ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovieNum - How To Close Movie Jigsaw

Jan 5, 2011

I am doing a 5 frame file that on frame 1 has 4 buttons and the following code
on (release) {
} on (release) {
loadMovieNum("jigsaw.swf", 1);

I am happy with this as it jumps to frame 4 and loads the movie jigsaw that I done from a tutorial. The problem is I cant get it to close, I have got a button on page 4 that has the gotoAndStop(1) but it just goes to frame 1 (that's the good bit) but the jigsaw is now on frame 1 as well and I dont know how to close it.

I tried
on (release) {
} on (release){
unloadMovieNum("jigsaw.swf", 1);
but it does nothing not even go to frame 1

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on (release) {
loadMovieNum("twirl30Loop_Small.swf", 2);
loadMovieNum("relax!_Small.swf", 1);


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IDE :: Unloading A Movie - Can't Put The LoadMovieNum In 0 Level Because It Would Replace The Main Stage

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on (release) {
unloadMovieNum(1); // it was loaded into level 1
loadMovieNum("new_item.swf",1); // he overlays both movies with transparency

Is there anyway to remove the actual movie and replace it with the new one?

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function wait() {
for (i=25; i<=27 {
_root.attachMovie("my"+i+"_clip","new"+i+"clip", i);


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My query relates to how I am best assigning the unique Point to each individual piece. For example, to take again the example of the 100 piece jigsaw, would it be possible / effective to create an underlying 10 x 10 bitmap square grid, and have each piece of the grid assigned to an individual piece (the thinking being that the square grid can be "cut up" easier than the jigsaw once in flash).


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Jigsaw Type Puzzle And Visibility Not Working?

Jul 2, 2009

The top left corner works ok - I copied and pasted the code and made the minor changes. The other 3 parts of the puzzle are causing a real puzzle for me.I've checked instance names, and everything else I can think of.Is there something in the code that could prevent the other bits working properly? Some of the names aren't brilliant - I thought this would only take a few minutes to knock up!


// Drag cameron 2
a2.onPress = function() {


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var puzzlePiecesArr:Array;var puzzlePiecesFound:Array;var topDepth:Number;var totalPuzzlePieces:Number;var correctPuzzlePieces:Number;var puzzleBmp:BitmapData;var intervalID:Number;var threshold:Number;var imagesArr:Array;        var imageLoader:Loader;var requestURL:URLRequest;            var puzzleBoardClip:MovieClip;var holder:MovieClip;


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Apr 9, 2011

After 3 drag and drops of the puzzle I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at MultimediaProducttest_fla::MainTimeline/dropIt()
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at MultimediaProducttest_fla::MainTimeline/pickUp()

restbar_btn4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restbar4Clicked);
museum_btn4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, museum4Clicked);
market_btn4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, market4Clicked);
[Code] .....

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Jigsaw Type Puzzle And Visibility Not Working

Mar 14, 2009

I have a simple jigsaw type puzzle - only 4 pieces at the moment. The top left corner works ok - I copied and pasted the code and made the minor changes. The other 3 parts of the puzzle are causing a real puzzle for me. I've checked instance names, and everything else I can think of.
Is there something in the code that could prevent the other bits working properly?

// Drag cameron 2
a2.onPress = function() {
a2.onRelease = function() {
// Convert the slash notation to dot notation using eval.
if (eval(this._droptarget) == b_mc) {
b_mc._visible = false;
c2._visible =true;
a2._visible =false;
The fla is attached.

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Oct 24, 2004

how to rotate individual jigsaw puzzle pieces using the left and right arrow keys. Can anyone help? Here is the action script that I am using:

on (press) {
startDrag("_root.pic9", true);


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IDE :: Jigsaw Gone Awry - Back To The Original Xy Position?

Jan 24, 2010

My code in theory works find but for some reason things aren't doing what they're supposed to. Basically I have all my draggable puzzle pieces as movieclips; they start at specific x's and y's on the axis. You drag them to the corresponding hitbox movieclip and it pops into the other specific x and y spot on the axis (otherwise they go back to the first xy spot).

The problem is sometimes the pieces drag and drop fine, but other times when you click the mouse down, they drag, but when you let go, they don't drop! Randomly! They just follow the cursor around, til you click a few times, and then randomly it will drop and not move (when it's supposed to go back to the original xy position).


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get The Movie Clip To Be Removed From The Stage If Close Is Released?

Dec 7, 2010

In the setOne_mc I have three buttons close_btn, min_btn and max_btn....I want the movie clip to be removed from the stage if close is released.I seem not to be conecting with the buttons...the clip appears on the screen.
menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu01_mc.onRelease = function() { holder_mc.attachMovie("setOne_mc","setOne_mc",2,{_x:0, _y:0}); halt();};holder_mc.setOne_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function() { go();};function go() { this.removeMovieClip();}
function halt() { menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu01_mc.enabled = false; menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu02_mc.enabled = false; menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu03_mc.enabled = false; menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu04_mc.enabled = false; menuBar_mc.dropMenu_mc.subMenu05_mc.enabled = false;}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button - Close The Flash Movie And The Popup Window

Nov 25, 2009

I have an html page with a link that loads a popup window. The popup includes a simple Flash movie. Some basic Javascript code in the html file was used to produce the popup window. What Im trying to do is have a button that I created in the Flash app close the Flash movie and the popup window.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fscommand() - Movie Close When The User Clicks A Button

Apr 21, 2004

I have a movie that i want to close when the user clicks a button, i know to use the fscommand(), but i duno what to put inside the brakets:S. i tyred 'close', 'close.screen','scree.close','unloadMovie'...etc but notings working, what im supposed 2 put in there?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Does Not Work After Using The Close Button To Unload The Movie?

May 21, 2007

i have a movie called with:


_root.attachMovie("biography", "biography", _root.mylogo.getDepth()-1, {_x:Stage.width/2, _y:Stage.height/2});
and within each i have a close button with:


close_bt.onPress = function() {

but now i have a problem, im trying to use:


if (!_root.biography) {
_root.attachMovie("biography", "biography", _root.mylogo.getDepth()-1, {_x:Stage.width/2, _y:Stage.height/2});

to call the move again if there isnt already an instance of it but it only works the first time the movie was called, it wont work after i use the close button to unload the movie..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Close Button (Change Movie Clip To 1st Keyframe)

Apr 9, 2010

This actionscript 3 stuff is giving me trouble with the easiest functions. I was able to get a movie clip to play by clicking on a button, but now I am having trouble with the close button. Basically, I just need the movie clip (box1) to go back to frame number one when the user clicks on the "X". I set up the button the same way as I did the pop-up box:


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Professional :: Jigsaw Game: With Instances - Isn't Recognizing Symbols

Jul 31, 2011

I am trying to make a simple jigsaw game, I have copied the code but it isnt recognising my symbols. Is this an instance-naming problem? [URL]

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