ActionScript 2.0 :: Intervals In Movie Clips Won't Stop After MC Is Removed

Sep 9, 2010

I have a barometer activity flash program. It's weather themed and at each stage of the barometer fill, a movie clip appears that has as-generated weather icons (i.e. rain, clouds) floating across the screen. The problem is once I click to the next level of the barometer, the weather icons keep flashing in the upper left corner. I tried putting clearInterval in various places but it didn't seem to do anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Timing Movie Clips At Different Time Intervals?

May 3, 2011

It feels like it's been ages since I've worked in Action Script (dissapointingly the demand just isn't there for me) and I'm really, really rusty.

I'm working on a Flash banner, and one particular part has 5 movie clips. I want each movie clip to fire off at separate intervals(i set it at 300 miliseconds per clip)

Here is the code I have written that works for two clips:

//Animate each icon
var timer:Timer = new Timer(300, 1);//create the timer
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, doNextTween);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Panning Content From Left To Right (with Stop As Intervals) Then Right To Left (also With Intervals)?

Nov 30, 2006

panning my content from left to right (with stop as intervals) then right to left (also with intervals)

1. I created an mc (name: "content")Notice in this mc, I layout 4 sets of text (like a page) from left to right

2. I created another mc (name: "pancontent_mc")

-I added a layer for "content" and created a motion tween for it to pan from left to right

-I created a mask layer on top of "content" that will show 1 set at a time

-I created an action layer that has total of 4 stops(); on each frame where the 4 sets of text will show directly under the mask.

3. maintimeline -There's only 1 layer. I placed an instance of buttons (left/right) and an instance of "pancontent_mc"

4. actions for right button, works fine and stops on each set of text.

on (release) {;

5. actions for left button - none. I havent figured this out yet.

on (release) {
this.pancontent. - something like play previous frame until stop...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Listener Being Removed Automatically When The Movie Clip Is Removed From The Stage?

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if i have a movie clip with an even listener attached to it, is the event listener being removed automatically when the movie clip is removed from the stage or should i always remove the event listeners manually?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Single Movie Clip In Flash And Other Movie Clips Still Looping?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop All Movie Clips Inside A Movie Clip\/

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Stop All Movie Clips From Looping But One?

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Professional :: Stop All Movie Clips After 15 Seconds?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Stop Coded Movie Clips

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IDE :: Looping Movie Clips - Plays Once And Stop

Jan 8, 2010

i have an external video that i have placed in a movie clip. its to be used as a flash banner for a website. my problem is the video plays once and stops... i have no stop code and i have tried a few different actions to make it play. even a simple one like gotoAndPlay (1); etc. i'm using CS4. i've tried using action script 2.0 & 3.0 but no luck.. as well as building script on the movie clip, on a frame and its own layer.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Two Stop Commands For Two Movie Clips That Are Also On The Stage?

Apr 7, 2009

Here it is..I have 3 frames on my timeline
Frame 1 -page 1
Frame 2 - page 2
Frame 3 - page 3
obviously there are several layers  on there too, and on them there are Three buttons which I want to click on to get to each of the three frames. But every time I follow a tutorial nothing seems to work.I have taken out all the script that the various tutorials have told me to enter and only have two stop commands for two Movie Clips that are also on the stage.If I give you the following information could someone please write the script for the three buttons to link to frame 1,2&3
the instance names are
I am using actionscript 3.0

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Professional :: Can't Get The Movie Clips To Stop And Start In File

Jan 18, 2011

I can't get the movie clips to stop and start in this file. I used the code snippents but it didn't work. In fact after the first movie clip the rest of the movie won't play... It just stops there and loops the first movie clip. I can't seem to attach the flv and the action script files here in the forum... But you can download the fla file here:[URL]

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Nov 17, 2009

I have several movie clips playing in sequence for which I have de folowing code:

ActionScript Code:
movie2_mc._visible = false;
movie3_mc._visible = false;


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IDE :: Controlling Movie Clips Using Alpha On Its Own Timeline With A Stop(); At The End??

Sep 10, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Freeze / Stop Duplicated Movie Clips Where They Are?

Apr 14, 2005

I have a fire animation that i want to freeze (ha!) on the last frame of my swf. So basically the fire is buring and i want all the tweened flames inside duplicated MC to stop so it looks like a snapshot of whereever all the flames currrently are.Everything else in the movie is stopped too, so i was wondering if there was a global stop all motion command or the best way to freeze my fire

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clips As Buttons Ignoring Stop Actions And Event Listeners?

May 1, 2009

Anyway, I am just trying to figure out movie clips as buttons, and have been following along on however, I seem to be doing these things right, but when i test my movie, the button just loops regardless of rollovers or stop actions.You can check this addressto see the failed anim, and you should be able to import it as well. Here is my coding:

function rollover (e:EVENT){  myBtn.gotoAndPlay ("in");}
myBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rollover);
function rollout (e:EVENT){  myBtn.gotoAndPlay ("out");}


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May 30, 2011

how can i pause and resume my hole game? i wanted to try it with some vars can give the var and tell me how to use it?

btwi have tryd to stop all the movieclip animations and removed all the event listeners

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Clear All Intervals In Movie With One Command

Nov 11, 2002

i 'd like to know if there is a way to clear all Intervals in a movie with one my current project I use setInterval()very often in different clips and though i cleanly put the corresponding clearInterval() commands in the script I realized, that on slow computers some of them don't get stopped.Which puts more weight on the CPU and sometimes slows down the comp very much.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Change Movie Clip Colors At Set Intervals?

Mar 8, 2010

I have this movie clip that's a solid color with 60% transparency. I have 24 copies of this, all with instance names of light_mc1, light_mc2 and so on. What I'm trying to do is have them transition their colors not only randomly and constantly, but in unison. The transition has to be smooth, it can't just instantly show red in one frame, then green in the next. I have to be able to see it smoothly change to green, or whichever color is randomly selected.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add More Of Removed Children Of Same Namewithout Displaying Previously Removed?

Apr 7, 2011

I want to remove all children of the name (mc1) but be able to add new one when I call the add function again Heres what I have

// Draws the squares

function drawIt(e:Event=null):void{;;


Removing all the (mc1) movieclips works fine, but when i click on the butotn to call drawIt again, all previous mc1's are displayed again with the new ones

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function For _root - Control A Movie Clips Current Frame By Another Movie Clips?

Sep 13, 2009

I'd like to control a movie clips current frame by another movie clips action script.I realise the following controls the outside (root) frame time line:


but I'm not sure how to apply that to my other movie clip. I'm guessing it would be something like this:


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Movie Clips And Background Music - Unable To Stop Music At The End Of The Animation?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm working on an animation where I have my "dog" fighting the evil vacuum cleaner. I got most of it to work the way I want it to.

1) I have movie clips entitled pepper_mc (where my dog is supposed to be walking), swirl (where a swirly-type symbol is supposed to spin over the dead vacuum's head), and vacuum_mc (where the evil vacuum is supposed to have a swinging arm (called vacuumarm_mc) that I created using the bone tool). When I add them to the stage and test them, the animations within the movie clips don't happen.

2) I have background music that I'd like to stop playing at the end of the animation, but I'm not sure how to do that. (using the stop(); actionscript doesn't help).Where am I going wrong? I'm using Flash Pro CS5.

Here's the file --> Pepper and the Vacuum of DOOM!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 - Attaching Movie Clips To Already Attached Movie Clips?

Jun 5, 2011

As most of you don't know, I've been creating an rpg game. And, after several tries of art making, etc, I have finally moved back into coding the game. And now, I'm stuck on the equipment system idea. At first, I thought I would just place a bunch of goToAndStop's for each movie clip to go to a frame that has that certain armor piece. This was my first idea for an equipment system. However, after doing some research, and realizing how much lines of code could be saved, I started looking into simply adding and removing movie clips from the character as my new equipment system idea. Now.... on to the problem.

Basic want/ overall achievement wanted: Create an equipment system, which will basically attach movie clips (items) onto characters, which themselves will already be attached movie clips on the stage.

Problem: What is the exact code to do this? And Is there a better way to do this for an equipment system (a less laggy or more efficient way perhaps that I'm not seeing; Check the code below to get a better idea of what I'm talking about)?

Part of the code (or basic idea of code; see comments for extra details

//Don't worry I have an OnEnterFrame function here;
//attachedObj= the character; figure= the MC name of the character;
attachedObj = attachMovie("figure", "figure"+1, 1);


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Jul 15, 2009

I have multiple movie clips on stage (all in separate layers, of course) as well as buttons on stage to play each movie clip. There are buttons inside each movie clip. The problem is that the buttons inside the top layered movie clip work, but the others in the movie clips below don't.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Not Being Removed?

Feb 12, 2012

function showBigScreen()


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Jan 4, 2009

I'm making a shooting game but there won't be much of a challenge without enemies that point and shoot. Is there an easy way to make them do that?

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