ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing With The Mouse And Having A Dot Follow The Path?
Feb 1, 2011
Wondering if any of you have any experience with the title. I just want a dot or an object to follow the path drawn by my mouse at a predetermined length.
So I've created a script where a mc is clicked on and the player can draw a path using the mouse. I'm trying to figure out how I can get the mc to follow the path drawn out by the player's mouse and when the player clicks again, it erases all of the code is below
I found this tutorial [URL] and is wondering if I could limit the area where the clip can follow? I'm planning to have my cartoon's EYEBALLS follow the mouse move.
In my file, I've replaced the cursor with a custom cursor of a pencil.It roams around the screen and on mouse over, triggers various actions. While it moves, I'd really like it to draw, so the user has more of an active role in the narrative. Is there a way to do this?
I am working on a circular gallery 6 images/movie clips and two buttons. I would like to have these images move around a circular path, clockwise when the right button is hit and counter clockwise when the left one is hit. I am just learning action script so my understanding of it is extremely basic. I don't necessarily need all the code just conceptualize how this would be done. I don't want to use the time line (if that's not possible just let me know).The only things I can think of would be to have the images move on a path or painfully swap out the buttons for new ones that look exactly the same but move different clips for each scenario.
make my hero go back to his shelter when he finds some food or when he approaches an enemy. It looks like this:
1. The hero is in the shelter. 2. The hero is hungry. 3. The hero leaves the base to hunt some animals down. 4. The hero is full and is headed back to the shelter. 5. He moves in the direction of where the base is.
So, once again, how do I make my hero go back to where he came from? How do I make my hero's x and y position to fit the way back home?
how to make a simple ball follow an oval motion path? Think of a molecule spinning (and looping) around a nucleus. This was five seconds work in previous versions where you could draw the motion guide then simply attach an object to it and say "orient to path" but I can't seem to find how to do it in CS4.
As the topic indicates, i'm trying to create a curved path and make a movieclip follow that path up and down with a bit of rotation.
This could easily be done animating the timeline, however I need this to be done through pure AS - as when I mouseOver the MC, the MC need to stop and go to the top. [url]...
I am looking for a quick and simple way of having a movieclip follow the mouse with easing, until it reaches the mouse, at which point I want it to stop. It needs to ease out, so the standard cursorMC.x = mouseX will not do (also because it doesn't update the position of the mouse.
We need to make kind of a path animation out of a string (curved lines) drawing. The designer provided me with this: [URL]. We need a revealing (growing) type of animation that generates from the right, follows every corner and ends up in the left with that giant piece of "mop". Is there a way to do this professionally? Tried the old frame by frame masking, but it looks odd. Shouldn't be some AS3 libraries that just work with paths or that draw paths?
I have created a small flash movie where the eyes of the character follow the cursor. Its based on this one here Only problem is, it only works while the mouse is actually over the movie. Is there any way to increase the sensitive area to the whole screen without increasing the actual size of the movie?
I'm making a drawing application, everythings looks and works ok, except for one thing...My mouse cursor is hidden and a paintbrush like cursor follows it. This cursor is a movieclip, because the user chooses a color, and the tip of this paintbrush changes to the selected color.But there's one problem... when I draw to the left the line is drawed with no problem, but when I draw to the right, the line is interrupted, and I don't understand why.I made one experiment, and with no movieclip "attached" to the mouse cursor, the line is drawed with no problem, both to the right and left.
I am currently trying to create an app using flash AIR.I would like to find some more information on how to make an object snap to another ojbect then follow its path, eg. a person object is already on the stage, then drag an arrow to the object which snaps to it, then on play button it follows the arrow path. all in pure actionscript, no guide layers.
I am using CS3 and trying to get an object to follow the mouse and having a hard time finding a tutorial on this, because all of the ones i have found want me to add the actionscript to the MC, and my version of flash won't let me do that. Flash expects me to attach it to the frame and so the code doesn't work.
...without using the startDrag method. I know I can use code like this inside of a mouse event listener/function:
Code: objectMC.x=mouseX; objectMC.y=mouseY;
This code makes the object move with the mouse, but only if I move the mouse very slowly. When I move the mouse quickly, the mouse leaves the area of the object and thus the MOUSE_OVER listener stops listening, causing the object to stop.
I can't find any info on this so I guess I'll just ask. I'm trying to make moveclips that will follow the mouse pointer on MOUSE_OVER but only up to a certain distance then tween back to its original coordinates (preferably with a bounce or elastic ease).I tried startDrag(); on mouse over and that works quit cool but the problem is stopping the drag...
make eyes move and follow a mouse on the _x and _y axis, but the eye needs constrained with in an eye socket.I have used two mc to constrain while mousedown.
I have a compass that is rotating depending on the position of the mouse, however it rotates it from the top left of the stage not the movie clip, how to get the AS to recognise the centre of the compass.. Also, I thought a nice touch would be if the compass had a slight "wobble"
I have this kind of menu structure design (see image attached), and the way It needs to work is when the mouse goes close to a topic it follows it and when the mouse is a certain distance away it springs back to its orginal place?
I am trying to have a flashlight follow the mouse from it's pivot point. Rotating from its registration point, 180 degree rotation. Also have it move back to place if the mouse is off stage.
I found several tutorials that work great for having movie objects follow the mouse but I haven't been able to find one that restricts it to only a certain area. This is one of the tutorials that I was looking at: http:[url].......What I basically want to do is have this hanging lamp tilt either left or right depending or where the mouse comes from.
I have a graphic replacing the mouse cursor and I'm having it so that when the user goes over a MC (called hitSquare in this case) the cursor graphic moves to a certain location on the stage, then returns to the location of the real mouse position.[code]The problem with this is that during the 0.5 seconds that it takes the graphic to return to the mouse position, the user can still move the mouse, so it actually goes to different co-ordinates and when the user moves the mouse after the 0.5 is over, the cursor just jumps to the new location.How can I make it so that the graphic smoothly follows the mouse, (even if it's being moved and has to update in real time) and then returns to the standard mouse follow code (cursorMC.x = mouseX; etc) once it's met its final destination?I take it this requires some "mouse trail" code that gets removed once it's caught up with the mouse.
I am trying to make a menu bar that when the mouse moves around from button to button it has a bar that follows under the text.I have found scripts for making a MC follow a mouse around the screen but I cant find anything for what I need.
I am working on a project that involves having a FollowSpot following the mouse until the user click on a button. Beeing fairly new to Flash, I searched on the Internet and came out with a few ideas but I could not find exactly what I was looking for. I have included the code that I now use as a test bench: Everything is included on one frame and it obviously has to loop until a selection is made.