ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Tracing All Unknown Variables In An Object

Mar 31, 2009

Is there a way of tracing variables in an object without expressly listing each of them?




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Flash :: Tracing Variables In AS3 Is Not Working

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Why does this not work? Is there somthing about tracing multiple pieces of information in the same trace statement in AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Unknown Number Of Variables?

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I'm trying to load a known number of variables. So I set up this code in flash[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load A Unknown Number Of Variables?

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I'm trying to load a known number of variables. So I set up this code in flash[code]...
It recive "antal"which is how many variables there are. The variables name are named produkt_0 produkt_1 produkt_2 produkt_3 and so on..
So it collect the varibales correct i've checked this by set to But since I don't know how many I just can't set to Insted I want produkt_load be a variable like it is in my code, but it seems that became undefined, why this? Can't you set a variable that change in

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how can I have the name of the target object, even unknown with the hitTestObect? the function is working when i am giving the object name as parameter to the function, but i cant figure out how to find the name of the hited object.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tracing An Object In An Array?

Aug 19, 2010

I have some simple Sprites that I'm putting into an array. However, when I click on them I want to trace what their position is in the array. How do I go about doing that?

ActionScript Code:
var myArray:Array = new Array();
var mySpriteOne:sprite = new Sprite();;


I want to add some mouse click listeners and then I want to trace the currentTarget's position in the array. I just have no idea what parameters to give the trace().

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tracing Object In A Layer?

Sep 29, 2010

I basically want to trace an object within a layer (or the child within a layer), for example:

test.text = _level0.child;

And this would give me the movie clip name contained within the layer?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tracing The Rotation Of An Object

Mar 14, 2006

check out the attached file. Don't ask me why, but I need that yellow rectangle to follow that grey dot, which rotates around randomly... but see, if you place the dot to the center left of the grey rectangle, you see that the yellow rectangle screws up. I've deducted that this happens for this reason: to the left of the grey rectangle, the rotation value is 178... 179... 180... then it jumps to -180... -179... -178... (you can try this out using an onEnterFrame function and tracing the rotation of an object that follows the mouse).

Since the yellow rectangle follows the grey dot with an ease, it doesn't just do: rectangle._rotation = dot._rotation But instead: rectangle._rotation += Math.round((dot._rotation-this._rotation)/rotatespeed) Some of you guys should already be familiar with this kind of movement, but it's usually used to move objects smoothly. The bug here is that whenever that dot randomly jumps up into -180 from it's original position at below 180, it screws up the yellow rectangle.

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Aug 22, 2009

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Mar 29, 2011

I have an array of objects. What I would like to do is get the last index of an object whose property equals a certain value.
// this occurs on a mouse click
var stockObj:Object = new Object();
stockObj.ID = "an_id";
stockObj.category = "a_category";
I would like this to trace the index of the object whose category property equals "a_category"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tracing Contents Of Display Object?

Sep 19, 2008

The author shows a function that is supposed to trace the contents of any display object. In his example file he has several nested movie clips on the stage and everything works just as it should, this is the code.

ActionScript Code:
function showChildren(dispObj:DisplayObject):void {
for (var i:uint = 0; i < dispObj.numChildren; i++) {
var obj:DisplayObject = dispObj.getChildAt(i)


The problem I am having is that when I open a new actionScript 3 .fla and try to recreate the nested movie clips and use the same code I get these errors:

ActionScript Code:
line 3  1061: Call to a possibly undefined method getChildAt through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.
var obj:DisplayObject = dispObj.getChildAt(i)
line 2 1119: Access of possibly undefined property numChildren through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject. 
for(var i:uint = 0; i < dispObj.numChildren; i++){

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Nov 29, 2011

I have a combine-based-on-click raining object game project.Here is my code:

Code: Select allfunction addText():void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unknown Null Object / Method Error

Aug 7, 2010

I'm having a problem with this code for selecting a character for a game. The scrolling left and right codes work but when it comes to accepting the highlighted character.[code]All I want is for it to take the label of the current frame in the movie clip (which I defined already) and set it to a string, selectedChar.[code] p1c is an instance of the movieClip containing the characters.

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Jul 13, 2011

I am in a very peculiar situation here with my AS3 code. I was profiling my app in Flash Builder 4.5.1 as it seemed that it wasn't GC-ing some objects properly.

how to get rid of this object? Or how to determine what is holding it alive?

What does 1 Path mean? What is that GC Root and how it got there?

I am using robotlegs with IModuleContext, SignalCommandMap, LazyMediatorMap.

EDIT #1: It could be related to the robotlegs injector issue... or not, still waiting for some answers.

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Flash :: Reference To Object - Nor Tracing A Value Define Outside The Function

Mar 18, 2011

I have object in which I have rectangle on one layer and following code on another layer:


And Object(this).play() or checking for current frame doesn't work, nor tracing a value define outside the function. How shall I reffer to the movieclip that events is called from?

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Mar 16, 2010

I'm using the WebServiceConnector in CS3 to load some XML. The trouble is, whenever I trace out the XML, all I get is "[object Object]". Here's the code I'm using:



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Flash8 :: Variables That Can't Go Below Zero Etc

Aug 4, 2010

just getting the grip around the variables and im experimenting. This is what i have as a variable

money = 1000;
health = 100;

Then i have the dynamic textbox that shows them. works great, and i also have various effect that makes the two go up and down. Here's the problem, or more, how i would like to expand the concept but is stuck on. Right now both variables can go as high and low as possible (of course). Is there something i can add in that script that makes so the money variable can't go below 0. Also is there something i can add so that the Health can't go ABOVE say 500 and when health reaches zero (or a negative) this triggers _root.gotoAndPlay("gameover"); you get what im trying to achive here

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Flash8 :: Put Variables In An Array?

May 31, 2009

Is it possible to put variables in an array?

For example:

var positions:Array = new Array(Stage.width / 2, Stage.height / 2);

When the above code is executed, the values "Stage.width / 2" and "Stage.height / 2" are replaced with the number values and the array becomes, for example [500, 400].And when I call the array positions[0], instead of getting the value of the Stage.width / 2 (considering the stage has been resized), I get the static value of 500.What can I do to get the value of Stage.width / 2 ?

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Flash8 : Using Variables Over Timelines (AS2)?

Feb 11, 2010

My variable from the root timeline is not being sent to say a timeline inside a moveclip. This is basically my code:

On root timeline:

showred = false;

Inside movieclip instance 'infobox' on timeline:

if (showred == false){

the showred variable inside the 'infobox' movieclip is not detecting that I set 'showred' to false on the main timeline.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Two Variables Name Into 1?

Feb 28, 2010

what is wrong with this syntax

_root.range+towerID = 75;

i want flash to read the variable as _root.range2 = 75. this is for each tower so _root.range2 -= 10 reduces tower 2's range by 10 (this is done on a different frame thus the _root. is needed)(towerID is calculated above)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Passing Variables To PHP?

Mar 3, 2009

Ive got a script lined up:

onEnterFrame = function(){
if(aktiverPublisering == "true"){
function avpubliser(){


Ive checked if "aktiverPublisering" traces "true", and it does (it declares "true" through a button)... So, here's the weird part...i cant get a trace inside the IF statement i.e. its not working...

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Flash8 :: Setting Up Variables In Different Levels?

Dec 25, 2010

Actionscript Code:
if (Key.isDown(attack2Key)&&shot2reload == 0) { for (i=1; i<2+1; i++) { shot2++; shot2reload = 30 var newname =


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : SetInterval And Passing Variables?

Mar 12, 2009

So I have a laser game I'm working on and I have a setInterval set up for when the laser button is pressed that it shows the laser for a little bit before removing the incoming asteroid and hiding the laser. I have a four of these buttons each with different colored lasers. So I thought it would be easy to pass the movie clip in through the function, cause I've done that with regular functions. Problem is, I don't know how to do that with a setInterval function. The way I have it set up shows the lasers then crashes and just shows a blank screen. Here is a bit of my code:

function laserMultiFire(laser:MovieClip) {
if(astroid == true){
_root[laser + "L"]._visible = true;


The btnMulti is one of the buttons, and there are three movie clips that represent the lasers, the ones I'm trying to show and hide here are mcLaserMulti, mcLaserMultiL, and mcLaserMultiR.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Referencing MovieClips With Variables

Jun 12, 2009

I want to reference clip with some variable name because i want to change dynamicaly target clip. Example:

myMC.my_txt="some text";//this doesn't work
//but this works
eval(myMC).my_txt="some text";

I guess eval() is not right thing to do.

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Flash8 :: Add Variables To A MC From The Action Layers, Using The MC Instance Name

Sep 11, 2009

I've read on the net that actionscripting from the action layer will result in a more readable file once published, as apposed to attaching onClipEvent functions which slow down readability.

For this reason I am trying to add variables to a MovieClip I have on the stage with an Instance Name of Player. However I wish to assign the MovieClip variables from the actions layer using the MovieClips Instance Name.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Import Variables From .txt As Number?

Dec 4, 2009

I'm trying to import some variables set up in a .txt file. However the variables that I would like to behave like numbers are not doing so.

I have a variable in the text file called "&middleimg=1" when I pull this in and say do the following:

var numvar:Number=0;
numvar = _root.myvars.middleimg+1;

I get "11" rather then "2" as the result. I tried setting up my text file as such: "&middleimg:Number=1" but get an "undefined" result. Is there anyway to get imported variables to behave like a number instead of a string?

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