ActionScript 2.0 :: Learning Interactions Scoring Control?

Oct 8, 2006

I am using a learning interactions quiz at the end of an animated movie. Because it is entertaining I would rather not launch as a standalone quiz. Everything works perfectly when the quiz is on its own timeline that starts at frame1, but whether I use loadMovie or use the quiz as a movieclip, or start the quiz on frame 1460 on the scene1 timeline the calculate score control doesn't work. It is called mc, frameNav and it comes with the Flash quiz templates. The AS associated with that mc is below.


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textboxes (instance anme: voca2_pg and voca3_pg)
it should be 10-20 then when next button is clicked, it will be
For short, the next and back button will operate the textboxes.
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on (release) {
20-30on (release) {


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Actionscript Code:
var kl = new Object();kl.onKeyDown = function(){  if(Key.isDown(Key.TAB)){  gotoAndPlay(20);  }};Key.addListener(kl);


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on(release) {
if(_root.q5answer == "2") {
_root.correctmovie.gotoAndPlay(2); = + 5;


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if ( {
tellTarget("allcorrect") {

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var numEnemy = 3;
var fire = false;


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I need to create a Login screen to attach the final text score to an individual.
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Learning To Use XML?

Jul 26, 2006

I've been Actionscripting for quite a while now, and a lot of the sources I see and books I read talk about something called XML. I understand that its a formatting language used to communicated with servers, and the syntax looks like html.

I have a few books on AS, but I don't really get the XML stuff. Is the idea that I use an XML segment of code in my Flash to import in a document to flash at runtime? Or is it that I can load variables from an external document? I don't have my own server but I do have the ability to upload files to servers, so I could probably make a file that can communicate with an SWF, and I'm told XML is the way...

So does anyone know a good way to learn about XML, and what is actually is and can do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Learning About Scope And Packages

Jul 15, 2009

I have made a script, and now has come the point when I need to use removechild. Whenever I try this I get an error. After looking at the problem, I think I need to learn more about scope and packages. I think if I put everything in the correct scope, I will be able to use the removechild command. I tried to make all my vars public, so that removechild would work, however I got an error that anything public needs to be in a package. I tried to add the package part to my script, but got the error that packages cant be nested. I tried some other things and still no luck, just more errors.

So, if anyone could point me to a tutorial, or recommend a book or something, that will help teach me about scope and packages, Or if you are feeling patient and generous, and you think you could explain this problem to a 5 year old, please explain it to me the way you would to said 5 year old. If you maybe think you can help me out on the script, it can be found here: [URL]

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Apr 13, 2011

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Oct 25, 2009

Any pointers where i could start learning flash programming. Also i would be really grateful if you could point me to place where i could get free templates for the programming

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