ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Textfield Size That I Want Without Losing Textsize Settings?

Jun 7, 2005

When i made a textfield and i specified the font size 10 points and choosen a font and than later resize the textfield to the size i want and i than type in text, he scales the text size. The properties window says its still 10 points but it is not.

How can i make a textfield the size that i want without losing my textsize settings ?

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// Setup abstract to place in abstractContainer
mcMain = new AbstractDisplay;// Get new instance of AbstractDisplay = "a" + i;// Set instance name


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money.textColor="0xFF0000" ;


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public static function makeTextbox(target, clipName, depth, w,h,fontSymbol, nColor,nSize,txValue){


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_root.myTextbox._width = 400; but it doesnt work

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IDE :: Size Tween MovieClip With TextField Child?

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.text.TextField;


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Problem: Font size of clicks needs to be changed/increased.

link to .fla
Not sure where to place this code in the script below.(inserting it causes font to initially to be correct size of 20 but changes back to default when a mouse click is issued)[code]...

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Jan 15, 2009

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I have tried:

ActionScript Code:
body_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
body_txt.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, setHeight)

But this does not fire. I want to get the new height of the textfield box and set the screen behind it accordingly. What is the proper code for this?

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.text.TextField;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Dinamically Change The Font Size To Fit In A Textfield?

Sep 30, 2010

the idea it's to have a textfield of 200px width where the username gets loaded. The thing is that i need the font size to be as big as possible to fit in that textfield. So if the username is shorter the font size should increase if the username is longer the font size should decrease. So I am guessing i should be counting character and knowing how big each character is and then according to that make a mad algorithm to set the font size to make the text fit.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Textfield Ignoring Container Size When Set To Autosize?

Mar 3, 2010

Really not enjoying myself with AS3 - it's about as userfriendly as an airplane cockpit. I'm sure Flash the program is quite happy with it, but spending hours into weeks trying to implement pretty ordinary functionality is getting really tiring.
I have a textfield loading in html/CSS file. The textfield is in a container mc. I'm trying to use a scrollbar on the textfield, and I need to set the textfield to  newsText.autoSize = "left";. When I do this, the textfield displays the entire contents of the html file in the swf, ignoring the textfield size AND the mc size, displaying all the lines in the file in howover many lines are in the html file.
I'm autocenting my swf in the browser, so this of course throws the whole thing off center.


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Mar 2, 2010

I figured out how to get a TextField to maintain focus when the tab key is pressed (using an event listener on FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE), but what I'd like to do is control the size of the tab character in the TextField so that it is equal to five spaces. (I would just insert five spaces when the tab key is pressed, however due to requirements this is not an option.) Is this possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Size Of Text In A Tlf Textfield With The Click Of A Button

Feb 16, 2012

I've got a bunch of text boxes that I need to be able to change the text size of with the click of a button. All the text needs to be embedded so I tried to use a tlf text field and target it but to no avail. This is what i have.

ActionScript Code:
fifteen_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeSize);
function changeSize(evt:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Scrolling On Textfield Smaller Than It's Auto-Size

Apr 18, 2010

if it's possible to prevent a textfield from auto-scrolling on highlight when it's height is smaller than it's autoSize height. selectable = false is not an option, and the smaller height is a requirement, can't make it proper height and then mask it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-size Not Working On Dynamically Added Textfield?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a masked textbox which is also dynamically added to the stage from the library, and I'd like it to resize according to the amount of text loaded into it.this isn't working:


contentBox.container_mc.contentTxt_mc.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

Unfortunately I'm getting error:1120 but I've checked and rechecked every instance name so this error doesn't make much sense...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Font Size Of Textfield Based On User Input?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a textfield that is filled by a querystring. 
If the persons name is only 3 letters I want the font size to be 120 but based on the amount of characters, I would like to shrink the font size in order to fit the whole name inside the text field.   I was playing with autosize, but couldn't get it to work. 
making a textfield font size auto adjust accordingly?

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