ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Web Browser?

Jun 30, 2006

is there any way to browse the web thur flash?? like a flash based browser?? is this possible?

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Flex :: Make A Flash Browser App That Could Receive Data From Browser Plugin Or Other Windows App?

Dec 18, 2009

in other words, suppose I want to send data, like text, programmatically from a Windows app (such as a browser plugin) to a Flash app running in the browser. Well, conceptually, an example of this might be a Flash instant messenger with a textbox and button "Send"; so let's say I want to be able to programmatically paste the text and press Send or otherwise activate it. That's NOT what I am trying to do here in reality (i.e., no,I am not trying to spam other people's chat rooms or anything)but just an illustration of a similar situation.I can include in it whatever widget or hack that may be necessary.The reason why this problem is arising for me is that AFAIK the SDK that is providing me the data I want cannot be directly accessed from Flash, so I need a way to pipe the data from a regular app into Flash. can I have the Flash app interact with other apps through localhost IP? Or are there draconian restrictions on which server Flash in browser can and cannot interact?

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Actionscript 3 - Flex / Flash - Open The Swf In A Browser Window That Doesn't Have The Browser Control Bar Or Menu?

Oct 27, 2010

The title essentially is the question, how do I open the .swf without the browser's control bar junk? and maximize the window?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening Browser Windows From A Flash Movie With Browser?

Jan 17, 2006

I have a PHP mailer form on my site which needs to be published in action script2 to work, but I also have a script set up to open browser windows of a certain size & location which needs actionscript 1 to work? The PHP mailer form has a "Name" field, "Email" field & "Message" field, theses can all be reset with a button. The button clears off any text in the 3 boxes to wipe them clean. The script on the reset button is:

on(release) {
_root.myForm.formNameField.txt = ""
_root.myForm.formEmailField.txt = ""[code].....

This works fine with section script 2 but not with as1. Does anyone know of a script that resets the .text field on as1 Alternatively is there any way of opening browser windows from a flash movie with browser win controls, eg. centre win, no scrollbars.

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Flash :: Full Browser Detecting Browser Size?

May 8, 2007

[URL].. Anyone know the AS to make it automatically check the size of the browser for the listeners_notice when you resize the browser it works perfectly...but not when it first loads up.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Fit Browser To Flash, Without Fitting Flash To Browser?

May 11, 2009

I've figured out how to tell my flash website not to scale itself (which degrades the quality of the buttons i've created as .gifs). And then how to keep it centered within the browser. But this leads to unwanted white, negative space on all sides, since i'm keeping my site small enough for everyone to view (at 800 x 600). So what code can I add that will scale the browser to the set dimensions of the site? Rather than vice versa.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Screen Browser - Browser Window Is Opening At The Size It Was Last Used?

Apr 14, 2005

I have a standalone Flash projector running off CD. Currently, I use


to open the page on default browser. Only problem is the browser window is opening at the size it was last used. I like to see it opens full screen.

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ActionScript 2.0 ::closing A Browser Window In All Types Of Browser?

Nov 9, 2009

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Is the a simple way of closing a browser window in all types of browser ( Or mainly Firefox, IE and safari on both Mac and PC ) with actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remote Access Varies From Browser To Browser?

Jul 17, 2010

I created a photo album viewer which grabs an XML file from my web site, and then parses the XML to get the paths to all the photos to be displayed by the album viewer. The code makes use of the URLLoader class to fetch the XML. The problem, though, is that in google Chrome it works-- but in IE8, it doesn't work. For example, the XML code and the image fetching code work seemlessly on Chrome. But in IE8 and in IE6, it seems to not be able to fetch such information.

I've read somewhere that you need a crossdomain.xml file at the root directory of your server. But I'm not crossing any domains! It's all coming from my server where the swf is being hosted!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Closing A Browser Window In All Types Of Browser?

Nov 9, 2009

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Nov 7, 2010

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Ajax :: Browser Inside Of A Browser?

Sep 1, 2010

I am not trying to track clicks or anything like other people - I just want to put a browser within a browser that can go back, forward, refresh, accept user-entered URLs, and store bookmarks. Can flash/silverlight/ajax/whatever do this? If so, how?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activate Flash Fullscreen Mode When Flash Movie Loads In The Browser

Oct 5, 2007

I want to activate Flash Fullscreen mode when flash movie loads in the browser. Without activating it through button clicks. I tried for this using this type of code:

function goFullScreen()
Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";

But it is not working this way, it is working when I put this type of code:

function goFullScreen()
Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";


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May 29, 2009

I apologize beforehand but this probably isn't directly related to flash. However I'm not sure exactly which front-end code would deal with this and thought flash developers might know something about it.Is it possible to tilt a flash object in the browser window without altering anything in flash?I've tried googling it but I've either word it badly or received more hits on cellphones than on flash.

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Javascript :: Put Silverlight Application Inside Flash File(swf - Browser Independet Which Run With Flash Player)

Sep 30, 2010

i have created a silverlight application , but i need to embed it to a Flash file(swf) which it runs with Flash Player ( whithout using browser), I had found a solutions to call it using javascript, but it still needs my flash file run inside the browser, dose any one can help me, Either to run js inside swf (without need of browser) or any other way that i can embed my Silverlight application inside Flash.

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Internet Explorer - IE 9 Flash Loads But Only Half Seen - IE Flash Does Not Load - Every Other Browser Works Great

Dec 2, 2011

look @ the source for this page [URL] It works great in all Webkit/Mozilla browers but in IE 9 we can only see the top half of the swf and in IE 8 it doesnt load @ all. I searched all the other threads and nothing seems to work

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Frame-rate Is Different In Browser Than It Is In Flash Player

May 17, 2011

I am using Flash CS4 and when testing my application my frame rate changes as it is programmed to do so. When I try to run the application in a browser (tried Firefox 4, Opera 10.5 and IE 8) the frame rate does not change.

Why does the frame-rate not change?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Frame-rate Is Different In Browser Than It Is In Flash Player?

Jan 22, 2009

I am using Flash CS4 and when testing my application my frame rate changes as it is programmed to do so. When I try to run the application in a browser (tried Firefox 4, Opera 10.5 and IE 8) the frame rate does not chang

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Flash 9 :: FLV On Some Browser

Sep 3, 2008

I'm embedding in a swf a flv video, with the classic "FLVPlayback", a flv of 500kbps...duration 10 seconds, total size 700kb and start buffering at 0.5... The swf is embedded in the html with swfoject:


On mac everything is fine, but on ie(6,7) and ff PC version, the flv doesn't seem to work fine. Sometimes it just stops....sometimes it stops definitively.

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Actionscript 2 :: Clickable Links In A Scrolling HTML Enabled Dynamic Textfield In Flash Movie - Works In Flash Pro Not In Browser?

Dec 13, 2010

I have developed a rolling credits style movieclip in Flash using Actionscript 2. Text is loaded from an XML file and parsed into a dynamic textfield. This text includes hyperlinks to webpages defined by a url node in the xml so Flash can add the appropriate a href to the dynamic text field and make the link clickable.

In my first attempts to do this the textfield stayed still and all the links worked fine both testing locally and when I run it in a browser on my website.Then I wanted to make things move ... which I achieved easily enough and tested locally (from within Flash Professional) and the links remained clickable, a browser window opened and the webpage i was expecting to see opened... great

However, when I export the swf, upload it and run it from my website suddenly the links are not working. So I tried to test the movie in a browser from Flash Pro - same problem, it must be something to do with Flash Player and the moving dynamic textfield.

a couple of observations - the cursor will change to a hand icon when over the links as you would expect, and if I right click on the link and click open in a new window the link works ok, just not when I left click. If I stop the scrolling then the links become clickable again, it is only when the textfield is moving... actually its not technically scrolling, im moving the whole textfield.

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SWF Works Great In Flash, Not In Flash Player Or Web Browser?

Oct 15, 2009

I have numerous swf files which work except one that is rather complex. When I debug the FLA of this problem file in flash CS4, it works fine. When I publish the FLA and open the subsequent SWF in Flash, it works fine. I open the same file in Flash Player or when I open it on a browser, the screen is white and nothing happens. When a right click on the browser frame and it offers me all the possibilities of a fully loaded movie, except that there is just a blank screen

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Flash 10 :: Continue Flash Animation Despite Inactive Browser Tab?

Jan 11, 2012

I have an issue with Flash optimization (I guess). The thing is, when you switch to another browser tab/window, scroll down it's window... anything that makes Flash disappear stops its runtime. I've found out that this optimization system was introduced in Flash Player 10.1 - it slows down Flash Player to 2fps in order to lower it's CPU and memory usage. My question is - how do I skip it? I want my animation to play even when it's not visible by all means whatsoever. Is it in the embed code? Publish Settings? Or maybe I need to insert some AS into my timeline? Each site has a Flash content (mostly banners) which behave in the normal way - they run in the background - but everything I publish and upload freezes (it actually plays at 2fps, but the effect is pretty much the same). Here's an example: when I open any flash site, a preloader appears, so I switch to another tab to do something in the mean time, when I assume it has loaded, I switch back and there it is - a loaded Flash site. But when I open MY Flash site or animation, switch tabs and wait for it to load, and after a while when I come back, the preloader is still at the beginning and continues doing its stuff from the very moment it shows up again. This is not how thing suppose to work. I can open directly the simplest animation there can be - a simple motion tween of a ball from one side of a screen to another, when the tab holding it becomes active after a while, the animation is still at the beginning, but the animation is short/fast and it supposed to have finished already. I've found out something about Activate and Deactivate Events, but they are used in Flash games - so it would pause when the game loses focus. But this works on the Flash object, not whole browser itself.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fullscreen Browser With Flash Embed Using Flash 8

Nov 10, 2009

I need some insight in to weather it is possible to use stage["diaplayState"]="fullscreen" in flash 8.. if not any way to open the browser in fullscreenmode with flash embed in it..

But i have done this in flash cs3 but using flash player 8 for publishing

also publishing an html in flash 8 does not show "allowfullscreen" value="true" in embed or object tags ..

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Getting Flash To Center In Web Browser?

Jun 4, 2009

Just upgraded to Flash CS4. Published .swf/.html files... Trying to get the .swf to display in the center (horizontally) of the .html page / browser window. Previously I used <div align="center"><object>...</object></div> but that no longer works! It displays centered from within Dreamweaver but not in any browsers I've tried. Can't for the life of me figure out why!!

I noticed Flash CS4 now spits out a whole lotta code in the generated .html file and I'm assuming the source of the problem is somewhere within.The only workaround I've found so far is to publish just the .swf and manually embed it into a new .html page... but then I no longer have all the (detection) code.

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Can Use Flash As An Online Browser

May 13, 2011

I am working on the offline cd runs projector.exe using actionscript 2.0.I need to use online search feature in my glossary.Is it possible to browse internet within flash projector.exe. I dont want to open any internet explorer or firefox window.

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Xml :: Flash Not Loading Xml In Browser?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a flash movie that reads an xml file in the same directory as the .swf. This works perfectly when I just try running the .swf file, but when I add it to my website it cant seem to load the xml file. The swf and xml are in the same directory on the site and I have also tried loading the xml from a url like this: test.load('http:url....'); But this wouldnt work either :

var test:XML = new XML();
test.ignoreWhite = true;

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Record The Browser Using Flash?

Jun 22, 2011

Can I record the browser using Adobe Flash? something like but only for the tab of my website, is it possible?

obviosuly i would like to record all the screen the user is seeing not only the "space" with flash.

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Flash :: Get Bookmarks Of The Browser?

Mar 20, 2012

i want to know if it possible to access the browser bookmarks via Flash.

I know, that this is not possible via Javascript, but it maybe possible via Flash

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Click Flash To Activate In Browser?

May 30, 2009

I've uploaded my flash game to the web, when I view the page in any browser I have to click the swf file before I can use the keyboard functions. I can't seem to find a fix.

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