Professional :: Swf File Not Showing Mask (text Effect)?
May 10, 2011
I have been searching for a few days now, I keep seeing the question, but no answer. I created a text effect using a mask. It works great when I move through the timeline.However, when I test the movie or publish it as swf or htmp, the mask doesn't work. As I was searching for an answer, I noticed several references to making sure the font is embedded, so I made sure I did, but it's still not workingI am using:Flash Professional CS5Windows 7Flash Player 10ActionScript 3.0
I have an animation with some text in tlf on it. when i export an swf i can see the writing but when i want to export an avi file i can't see it. Can anyone help me with this? It's really important to my project..
I'm working on making a news scrollpane thingamagig. I have a movieclip called "entry" with textfileds (basically it's just a header bar and a bottom border bar with two textfields). These are dynamically attached based on the number of xml nodes into a holder clip and I have that holder clip masked and for some reason the entry movieclips will show, but the actual text doesn't. when I get rid of the mask then the text shows.
I've discovered the joy that you cannot display dynamic text boxes if they are masked.After browsing the internet I found a few things to try, first embedding the font, which I have done, and that didn't work.The other solution involves setting the mask to a display object, which I've done, sort of.I create a Sprite() in code (I use Flex Develop, and never code on the time line), then use the to draw the mask, then set my main stage movieClip's .mask property to equal this layer.
I will have three seperate pages for the motion tween, mask effect and shape tween... would you make the seperately, in a different scene, as a symbol or on the same scene with the website.
I am still using flash MX. I'm pulling random text from a textfile (array.txt) into movieclip instance textbox.[code]All is good, but now my question is if I can have a text effect as well. For example having the random quotes typed out as they appear.
I saw one video on how to use flv file in flash and mask it. It is working fine when I am using the following option while importing a video file to flash:
Load external video with playback component
But when I tried with the following option it doesn't show the background, it shows only movie which is playing nicely. But not the background which has a bill board.Embed FLV in SWF and play in timeline.It seems the mask is not working with this option.Actually it should be like the above.But when I am using the option Embed FLV in SWF and play in timeline while importing the flv video, getting the result like below: It is not showing the Bill board as above.See the layers created:
a few months ago we bought a flash ready template that I customized with our information. I decided to update the website information and wrote new text. Now when I do the publish preview the upated text is not showing up. I have not change the font, color just the size because in the original it looked too small. when looking at the properties is shown as the default of font (the one the template came with) static text.
What is causing the updated text not to show up? I am not really experienced with flash, i am trying to figure out also how to see the code of the pages but i don't know how to do that.
I used a sample in loading text file from the flash samples. I wanted to load a .C file (turbo c file), which is editable and readable as text. While i have successfully done it, it only shows the loaded text in the .fla but not in .swf I am using flash 8 AS2
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); my_lv.onData = function(src:String) { if (src == undefined) {
I have a series of dynamic text fields that do not show text when published. The fonts for these text fields are embedded and I do not get any errors on publishing. The project worked perfectly in CS4, but now in CS5, I had to re-embed all of the fonts in the dynamic text fields, but they won't show. What could be the problem?
I am working with Flash CS5 (AS3) on an iMAC running 10.6.8, My problem is, when I test my Flash file in Flash, the button rollovers change the cursor from the arrow to the hand. When I publish the file as SWF and HTML, the cursor only changes in the SWF file, not the HTML. People know that there is a button there if it doesn't change. Has any one run into this issue before, if so, how can I correct this issue?
I managed to show the output of a shell command in TextArea of flex by calling following php file via HTTPService and then using the dataprovider attribute of TextArea to show the returned output.
I've created an eBook that's 972 X 500 pixels (13.5" X 7"). The image in the browser is roughly 9.5 inches wide. Is there a way to make the browser display the image at actual size? Am I missing something here? The SWF file does print out at the true size from the browser.
I built a quick and dirty site header banner, with text masking a scrolling background of several images. The text is the mask, so the images show up inside the text. Viewing it works in Flash CS3, but when I publish it, I see the images scrolling from right to left, but they are not masked.
ive gotten one movie clip to mask another in the actions frame but i cant seem to be able to mask the flames which are a shape with a movieclip in this as file. im not getting any errors but the mask isnt covering anything look near the bottom at s.mask=mask_mc; there are about 20 "s" shapes spawning per second if that has anything to do with it
Code: //this package turns an mc into a flaming button that calls a javascript function package { import flash.display.MovieClip;
recreate this text effect? http:[url].....Here's my version: http:[url]....
http:[url]....The trained eye can probably see that the original version looks much better. Why is that? Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong, or could this text have been made using a different technique?(whether I use Flash or Photoshop shouldn't matter as their text effects are pretty much identical)
I am trying to preload an mp3 file dynamically while showing the typical 'percentage loaded' in a dynamic text box. However for some reason, the percentage just doesn't count up - it freezes on 100% even though the mp3 file is still loading. I have included the code that I'm using below. Also, does anyone know what would be the best way to adjust this code so that I could preload multiple mp3 files at the same time or one after another?
I would like to use the typewriter effect (Daniel Skovli, Tutorial 36) using an external text that possible? and can I set the typewriter to run as soon as it's loaded without having to use a button?
im trying to create a flash effect using a mask layer.i want to have a text box which is invisible, and throu the timeline small peices of a mask layer will move over the text box, revealing the text. My problem is this, if i create a mask layer with more than 1 object, when i try to move the objects (for example in different directions so the text will reveal from both sides) then i get a weird movement from the objects (like the sum of both movements i wanted) so i was think maybe a layer can contain only one moving object.So i just cant figure how can i get the effect i want.
I want to achieve smoke mask but it doesn't look realistic so I was wondering is it posible to do this.I have two images one black&white and the other one is color and with mask I reveal the color picture and for that I'm using mask ( best solution is something like smoke)
I'm guessing this would be simple but I just started in flash and have no clue what I'm doing wrong here. I'm trying to add an animated logo effect using a linear gradient to create a glimmer effect, using a motion tween. In order to make it appear the logo glimmered with light every so many seconds.When I add a mask to the glimmer layer but the effect comes out obviously wrong. I read somewhere that in the action script I have to use "cacheAsBitmap" but that does not seem to effect anything.I found an example of the effect I am looking to do in a tutorial pertaining to text effectsI have seen this effect used thousands of times online, but there doesn't appear to be any tutor
I have a mask and I want to take 12 images and put the same mask to it and then loop them.I can apply the mask to one image but would this be easier to do in actionscript or am I completely off base here?
I am currently working on Flash 8 tool. I wanted to know how to create a text effect on mouse click in Flash 8. I have tried simple text effects like fade in and out and zoom out effects, however these effects are not mouse enabled. How to create text effects in flash 8 on a mouse click i.e. text should appear when the mouse is clicked. I am also attaching the SWF file that I generated from a flash document. Attachments: dummy14.swf (17.7 K)
I have a mask transitioned 2 pic banner I'm using for a site. Everything appears perfect and am happy with the result.
After a while in ie7 or Chrome (indeed possible any browser!) the transition will freeze - most often mid transition! I have racked my brain trying to figure it out and can only conclude it is an issue with the loop killing the cache of browser or something.
It's an ol' favorite AS2 fla of mine and was taken from a FLASHMO template. how the original that mine was built from and see any problems with cache or runtime etc.? Would a conversion to AS3 fix?
I'm trying to make a preloader with a mask effect. I need the animation to follow the path the right way - from point 1 to point 2. Of course this is wrong now because the mask effect isnt well done.
I am trying to dynamically load images into this slideshow. I have 2 MC's, one with an animated mask, one without. I am trying to load an image into the first MC, have the mask reveal it, then load that image into the 2nd MC which is behind this one. This way, when the next image loads and has the mask show it, the other image will still be on the stage behind the new one, and so forth.Here is the excerpt of code from where the main actions are being done..
var myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); var myListener:Object = new Object(); myMCL.addListener(myListener); var canMoveOn:Boolean;
I have seen how mask in photoshop works. However flash mask does not work like that. I want to create a effect in flash with a image dynamically. Probably involving bitmapdata. As yo can see the second image is the actual one. I want to create the first one from the second one using actionscript. But the problem is flash masking does not understand gradient mask etc.