ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player Not Working In Server?

Jul 25, 2009

I just created a flash audio player.. It running properly in localhost, But if i host it into the server, Its not running when i play MP3s but some of the mp3s running well.

Here I have given the demo link... [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RTMP Server Connected, But No Video In Player; Http Is Working Fine

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Where do i need to look to start confiriming where this issue may be coming from?I've made made sure I can reach all the test videos by making flash players for them, calling them via rtmp... no problems.It's got to be something dumb with either the f4m file, or the way it's being served   (btw, i have added all the mime types to iis , including .f4m as video/mp4....which is one of two ways I've seen it added).

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-11.x to 11.x isn't working.
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onClipEvent (load) {
hx = 300/2;
hy = 400/2;
r = 100;


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2011-04-29 05:43:17 26120 (i)2631502 The server rejected an invalid flow. -
2011-04-29 05:44:22 26120 (i)2641213 Connection rejected by server. Reason : [ Server.Reject ] : Adaptor: _defaultRoot_, VHost: TheFMSServer, App: Application/_definst_, (onConnect call


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Mp3 Player Not Working After Being Embedded?

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repeat_playlist = true;//playlist_size = 3;//player_title = "customizeable title test"//song_url = "media/Akropola.mp3";//song_title = "Imperial Teen - Ivanka";autoload=trueautoplay=trueplaylist_url = "playlist.xml"//info_button_text = "Buy Album"//playlist_url = "";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Player Loading FLV Only Working In IE

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player Script Is Not Working?

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I have recently used a few tutorials to produce an MP3 player, but there are a few bugs.First off the volume does not adjust, at all. second the preloader does not functioncorrectly. I was wondering if it is either a syntax error or user error.

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Professional :: Flv With Player Skin Not Working Properly?

Jan 3, 2008

When I place a flv into a flash movie and apply a skin and publish everything, it works fine on my local machine, but when uploaded to a server the player skin will not show up, yet the flv shows up and begins playing. Has anyone encountered this before? Isthere a way to embed the skin in the swf instead of having it be

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Below is my actionscript code
try {
var keyStr:String;
var valueStr:String;
var paramObj:Object =

The the player is coming up and the seeking bar is moving but you cannot do anything else and you cannot get the footage to play.

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Apple's ISight Not Working In Flash Player

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><object codebase=" rsion=6,0,29,0" height="105" width="803" align="left" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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Flash AS3 Audio Player Seems To Just Stop Working

Nov 16, 2011

So far my code stops the sound but once it has stopped the sound no longer works. I don't see any errors reported. It is as if the event listener no longer listens...
var soundClip:Sound = new Sound();
var sndChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var soundClipCompleted = false;
var isPlaying = false;
soundClip.load(new URLRequest("tune.mp3"));
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player - Scrub Bar Not Working Properly

Jun 13, 2008

I am creating an MP3 player, populated by xml. Everything works great, except the scrub bar. I can make the bar dragable, it is keeping the length etc fine, but when drag it, it goes back to its current position as opposed to where I want it to go. I can upload source file(s) if they are needed....

ActionScript Code:
playlist = new XML();
playlist.ignoreWhite = true;
playlist.onLoad = function(success) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AS Not Working In Flash Player 8 / Works In 6

May 1, 2006

Can someone take a look at this AS and see if they notice any reason it wouldn't work in Flash Player 8?[code]

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Professional :: FLV Player Component Seemingly Not Working In Firefox?

Jun 20, 2010

Offline (on my drive) it works, but online (on my website) it loads the entire flv before displaying anything (..I get the animated barber shop sign scrub bar thing).Is there any additional coding or setup I need to do for it to allow me to play it even while it is downloading, as it's supposed to? I just spent a week trying to get my Quicktime .mov's to Fast Start, and it just isn't happening, despite everything I try.I had it work ONCE now using QT Pro, but now they aren't working again.

I gave up on QT, and am trying the FLV route using the FLV Player component... which looked promising, but is now giving me the same issue.Clip thumbnails (embedded movies) on my HTML page that don't download until you click play... and when you click play, it starts playing as soon as it has a good enough head start in the load.I've tried Fast Start QT' well as external FLVs loaded via a swf with a FLV Player component inside..

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Video Player Not Working Inside A Movieclip

Dec 10, 2010

I'm editing a flash site that needs a multi video player. I've already added a few other features to the site, so know the drill now... This video player just doesn't load the external files to it. I'm doing exactly the same thing I did with the other elements, but this doesn't seem to want to work. I've triple checked the spelling of 'config.xml' and even tried changing the action script settings to frame 2, which just makes all the preloaders spin around!


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AMF Connection Working On Browser Not In Stand Alone Player?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm trying to communicate my SWF file with PHP using Zend_Amf. I compile the flash side using Flex SDK 4.Whenever I try to run the swf using the stand alone player (the projector), I always get a NetConnection.Call.BadVersion event. However, when running exactly the same file thorught the player of the browser (even not thoguht a server, just using the file:// kind of address), everything works OK, so I know my code is not completely wrong. However, I added the folder where my swf file is to the global trusted folder; and actually made sure that Security.sandboxType returns "localTrusted".

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JavaScript :: External Interface On Flash Player Not Working On CDN

Oct 5, 2010

I have a flash player with an external javascript interface: reloadData() I'm calling that function via Javascript when editing information on the page - basically to keep data on the page and in the player in synch. The reloadData() function works fine when the player is hosted locally. When we move it to the CDN (Amazon Cloudfront), the player loads successfully, but the external javascript interface no longer works - console.log(player) reveals the following:

<object type=,"application/x-shockwave-flash" data="[our_cloudfront_url].swf" width="920" height="404" id="player" style="visibility:visible;">
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an HTMLObjectElement> has no method 'reloadData'

I know there are a lot of things that behave differently when working with items on a CDN, but we're using a CNAME to point to the cloudfront distribution
( =>

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Flex :: Context Menu Not Working In Flash Player 10.1

Jun 23, 2011

I write a flex application. I added some custom menu items in context menu. when I compiled this code using flashplayer 10.0, it works fine and my added context menu items are shown when I Right-Click. But when I compile same code for flashPlayer 10.1, menu items that I added in context menu are not shown when I Right-Click. I am using sdk 3.5.

I am doing this;
private var cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var versionMenu:ContextMenuItem = null;
var dateMenu:ContextMenuItem = null;
if(model.appVersion.length > 0) {
versionMenu = new ContextMenuItem(model.appVersion);
[Code] .....

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