ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Flash Based Rating And Comments System?
Apr 24, 2007
I'd like to create a rating and comments system to the video site I'm working on. Basically the user will rate the video (stars or thumbs up) from 1-5, have the new rating process and improve or lower the video rating automatically. For the comments the user will be able to write and send the comment and then either have it posted automatically with the option for the site moderator to erase any offensive comment or have it sent to a database for approval first and then post it by the site moderator. I assume I need a php form and action script code?
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I only want it to work as a form so i can have a php file process it.I don't need the actionscript just an idea of how I should start.
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use Flex which has a great constraint based layout system architecture by default, but in Flash CS3 there is no built in way to do this. To create intelligently resizing layouts, you have to manually resize each element on a stage resize event. This can create obscene amounts of code really fast, especially if you start to work in simple arithmetic to avoid hard coding in positions, such as "stageWidth-obj.x-obj.width" etc.
Is there any code library to do this for you built in AS3? I basically want something like this:
ActionScript Code:
var layout = new Layout();
layout.header_mc = 'left|right|top';
layout.left_mc = 'left|top|bottom';
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(in scene Frame) attack = Math.round (Math.random ()*2)+0;
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if (_root.attack == 1 || _root.attack == 2){
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ActionScript Code:
//Retreive and pass the information to a PHP page
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest("sendmail.php");
[Code] .....
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card1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, card1buttonpress);
card2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, card2buttonpress);
function card1buttonpress(e:MouseEvent):void {
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[Code] .....
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Is there a way using JavaScript (or ActionScript or whatever) for the PDF to determine in which OS it is being displayed and modify the link appropriately?
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Nov 4, 2011
I just discovered and was very impressed by what can be achieved in terms of visualizing data using their workspace. Although the platform is free to use, but not open source yet. This causes a few problems because the API section works with .com sites for eg. for ebay, so I cannot visualize ebay listings for regional sites such as because the link to is hardcoded.I searched around, but didn't find other projects that offer a similar way to work with site APIs and other data sources with the kind of user interface and detail that does in a realtime way within a browser window.This brings me to the questions:
-What technologies would be involved in creating a similar kind of project
-What are the open source tools that can help develop a fullscreen UI to render the workspace. Are there any alternatives to flash for this, and how do they compare
The goal would be to use standard python data structures, python scripts to do some processing on these data structures, scripts to gather data from csv, json and API sources such as google yahoo, wikipedia and flickr, and scripts to render graphs, tag clouds, network visualizations etc. Then bring them all together into a visual interface that supports drag drop and simple type checking.How would the python backend integrate with the UI.
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Aug 4, 2011
I love looking through other people's codes and see how they style their comments, most people use a mix of * and ////, and of course it all depends on the language, but I have definitely seen some good ways to comment and some bad ways. A coded page can really come together with the right commenting structure and make it really easy to read for someone coming into a project without any knowledge.
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Feb 16, 2011
You know them flash decompilers - can they read your comments you leave in your code?Also, is there anyway to remove the comments if they can -- and can you somehow remove all whitespace and compact it so the swf runs faster, better, and is a smaller file?
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Jul 21, 2011
I'm creating a XML with AS3 and save it as file.The problem is, that i can't add this to the beginning of the XML:[code]The problem seems to be the Comments and the definition (<! and <? ).[code]
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Oct 23, 2006
I'm having a bit of a hard time putting what I want into words, which is probably why programming it has got me a bit stumped.Basically what I want is a nagavatable guestbook where the names of the people who left comments is shown in a list, and clicking on the various names would display their comment in a dynamic text box. This whole thing started as an extention of the XML Guestbook using PHP tutorial.My idea, and the way I've been trying to go at this, is to have the names show as text (not buttons or a movie clip, if I can avoid it) in a text area with a scroll bar to allow for as many entries as possable. Clicking on a name would load the data within the <comment> tag into a dynamic text fieldHere's more or less what my XML file looks like
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Jan 22, 2011
if someone decompiles my code, do they see my comments?
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