ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Generate Progressive FLV Thumbnails?

Apr 12, 2005

The main thing that intrigues me about the project is that it can create FLV thumbnails on the fly using the file included in the project download. Unfortunately, the project was made to be used on Flash Communication Server, and I am using Progressive FLVs on my site. I have been trying to figure out how to convert the file to work with progressive FLV instead of streamed FLV. I must say that I'm quite surprised no one has done this yet, as I think it would be a valuable contribution to the Flash FLV community.Anyways, as far as the code in the file, the main part I don't understand is this snippet...ok, so it's a pretty big snippet

// str is the suggested string to render from the tree (based on the node)
// node is the entire XMLNode for the row


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Flash - Generate Low Res Thumbnails?

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I am trying to create an image gallery similar to Androids "Gallery" where it is a horizontal scrolling list of images. I am doing this with an HBox and Bitmap objects wrapped in a UIComponent. The problem is I am trying to do this for mobile and having many full size images open in memory causes problems. I have been trying to have the images load right as they are scrolling into view and unload once they are out of view, but the loading/unloading while scrolling requires too much cpu and causes a very choppy and poor UI. What I am looking to do is be able to load several low quality versions of the images in memory so I dont have to do as much loading/unloading. I have tried decreasing the height/width but it dosnt seem to have an effect on memory usage.

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like this
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1

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to check the answers. However, I am able to get the labelField if I know the variable name used to create the ComboBox.


This indicates (to me) that I need to dynamically generate the variable name as I'm creating new instances of the ComboBox. But how do I dynamically generate a variable name? If I use

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var newBox:ComboBox = thisBox as ComboBox;

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function moveImg():void {


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May 14, 2005

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movieclip.somefunction = b2._x;

and below is what I'm using...

movieclip.somefunction = ("b" + thisnum + "._x");

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var image0:loader = new Loader ();
image0.load(new URLRequest ("images/image0.jpg);
var image1:loader = new Loader ();
image1.load(new URLRequest ("images/image1.jpg");

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var [name+i] :loader = new Loader();
[name+i].load(new URLRequest ("images/"+[name+i]+".jpg");

Now I've just made that code up, but there is some logic in it, which I hope makes my question clearer.

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Jun 22, 2010

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Sep 28, 2010

I am trying to generate variable names dynamically to get the X coordinate for many MovieClips on my stage.
This sort of works:
var End_X_mcArm01_Dot0:Array = [];
for (var Four_counter:int=1; Four_counter<=1; Four_counter++)

It stores the X coordinate in the variable End_X_mcArm01_Dot0[Four_counter] which is great. But I want to store these values for use later in my FLA.
If you turn the comment off on the second trace it errors although it appears to have created a variable called "End_X_mcArm01_Dot01".

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Jun 22, 2010

I want to generate movielclips dynamically using xml nodes in a circular fashion (lets assume 360 degree circle). Suppose if i have 5 nodes in xml, then it has to generate only 5 movieclips in a circular fashion. and if it was 50, it has to generate 50 mc's in a circular fashion again.

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Nov 10, 2005

basically i have to generate some movieclips dynamically and then eidt their content...

for(j=4;j>=0; j--){
var mc = _root.bottom.panel.duplicateMovieClip("copy"+j, j);
if (j===(4)) {posit=50;


how i can acces the generated clips... i tried _root.bottom. "copy"+j).company._visible=false; and does not work...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Load Thumbnails To Horizontal Movieclip?

May 2, 2009

I'd like to dynamically load thumbnails into a horizontal movieclip at the bottom of an image gallery to then allow me to load an image by clicking the thumbnails. I found a tutorial tooad the thumbnails to the stage but I am not sure how to load them into the thumbs movieclip. Here is the code I am using:

var imageLoader:Loader;var xml:XML;var xmlList:XMLList;var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("xml/murals.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Order Of Dynamically Loaded Thumbnails

Nov 6, 2006

I'm working on a portfolio site that I'm pretty much done with, but I'm having trouble with the loading order of the thumbnails on the site. The work in the portfolio is grouped into clients, and within each client, there are thumbnails that display the selected work. This will probably make more sense if you can see what I'm talking about: [URL]. (Only the first two clients are enabled at the moment). Specifically, when the page is first loaded (from a web server) the thumbnails show up in the wrong order. When the page is refreshed, the thumbnails are displayed in the correct order.

The thumbnails always display in the correct order when being viewed locally, or in the Flash Test Movie environment. I'm pulling in the data from an xml file into an array, and iterating through the elements of the array with a loop, I'm loading the thumbnail images with a MovieClipLoader instance. Using the onLoadInit event, I then set the horizontal position of each thumbnail clip. As much as I'm looking for reasons why the order could be switching. I suspect it has to do with which thumbnail image finishes loading first - in which case, how to force the images to load in the correct order. Maybe I should use if...then and load the next thumbnail only when onLoadComplete fires?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Border Around Dynamically Loaded Thumbnails

Apr 7, 2007

This question has probably been asked a number of times in this forum. I searched and searched, read every reply, but there is nothing satisfactory posted till now. I tried out all solutions posted, but almost every implementation was incomplete. So, here is my question: In the xml photogallery tutorial, if I want to have a border around a thumbnail (which is dynamically loaded), how do I do that?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Generate Movieclips Dynamically In A Circular Fashion?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to generate movielclips dynamically using xml nodes in a circular fashion (lets assume 360 degree circle). Suppose if i have 5 nodes in xml, then it has to generate only 5 movieclips in a circular fashion. and if it was 50, it has to generate 50 mc's in a circular fashion again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Rollover Effects To Dynamically Created Thumbnails?

Aug 15, 2009

ive built it based off of an example we made in class last year that i had lying around..

as you can see here everything works fine.

The only problem is I want to add some roll over effects to the thumbnail but im not sure how to go about this as they are all dynamically added to the stage..

The way I tried was adding an event listener to each thumb via the function that adds the thumbs to the stage (see the "createThumbs()" function below). The event listener works fine and calls to the function i assigned to it ("thumbRoll") but im not sure what to put in this function to effect the thumb that is moused over as im unable to access "btn_thumb" from "thumbRoll".

ps. sorry if the code is a bit messy, bit of an experiment for me to get everything working..

ActionScript Code:
//imports go here
import flash.display.*;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Dynamically Load In .png Files As Thumbnails For An Image Gallery?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm developing an app that needs to dynamically load in .png files as thumbnails for an image gallery. I have studied up on the bitmapData.hitTest() method for being able to setup an alpha test in order work around the .png bounding box issue, but have a problem.

I get an as3 error 2005, which OK I can understand in some cases, but it is pointing to a parameter that makes no sense at all. Here's the error:

ArgumentError: Error #2005: Parameter 0 is of the incorrect type. Should be type BitmapData.
at flash.display::BitmapData/hitTest()
at folio_fla::MainTimeline/checkAlphaForHit()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Properly Organize Dynamically Loaded Thumbnails From A Xml File?

May 28, 2009

how you properly organize dynamically loaded thumbnails from an xml file, into a grid.What I'd like is for the number of columns and rows to be set in the xml file also, and for the flash file to auotmatically fill out the rows / columns based on how many thumbs are in the xml file.

I've found examples of this type of thing in both as3 and as2, but I can't seem to get my as2 version working properly... how to create a thumbnail grid in as2...I don't really want the thumbs to link to a bigger version fo the image...

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Flash :: Professional - Generate Math Typesets Dynamically Using LaTex Or Comparable System

Dec 17, 2007

I'm trying to create math tutorials using Flash and would like to generate math typesets dynamically using LaTex or comparable system. How do I go about doing this?

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Jquery :: Need To Dynamically-generate A "sticky Note" Text

Apr 14, 2010

Working on a website that has an image of a sticky note which will change text somewhat frequently (every month or so) as new "todo" items are created on it. Font I'm currently using is not Web Safe and the text is slightly angled to match the skew of the sticky note as well. Now I'm a pragmatist, and in situations like this I would normally cede defeat and opt for something more CSS/HTML practical. But no more! I'm falling a bit behind on what's going on with HTML5, CSS3, PNG graphics, Flash (ugh), and/or any other rich visuals. I'm decent with PHP/CSS/JS (jquery), have dabbled in Flash/actionscript too. My question is: what tools/method should I be looking at here? EDIT: I've switched to Comic Sans MS/Cursive -- pragmatism is fighting back furiously.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll Thumbnails By Scrolling The Mouse Left Or Right Over The Thumbnails?

May 9, 2011

Haven't been here for a while and I'm really rusty using Flash. I looking for a tutorial or some information on how to scroll thumbnails by scrolling the mouse left or right over the thumbnails.

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