ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic XML Slideshow With Mask Effect?

Jul 14, 2008

I am trying to dynamically load images into this slideshow. I have 2 MC's, one with an animated mask, one without. I am trying to load an image into the first MC, have the mask reveal it, then load that image into the 2nd MC which is behind this one. This way, when the next image loads and has the mask show it, the other image will still be on the stage behind the new one, and so forth.Here is the excerpt of code from where the main actions are being done..

var myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var myListener:Object = new Object();
var canMoveOn:Boolean;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Slideshow With Dynamic Mask?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Mask Effect Like In Photoshop

Jan 31, 2009

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Before I jump in at the deep end, has anyone got any ideas on this, even just part of it (the falling particles or the revealing dynamic mask part) would be a great help.Please let me know if you can help with ideas and input in anyway, and I'll give you credit on the final project when complete, as well as much help as I can with game related scripting and deisgn/URL...

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IDE :: Give A Fade In Effect To My Galleries - Mask Get Smaller Or Dissapear?

May 28, 2009

I use this method to give a fade in effect to my galleries, but there is a problem with it when i m viweing it in the browser if i go to another tab then go back to the tab wich has the sef with this fade in mask t messes all up the mask get smaller or dissapear anyone knows how to fix it or another way of making an fadein/out mask? here is the code i use

this.clip.cacheAsBitmap = true;
this.mask.cacheAsBitmap = true;

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Aug 11, 2009

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for (var i:int = 1; i <= _size; i++) {
var pl_artist:TextField = new TextField;
//all embedFont = true and antiAlias commands no workie

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Movieclip With Dynamic Mask - Not Showing

Nov 8, 2011

first I had:

maskedImg = getChildByName("current") as MovieClip;
maskedImg.mask = mymask;

and everything worked properly. Then I removed the movieclip from the scene, exported it to Actionscript, and changed the code to

maskedImg = new mymovieclip();
maskedImg.mask = mymask;

and now I don't see anything on the scene. If I comment out the line assigning the mask I can see the movieclip although. The mask is created dynamically in both cases.

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Jan 6, 2010

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Attachments: (9.0 K)

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Flash 9 :: Image Slideshow With Fade And Text Effect Over Images?

Nov 18, 2008

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Actually i need flash like. [URL]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Image Slideshow But It Doesn't Contain The Transitional Effect Desired

Apr 7, 2009

I am trying to make a image slideshow for my companies new website. I used the Flash Image Viewer plugin from Dreamweaver, but it doesn't contain the transitional effect desired.

Every tutorial I find talks about advancing the images through an interactive control, I just want the images to change by themselves and do a fade transitional effect between images. Can anyone please point me to a tutorial that has this w/o the intractive buttons? I have been looking on the internet for hours and can only find tutorials / example w/ the intractve controls.

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IDE :: Dynamic Text And Mask?

Aug 7, 2005

i am facing a problem with dynamic text and mask,when i use a dynamic text and i am trying to mask the text area it's not showing in swf

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Flash :: Professional - Make A Motion Tween - Mask Effect And Shape Tween With A Website?

Nov 11, 2011

I will have three seperate pages for the motion tween, mask effect and shape tween... would you make the seperately, in a different scene, as a symbol or on the same scene with the website.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Inverting A Dynamic Mask

Nov 15, 2009

I searched for a solution everywhere but cant seem to find one. I found the tutorial below on creating a dynamic mask that basically draws a mask over an image. I am basically trying to replicate the exact same effect only i need it inverted. I want to basically erase the image. Have the image there then with the mouse cursor erase the image.

I guess i would normally do this using blending modes or an actual mask on the timeline using layer but in this case the mask is drawn dynamically so im not sure the best approach. To make things easier to understand what I am trying to achieve is the effect of cutting a piece of paper using scissors and have the paper "erase" as i hover over the paper using an attached movieclip of scissors. I have everything working except the "erasing" of the paper.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Behind Mask?

Oct 28, 2004

i have a dynamic text block which is inside a movie clip, is i grouped with other elements.This movie clip sits behind a mask. when i am in the movie clip i can see the text field, when i am on the root level (and the mask is disabled) i can see the text, but when i preview the movie the text IS GONE or I CAN'T SEE IT.

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Jan 28, 2006

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IDE :: Mask Over A Dynamic Text ... FLA Attached

Apr 7, 2009

Hello Flash World, Ok, I may have posted this question before but I am still confused. I have a Master Movie Clip that has a Mask over it. By having that mask I can't view my dynamic text box that is scrollable. How do I embed a font so I can view my dynamic text box? (Im using AS2) attach is a file that explains my problem.

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