ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Keypress Interactions Slowing Down Flash Player?
Feb 9, 2012
I'm using CS4 Professional with ActionScript 2.0.I'm working with a movie that contains 23 Tab keypress interactions, each of which uses this code (with each one navigating to a different frame number):
Actionscript Code:
var kl = new Object();kl.onKeyDown = function(){ if(Key.isDown(Key.TAB)){ gotoAndPlay(20); }};Key.addListener(kl);
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Nov 7, 2005
[URL]. I'm trying to load multiple swf's on a key-press. Loading to one mc is not a problem, but when I try to define multiple containers from multiple sources it doesn't work. This is an XML example:
<menu><item name="item1" >
<sub name="item2" >
<subsub name="item3" action="item3.swf" texte="text.swf"/>
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function executeAction(action, texte) {
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Nov 24, 2009
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how to remove the pictures when they are off stage. It definitely helped but its not yet resolved.
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May 1, 2006
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var foodArray = new Array();
var loopCounter = 0;
var newNum;
But I get this problem in flash when I test or view the external .swf:
"A script in this movie is causing Flash Player to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?" Then two buttons, "Yes" and "No".
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stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainLoop);
function mainLoop(e:Event):void {[code]....
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textboxes (instance anme: voca2_pg and voca3_pg)
it should be 10-20 then when next button is clicked, it will be
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on (release) {
20-30on (release) {
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Apr 22, 2005
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Oct 8, 2006
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with a "what should be fairly simple" problem I am having with the quiz template. I have a 5 frame quiz that I've developed from the template. All 5 interactions are Hot Object interaction types. The problem I am having is when I go from one frame to the next, the Hot Objects do not reset. Whatever the selection from the previous slide was, remains in a selected state.
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Apr 22, 2005
I have a bunch of drag and drop interactions in my flash file that gets graded, the problem is, they can move it away and back again to make the points keep adding up. What kind of code can I put inside my draggable movie/button to say when it is placed correctly, that is it, it can't be moved again?
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Mar 24, 2009
Any way to prevent a simple mc from slowing my main movie. As you will see, I uploaded 2 exact versions of the same movie but the first has an extra mc with a simple rotation of a shape in a 30 frame tween. and on the other that mc is not animated. The rotating mc is the light rays behind the purple spintop. And you will notice on the animated rays version, that the whole movie along with other mc's slow down. Some computers more than others. You'll notice the difference comparing the 2 movies if you wait for the flying gadget to appear.
Here is the link with the 2 examples: [URL]
(The rays_mc is a star shaped graphic symbol in flash vectors, not bitmap)
I've tried rotating the "rays_mc" via:
1. tween with 30 frames
2. Frame by frame with 10 frames
3. Using the _rotate parameter with onEnterFrame
4. I've thought that maybe the gradient fill was causing that slowdown, so I tried a solid fill but it was the same.
And all of them result in the same outcome. I don't understand why such a simple mc slows down the whole thing.
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Apr 4, 2011
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Nov 19, 2009
Why an attached move clip doesn't keep button interactions from still engaging in the layers underneath i.e. navigation buttons, rollovers, etc.?
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Sep 29, 2010
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Aug 11, 2011
I am a teacher on a primary school and am trying to make a game for my students.I want the student type letters and the computer tells them which letter they've pressed.
Every letter from the alphabet I spoke and saved in my computer.At this site [URL]I've found an actionscriptcode. Now I want to change the code so the computer links the letters to my audiofiles.
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Mar 25, 2009
Is there an existing javascript library for relaying key press events in the browser (or certain divs) into flash? I am hoping there might be a library kind of like this one for mousewheel events?Something like this handles javascript keyboard shortcuts great. I suppose I could just listen for those events and pass the ones I want into flash?These are great examples, however, if flash has focus, then javascript keystrokes are lost. How can you ensure that all key events go through javascript?
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Mar 1, 2012
What i want to do is to allow a user to input a time of when the alarm should sound. However, when i press like "2" or any number i get "22" instead of just "2".Also, is there a way to stop people from entering letters along with this piece of code?[code]
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Jul 5, 2010
I'm using Flash CS4 and AS 3.0
I'm trying to add a login for running my flash movie. When the user clicks the login button, the text of the password field is authenticated, which allows gotoAndPlay(2) .
But the problem is both in my .swf and my projector .exe i can easily jump the login frame by pressing Ctrl+Enter .
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Jun 23, 2011
I had a question about RED5 & Adobe... Does anyone know if it is possible to broadcast multiple video chats using Adobe flash player from "RED5 flash server"?
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Mar 11, 2009
I tried to build a multiple flv player using ActionScript 2 (Flash 8) and managed to get a working model on my desktop, but it still won't function from the web server.
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Sep 25, 2009
I try to do my own, however, when I click in the next thumbnail, the next video don't delete and steel runningthe previous and this video don't overwrite it self, so how I can delete de previous video and load the next video?
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