ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Put Everything Together - Prealoader And Movieclips Button
Oct 4, 2003
suppose I've done several movie clips and i want it all to work as one fully flash site. how is it done. lets say i made a prealoader ... and buttons movie clips and so on and so on ... how to make it all work together as a one flash site as a one unit
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Apr 25, 2001
my movie is one frame long, i mean, i have a movie in the first frame where all the menu's are do i make a prealoader for a movie like this?because the tutorials i have seen, i try them, and none of them have to divide the movie en 5 parts etc..but mine is 1 frame long?
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Jul 20, 2011
I have the following code that loads MovieClips to the stage:
ActionScript Code:
var sp:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
for (var i:int=1; i<19; i++) {
Let's say I have 18 MovieClips and on the 18th MovieClip I have a button that I need to access. How would I do that? The following doesn't work:
ActionScript Code:"mouseUp", goHome);
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Mar 19, 2012
I'm creating a simple game in Flash and I cannot figure out how to get a button to play 1 of 7 movie clips. Any help would be great.
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Jul 3, 2009
I have 20 buttons (mc's). I want to be able to select one and have it stay in the down state until another is pressed. Frame 1 is "up" frame 2 is "down". I have an array of the buttons(mc's). This piece of code works but doesn't return the button to the up state when another is selected.
function changeButtonState(a){
var i = 0;
for (i=0;i<=19;i++){
if(a=="S"){[b].gotoAndStop(2);isw = 1;}
The array of buttons is called "sb".
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Nov 13, 2010
What I am trying to achieve is have one movie clip containing a button control the timeline of another movie clip.I know how to get a button to control the timeline of it's current movie clip, however, getting a button to control the timeline of a seperatef there is a tutorial that someone knows of, or if someone could post a snippet of AS3 showing how a button controls another clips timeline -Re: Question: AS3 Button controling timeline of movie is the coding I am using too:
but_shows.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
function onMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void{
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Jul 20, 2011
I have the following code that loads MovieClips to the stage:
Let's say I have 18 MovieClips and on the 18th MovieClip I have a button that I need to access. How would I do that? The following doesn't work:
Actionscript Code:"mouseUp", goHome);
Gives error: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
View 4 Replies
Nov 19, 2009
I'm attempting to make a "Wheel of Fortune" style game. Everything's going great except this one nagging problem. On the main game board screen (where the word puzzle is solved), I have placed small buttons with all the letters of the alphabet. When the player clicks a certain letter button, the corresponding letters, (if the word or phrase contains them) appear on the board. Well, this works just fine, but as of now, when a letter is chosen, all letters on the board appear at once.
Of course, in the real "Wheel of Fortune" game, if the word or phrase contains 2 or more letters that have been chosen, the letters appear on the board in a sequence, probably around 2 seconds apart (I'm sure most people are familiar with the game show). So, basically, I would love to know how to delay my letter MC's appearing, when the corresponding letter button has been clicked.
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a play/pause button on my animation which works a treat when all animations are within the main movie clip. Now I would like to have some movement within the main movieclip and some within individual sub movie clips. Once I go to play the animation all animated objects within the main movieclip are stopped but the sub movie clips are playing. How can I stop the sub movie clips to???
The following is the current code I have
ActionScript Code:
stop ();
play_btn.onRelease = function(){
[Code] .....
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Nov 19, 2009
i'm trying to tween a movie clip, there are multiple, called clipsArray0, 1, 3 etc.. i can pull back the number via creating a listener but when i try and tween this i get an error as the propriety if a String.
How do i get the String name to reference the movieclip with the same name?
clipsArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, makeListener("clipsArray" + i));
function makeListener(name:String):Function{
return function (event:Event):void{
View 1 Replies
Apr 13, 2010
In my "Scene 1" i call a New MovieClip("MC1"), this MC1 have a button named "btn1", I need a code to put in the first frame of the "Scene 1", that check if the button btn1 was pressed in the new movieClip (MC1) How can i check if the button was pressed? This is my code in the first frame of the "Scene 1"
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Jul 15, 2010
I'm working on a picture of cell phone, which I want users to be able to click on the number pad and have the numbers appear on the screen. Seems simple enough but I'm having trouble making the numbers appear in order just like phones in real life do. For instance, the screen starts with four *'s until "1" is clicked, then when the next number is clicked(let's say 3) I want the screen to display "13**" and so on.What I have is a movieclip with 11 frames (* and numbers 0 to 9), and 4 copies of them are each named p1,p2,p3,p4. They would be on the cell phone "screen" and display numbers clicked by the user. Then I have buttons acting as number pad with actionscript as follows:
ActionScript Code:
//for button "1"
on (release) {
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Sep 22, 2004
I am sure I must be doing something very stupid but here goes:This is for a navigation bar.
- I have a main movie (mcMenu) on my stage which holds all the main buttons (btnHome, btnAbout, etc..).
- Inside mcMenu, when I roll over say btnAbout, the movie plays from 10 to 20th frames during which time a submenu fades into view.
- Inside this submenu, I have the sub-section buttons. It is these buttons that I am having problems with. Basically, I can't get them to respond to onRelease events.
View 7 Replies
Jul 3, 2006
Since i use more and more as in my flashfiles my way of building a flash website has changed. for example i create only buttons from Movieclips and not button MC's
But when i want to attach a sound i know the code of attachsound but i can't find out how to use it.
Is there someone who can help me a bit.
But it hink it's wrong, but on the other side i don't know how to do it on another way?
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Jan 9, 2007
Well I have forgotten how to load and unload an external movieclip using a single button
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Mar 10, 2010
I am thying to create a movieClip class that has a button attached at the right corner, and then load multiple instances at the stage. My problem is, that although one MovieClip is loaded correctly, all the rest have no button attached! How is that possible? what am i doing wrong???Also i would like to note, that besides the button i am attaching one more movieclip with and image (from a loader)Let me show you what I mean:
package multi{
public class Multi extends MovieClip{
var rightButton:SimpleButton=new SimpleButton();
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Apr 29, 2011
I am having issues trying to get a simple button to make the playhead jump to a certain frame when pressed. I have the main timeline and then have a movieclip which has buttons inside of it and actionscript applied in the movieclips timeline. Is this a no? That is should all actions go on the main timeline? If this is so then does anyone know why I keep getting an error that it can't find the instance named button inside the movieclip?
portfolioButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
View 7 Replies
Sep 22, 2004
I am sure I must be doing something very stupid but here goes: This is for a navigation bar.
- I have a main movie (mcMenu) on my stage which holds all the main buttons (btnHome, btnAbout, etc..).
- Inside mcMenu, when I roll over say btnAbout, the movie plays from 10 to 20th frames during which time a submenu fades into view.
- Inside this submenu, I have the sub-section buttons. It is these buttons that I am having problems with.
Basically, I can't get them to respond to onRelease events.
View 7 Replies
Mar 1, 2010
I had been made a dress-up game...I arranged the set of dress images into to be the different frames of movieclips with the next button.When i drag the dress images from frame1 movieclip and put on to the stage(avatar),the images from frame1 movieclip will be dissapeared when i clicked on the next button going to the frame2.How do i need to do to make the dress images from frame1 remain on stage even when i clicked the next button to frame2 ?Which coding should i use to make the image stay on stage?....
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Jan 13, 2011
I'd like to build a fairly simple website where the pages fade between each other, after looking around and remembering what I could from having Flash MX (can't remember which release) all those years ago I figured the best way would be something like this:
Pages as movieclips, these would be placed inside the stage, i.e. with space around them, and buttons along on side which, when clicked will fade in one 'page', and fade out any others where the alpha is at 1.
That way, using only one frame in the main timeline and not having to create fading tweens in each movieclip I can navigate freely between the pages in any order.
I managed to get to the point where I have two buttons and to movieclips, when the first button is pressed a 'page' fades in, and when the next is pressed the first 'page' fades out as the second fades in. However the fade out is delayed and much slower than the fade in, rather than faster as it should be.
Here's the AS
page2btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler_4);
function fl_MouseClickHandler_4(event:MouseEvent):void
how I might restructure this to get a the visual results I want in the most efficient manner?
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Feb 19, 2009
I must say I'm pretty new to AS3.0 and last night I tried to develop this accordion menu. It's not XML driven nor does it use AS3.0 to create each "button". What I did was create individual "menus", basically like drop down menus, and converted them into separate movieClips. Also inside of them there's a button movieClip which is the larger one that opens the menu (instanced "btn"), a reference movieClip called tabHeight to define its height - since it can depend on the number of "sub-menus" you have - and a tabMask that onClick (is supposed) to open and reveal the "sub-menus" while making everything move according to that change. I want it to basically start with all menus closed and onClick it reveals each menu, making the necessary y movements. I am getting some errors and I can't make it to work.
Select allvar growingTab:Object;
var reducingTab:Object;
var tabArray:Array = [tab_0, tab_1, tab_2, tab_3];
for (var i:int = 0; i < tabArray.length; i++) {
var tab = tabArray[i];
[Code] .....
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Sep 28, 2007
I have a spreadsheet represented with three bitmaps within mcs. I'm using an mc with four directional buttons to allow scrolling (x and Y). The complication comes when I want the header to move on the x axis, but not the y axis. Also, I've got an mc with the row title column and I want that to move on the y axis, but not the x axis. This should be easy, but it is not for me. I've tried using an array, but with my onEnterFrame/incremental movement, how to break out of the onEnterFrame. I've also tried a function call as seen below. I can get things to move, but not quite right, tweaking only makes things worse. This one will move both of my mc's on the y axis, but only after clicking three times. The on the reverse trip, the mc moves jumps up and then increments correctly, only with that initial jump offset.
Let me show you my code (these variables are supplied by the loaded MC):
_level0.maxDown = -271;
_level0.stepY = 140.334;
_level0.maxUp = 150;
_level0.maxRight = -323;
_level0.maxLeft = 0;
[Code] .....
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May 19, 2009
The first on is using the Tweener class and everytime that I press a button it fades out the loaded content of the previous selection, waits for it to finish and then loads the content of the button pressed. Everything works fine with this part.
The second code is the on that is using an Array to dynamicaly rollover, rollout and keep selected the buttons.It was also changing the content of the mc that everything is loaded on but without this fancy fade in - fade out..
import mx.transitions.*;
import mx.transitions.easing.Strong;
var FADEINSTART:Number = 2;
Ive managed to make the previous mc to fade out but cant really make everything work properly..
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a for loop that adds 5 movieClips to the stage at a random position every time I click the enterBtn, what I want to do if the enterBtn is click again remove the movieClips previously generated and leave only the new ones on the stage.
Oh, the number "5" in my for loop will be dynamically created so it may be different if the enterBtn is click again (I just used 5 for simplicity).
enterBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, calculator,false,0,true);
function calculator(event:MouseEvent):void {
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
View 3 Replies
Sep 29, 2010
I have a button that is inside a movieclip, which is in turn inside another movieclip. It seems that my event listener is not firing when the button is clicked. I set up the listener:
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Sep 29, 2003
If I have a randomClips function that shows a range of swf files every 15seconds and wanted to create a button that could stop the auto change of the clips, what would be the script for that button if the script for the randomClips looks like this:
randomClips = new Array("d+l A_news.swf", "maashaven B_news.swf", "maashaven A_news.swf", "gipsy A_news.swf", "gipsy B_news.swf", "d+l B_news.swf", "gw A_news.swf", "gw B_news.swf", "soundscapes A_news.swf", "soundscapes B_news.swf", "fhwsf A_news.swf", "fhwsf B_news.swf");
function randomBackground() {
[Code] .....
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Jun 22, 2011
I have some buttons that work fine, but when I put a movie clip above them, the stop to react to the mouse. Is there a code to make the mouse to be ignored by that MC?
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Mar 1, 2009
I have a page with several input boxes and several instances of movie clips on the stage which have been added with addChild, what i want to do is make a reset buttun that clears all the input boxe and removes the movieClips so that the page looks as it did when it was first loaded but the help files are usless with a specific request like this.
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Apr 20, 2009
I have a button that is a movie clip that is set up with animations triggered with MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT event listeners. The glitch is that once the mouse is over the button ... each ensuing pixel that the mouse is moved, loops the animation again. That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, so I posted the file on my test site [URL]. You have to drag your mouse slowly across the button to see this. The bottom part of the button works as I'd expect. When you roll over the text at the bottom of the button, everything functions as it should. The looping problem starts when you roll over the image portion of the button. For some reason it considers each consecutive pixel rolled over to be a new event and consequently triggers the "over" animation again.
The code I have is below. I've commented out the MOUSE_OUT function for now. There is also a screenshot at the above link of my Layers palette for the button clip in question. I put a "stop" label at each frame that has an action so you see the actions used.
oneBedButton_mc.buttonMode = true;
oneBedButton_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overEffect);
//oneBedButton_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outEffect);
function overEffect (e:MouseEvent) {
function outEffect (e:MouseEvent) {
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a numeric stepper which allows the user to choose as many balls as they want, then they shud press the button and all of those balls should fall down. How can I do this???
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