ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade-in Slideshow With Captions And Buttons?

Aug 17, 2009

I just started to mess with Flash past week, however I will learn all that's necessary. This time I AM looking for a quick fix though, since I already know how to make the simplest slideshows with next, previous buttons, but I don't know how to make images fade into each other and add captions, as well as stop the animation when mouse is over the image. I may be ignorant - still a newbie - but I think it all has to do with just adding right tags in Actions.[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slideshow (Fade In / Out) With Multiple Buttons

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controls.bttn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection1);
function clickSection1 (evtObj:MouseEvent) {
// trace shows what's happening in the output window
trace ("The Button 1 was clicked!")

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at INDEX_TEST_r3_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Build A Flash Slideshow That Uses XML To Call Up Images And Text Captions?

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I am trying to build a flash slideshow that uses XML to call up images and text captions. I 've found a good example of what I am looking for on macromedia's website.found here: http:[url]...

I would like to add the ability to fade between images and have a button that creates a larger jpg version in a popup window for whatever image is being displayed as current in the slideshow.Would I need 2 XML files for this or can I just use one? I prefer one. Sorry I am quite new to XML, this is my first foray into it.I can build this thing w/o XML, but it seems to be so much easier if I did it with XML.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Modify This Script To Make Images Load Like A Fade In/fade Out Slideshow?

Mar 29, 2010

is it possible to modify this script to make images load like a fade in/fade out slideshow. It works with buttons to action the transition I want, but I want a similar script to play a simple slideshow with same transitions.

this.pathToPics = "images/";
this.pArray = ["home1.jpg", "home2.jpg", "home3.jpg", "home4.jpg", "home5.jpg" ];


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Flash 9 :: Xml Slideshow Fade In And Fade Out Assistance (code Supplied)?

Oct 14, 2008

I'm working with the following code, and want to have my slideshow images fade into each other. At the moment, the picture before, after it's reached its delay setting, just switches off and the next one fades in, meaning the background displays (which isn't desirable)

CODE BEGINS ------------------------------------------------------
delay = 4000;


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Professional :: Set Captions To Be OFF By Default, Using The Captions Component In Flash CS3?

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Rollover Buttons/menu Bar With Fade In/fade Out

Feb 10, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons - Two Images Fade In And Fade Out

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Transition Fade Slideshow?

Oct 19, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Fade In And Out For Slideshow?

Apr 20, 2005

I had to make a simple slide show for a client and they wanted it done in flash. I am not very good in flash and am having a problem trying to get the first image and text to fade in once the user clicks on the category they want.

I want both the image and the text to fade out and have a new image and new text to fade in when the user clicks the next or previous button. I would also like it if I could have the text be timed so that it will fade in AFTER the image it goes with fades in.

Right now the slide show is really ugly, I will make it pretty once I have it built and working correctly, so don't judge the look...haha.

Anyway, here is the .swf file which is what it looks like .fla file was too big to upload on here. I would post the code, but I have so much in different places that I don't know where to start as far as what you will need.

I can't see the swf file that I uploaded when I click on it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Fade-in To Xml Random Slideshow Flash?

Dec 19, 2007

I'm working on a random slideshow gallery that uses xml to populate the mc, and it works great, but now i want to add a fade-in effect for each 1 of the pics, or maybe a cross-fade,this is the script i have so far.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade In Fade Off Buttons?

Apr 3, 2007

I have 3 buttons profile, about and contact. what I am doing is when I click on profile all the buttons should fade off first and then only the about and contact button should appear on the scene.

bt_1.onRelease = function(){
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(bt_1 >= 0){


This is the code for fade off all the buttons. Now I want to fade in only the bt_2 and bt_3 buttons. Is it possible

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Do Simultaneous Cross Fade Of Images In A Slideshow?

Feb 17, 2004

I am trying to do simultaneous cross fade of images in a slideshow. The script here seems to have a very elegant method for cross-fading movieclips: [URL] However, I cannot get this script to work for images Anyone have a clue as to how to make this work with images? Let's say I have done: this.createEmptyMovieClip("photo", 200) and done a loadmovie of an iamge into the the MC. Here is the actionscript that I want to alter so that it will cross fade the iamges...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slideshow Doesn't Fade Properly On The First Cycle?

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import mx.transitions.Tween;
var nInterval:Number;


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Professional :: Slideshow - Adding Button To Apply Fade Effect

Jan 6, 2010

I was able to take an existing Flash file created in '06 and make a simple slideshow. See it at: [URL]. Now I've been asked to add buttons and make the slides fade instead of slide into each other. They want it like this: [URL]. So I created a very simple mock up: [URL]. I just can't get the buttons to work like the prosolassociates one above. I have attached the FLA here for review.
Attachments: (9.0 K)

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Flash 9 :: Image Slideshow With Fade And Text Effect Over Images?

Nov 18, 2008

I want a flash movie with image slideshow with fade effect. When image enter then some text should appear on it and when image change text should also change.

Actually i need flash like. [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Fade Slideshow Only Working On First Page Load?

Apr 30, 2007

I have designed a "Before-and-After" slideshow using Alpha tweens to slowly fade one image into another. The effect works great, however, it seems that the effect only works on the first time the user enters that page. If the user clicks the "play again" button, I reload the .swf and want the effect the play again, but it just moves from the first to second image, without the alpha effect transition.Is there some way to "reset" the .swf to replay the alpha tween effect? why it would have this behavior? The site and effect are purely actionscript, so I cannot do something like "goToAndPlay(1)" in the last frame, the entire site is only in the first frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making First Image Not Fading On Random Fade In-out Xml Based Slideshow?

Jun 14, 2010

im working on an xml based slideshow. Random images loading (only ones and no repeated image) and fade in-out effect. That�s working fine, but the problem is that when animation starts it does it on white screen and then fades in to the first image. How can i keep my slideshow working the same way but starting with the first image already on stage (without fade in)? My Code:

code: import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; var my_speed:Number; var my_total:Number; var my_images:XMLList; var my_loaders_array:Array=[]; var my_labels_array:Array=[]; var my_success_counter:Number=0; var my_playback_counter:Number=0; var my_slideshow:Sprite = new Sprite(); var[code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making First Image Not Fading On Random Fade In-out Xml Based Slideshow?

Jun 14, 2010

im working on an xml based slideshow. Random images loading (only ones and no repeated image) and fade in-out effect. Thats working fine, but the problem is that when animation starts it does it on white screen and then fades in to the first image. How can i keep my slideshow working the same way but starting with the first image already on stage (without fade in)?My Code:

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Repeating Code - Use If / Else And SetInterval Statements On The Cross Fade Slideshow

May 9, 2008

how to use if/else and setInterval statements on the cross fade slideshow. I am trying to edit the code to have the xml slideshow loop back to the first image and play continuously. I am ok following existing code, not great at writing/editing my own. I thought I needed to work within the nextImage function, and add a slideshow (); function. I haven't been able to get it right. Here is the code minus the xml loading part:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Slideshow - Fade Out The Previous Image As The Next Image Fades In

Feb 19, 2008

Ive just completed the Kirupa XML Slideshow today and have it all working well. But i cant figure out how to fade out the previous image as the next image fades in.


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Slideshow Not Resuming After Certain Buttons Are Used

Dec 10, 2010

I have this slideshow that I'm so close to having completed, but there's one issue I'm having with it not resuming after certain buttons are used. I've tried to figure out what could be causing this but I just can't see what it could be. I feel I'm so very close to having this completed if it weren't for this one issue.

In the slideshow buttons '1' and '2' work perfectly, however buttons '3' to '6' are not working completely as they should. During the slideshow, as it plays through the slides if you click on button '1' or '2' you are taken to the corresponding slide and then the slideshow automatically resumes, which is correct. However, if you click on any of buttons '3' to '6' you are still taken to the corresponding slide, but the slideshow does not resume and stays on that particular slide. I've looked over the Action Script 3 code several times and I just don't see what could be causing this but I'm not too experienced so there could be some error, no matter how minor, that I am missing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Slideshow With Buttons?

Dec 5, 2007

I followed the xml slide show tutorial here on the site, and wanted to add buttons to it.(I did the autoplay tutorial) I have the buttons working, but the autoplay feature seems not to be agreeing with the buttons whenever I press left or right arrows on the keyboard it goes to it, but then the autoplayer becomes erratic and suddenly goes to various frames at random.I think the problem is that the timer which is set to 3000 miliseconds is not resetting. I was wondering how to reset this variable each time the user presses the left or right arrow.

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