of resizing a border around an image when a thumbnail is clicked: [URL] My question isn't directly related to a random image or xml but I'm using it in my example. I really want to know how to load an image when the swf file loads. Please have a look at my example and you'll see what is wrong. It's a little funky resizing the border at the moment when the file is loaded.
My question isn't directly related to a random image or xml but I'm using it in my example. really want to know how to load an image when the swf file loads. Please have a look at my example and you'll see what is wrong. It's a little funky resizing the border at the moment when the file is loaded.
I'm still very much a newbie when it comes to AS3. I need to create an external image scroller. That's simple enough, but these images are of people of different ethnics groups, roughly divided into four categories. So, the pictures need to be randomized two-dimensionally. The first random factor is which of the four groups to choose from. The second random factor is which image in that group to display. That way, no ethnic group is favored over another.
I've gotten fairly far...when I test my Flash file and click the Start button, you'll see the first random image. Wait a few seconds, and the second will appear. All well and good...but the logic for how to randomize and automatically display all 15 images eludes me, despite days of research.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I tried to upload the test files but they're too big, so the code is below.
I'm a designer working in tandem with a PHP programmer on a project where we will display a random image via flash from a selection of images stored on a database. Accompanying this image is a tagline and a path for a button and these variables are sent via a php script. The actionscript then picks up these vars via loadVars and displays them on screen - well, almost.
The tagline is displaying in the dynamic text box with no problems, but I'm struggling with how to display the image in the empty MC I've created (called 'pic') and also to attach the path to the button I've created (called 'projectURL_btn'). I'm fairly sure it's something fairly simple but I just can't crack it.
I'm working on a basic flash gallery, when the user clicks a thumbnail, the large image above it will load (using loadMovie ("whatever.jpg")...that's all working fine, but I want to have the image center on a frame once it's fully loaded since I have some portrait and some landscape images. What I'm wondering is, is there a simple way to check if a jpg has been completely loaded, similar to an xml.onLoad = function()? I've tried the getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal thing as well as an onEnterFrame that checks the width but these have both had issues, maybe there's just some really simple way to check?
I have modified hga77's gallery and made some changes with the style. I am still having some problems and need three things sorted out. Well, two aren't essential but the first one is.1. Most importantly, On Load I need the first image in the XML file to load in and have a border.2. Get the percentage preloader working.
I've been putting data into an array via XML, and then selecting at random an image string to load in a pic at random. But whilst doing this, I wanted to remove the String from the Array that I have just used, so I don't get repetition of the same image in the output. I initially thought that pop would remove the string I had just used - But of course it Removes the last value in the Array instead, which doesn't really help.
Ok - so how about randomizing the data once inside the Array, after it has been pulled in from XML!? That way I can load in the 'last' image, and then pop it out! Keeping a randomized selection of images each time 'it' is loaded
i want to rotate 3D an Image called img1 in Flex. I want to rotate it around y axis 180 degree. I can do this by using 3D effect already built in Flex but i want to do a bit more different. I want during rotating, there's another image called img2 appear on back of img1 (in default case, the image appear on the back is img1) and when rotating finish, the image will be img2.
I am writting an image gallery that loads one intial xml file named galleries.xml.From this point each xml node loads a XMl file for that gallery that holds all the images.The problem arises in the fact that to do this I need a onload function within an onload function.Onload functions dont accept parameters so I can pass down the variable that shows what loop the gallery loop is on as I need that in the function that holds the images.
im messing with a movieclip symbol and i want to make a button, what'd i mean on Mouse over display/change this image in this X,Y cords or replace this image, something close to what buttonSymbol does but i want to make it using movieClip symbol... and i have no idea how to do it.. i started like this:
After browsing for the images, and selecting them. How can I display a preview of the image in the datagrid? I am able to display the file name, file size, but was unable to display the image. Below are the codes I have written, it is not a complete code but just enough to make it understandable.
// variables used var list:Array = new Array(); var listDP:Array = new Array();
Is there an easier way to display random images, for example I want it to display an image or two and then three or four second�s later change to another. I have over 100 images to display and don�t really want create each frame and place a new image on every 5 or so frame. There must be somewhere out there some action script that can do this, c
I want to have a name appear on my Flash page stay for 10 seconds, and fly off then another name and so on... So it would sort of be like "her name was... JENNY", and the "JENNY" would be the bit that changed... I don't want it to ever end either so would I need to have some sort of file with like a million names in there that Flash would pull in?
I am using this following code to display images using xml.Everything is working fine for me but i have to add background image or border to the displayed image using function BitmapFileMaterial.
using BitmapData or Bitmap Class but same functionality.
I am trying to find a script which displays my frames on a timeline randomly (and shows them for a second or so).
I did find a script but when i place the movieclip a couple of times over my stage - what happens is that the random script is not working anymore.[url]...
does anyone know how to display a random number every time i need to display 3 digit random number display and i has also a random number display for 3 dec place too
Im using several swf files on one page and instead of displaying a random swf on refresh or the next visit I want to display a swf for a certain number of days also I want to be able to choose what swfs will show up more depending on some sort of priority setting. Has anyone pulled this off or has any code to show?
how to display random game characters as an individual using the code below:
var bearOne = new bearMC();var bearTwo = new bearMC_2();var bearThree = new bearMC_3();var characters:Array = new Array(bearOne,bearTwo,bearThree); var mcChar:MovieClip=characters[int(Math.random()*3)]; addChild(mcChar);
Currently, I'm looking deeper.. Let's say if I'm displaying the characters in different parts say Head, Body and Arms, etc.. How do I make sure when I randomize the characters, the correct part of each character is displayed correctly? Instead of characterOne's head appear with characterTwo's Body and characterThree's Arms for example.
I have the need to populate three text fields with a random number in each.How do i wire up each field to retrieve the results of the random number function I've written in Actionscript?
I am trying to place 6 movie clips in an array and access them in a random manner so that when a button is pressed a movieclip appears and plays randomly. All MCs are in frame one along with this code:
I'm looking to display three images, chosen at random on load, throughout the duration of a banner ad.Basically, these images are health tips displayed on post it's - as it plays, the post-it's fly off, revealing the next tip.I also need ensure that the images don't repeat I 'm mostly a timeline guy, but I've been learning AS and have no problem getting one image to display randomly - however the three separate ones with no repeat is throwing me off. My thoughts are to are to either
a) Put all the images on separate frame within 3 MC's, and somehow display a random frame within that clip on load, ensuring no repeat or
b) Load the images into 3 separate MC's through and XML doc, and pick one at random.
The images only appear one at a time - so I think each MC would only contain one of the 3 random images selected.So is it possible to load a random image into a MC,and then duplicate that MC without a chance of the image repeating?