ActionScript 2.0 :: Maximum Height Of Movieclip?

Oct 26, 2004

How can i actionscript the maximum height (and width) of a movieclip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Maximum Height / Width Of MovieClip

Oct 26, 2004

How can I actionscript the maximum height (and width) of a movieclip??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Maximum Width And Height Of A Sprite?

Aug 31, 2009

What is the maximum height and width of a sprite.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Maximum Jump Height For Platformer?

Jul 6, 2008

I am making my second game, and it's going to be a platformer. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make the character (named hero) jump only to a certain height, and then fall back down. someone, please post a way to do this!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Parabola - Using Given X And Maximum Height

May 10, 2010

I have another math question. I think this is fairly basic stuff but I'm so bad at math I can't wrap my head around it. What I would like to have is a formula that allows me to create an upwards parabola, using a given X and a maximum height. The maximum height is always the same as the positive X (so 3 if X = 3 or -3). The parabola must always end or begin at 0. Am I making sense at all?

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Flex :: Border Container Maximum Width And Height?

Jul 22, 2011

Using Flex 4 AIR, what is the maximum widtha and height I can set for line and the bordercontainer?

bc:borderContainer = new borderContainer();
bc.width = 80000;
bc.height = 80000;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Centered SWF With Minimum And Maximum Width/height?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to build my portfolio which is coming along fine.

I do however have a problem.. I want the site (SWF) to scale according to browser size.But, I want to implement a maximum and minimum width and height.

I dont want it to scale so that it is bigger than my stage size (1365px x 845px), and I dont want it to scale so that it can be smaller than for instance (800px x 600x). And I also want the SWF to be centered at all times.

If you need to see a working example you can see what I am trying to achieve on this site: [url]....Take a look at the slideshow when you enter the site, and try resizing your browser window. You'll notice that the pictures will shrink, but won't scale above their obvious 100% size. I tried looking at the page source, but I didnt understand much. Looks like they have used Actionscript for the resizing/aligning.

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Professional :: Maximum Height And Width For Bitmap Files In Flash?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm trying to import a huge game race track 8000 x 7000, and I'm having problems.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Is The Maximum Height Of The Dynamically Generated Movie Clip

Aug 16, 2009

I am trying to test it. I am loading swf's into movie clip with XML stacking each other vertically. I found out that after movie clip is reached the height of 65000 px the other loaded swfs will not be loaded correctly. They are loaded from the 0 point again overlap previously loaded swfs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Is The Maximum Height Of The Dynamically Generated Movie Clip Can Be

Aug 16, 2009

I am trying to test it. I am loading swf's into movie clip with XML stacking each other vertically. I found out that after movie clip is reached the height of 65000 px the other loaded swfs will not be loaded correctly. They are loaded from the 0 point again overlap previously loaded swfs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Different Image Resize - See The Container._height Is Bigger Than The Maxh (maximum Height)

Mar 10, 2005

this is my code:


as you see the container._height is bigger than the maxh (maximum height) but the _width is just fine... how do i fix this problem??

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Flash :: Get The Maximum Width & Height Size Image When Loading Several Images Before Loading Them Completely?

Mar 23, 2011

I am loading images of different size and then images are scaled and border is drawn for each image as shown in below link,[URL]... I want that border of images to be of the same width and height and for that I need to find out the max width and height size image before loading all the images. Is there any way that I can know the width and height of an image before loading it completely?

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Actionscript :: Maximum Value Of _x On AS2 MovieClip Object?

Aug 26, 2009

Using Flash 8, and ActionScript 2, what is the max value that an _x property on a MovieClip can be? For instance, is it okay to position a movieclip at _x = 60000?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Width Or Height Of The Parent Movieclip It Always Showing The Values Of The Small Nested Movieclip

Jun 1, 2010

i am using a movieclip who has two nested movieclips, the problem i am dealing is that when i try to get the width or height of the parent movieclip it always showing the values of the small nested movieclip, when i draw the movieclip it draw perfect but when i read this values shows that error, what can i do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Changes Height?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a weird problem. I create a movieclip, and place it in another movieclip, which is placed on stage. In the first MC I have a button, and when I push this button the movieclips height suddenly changes!?I don't have any code that will change the height, and I don't add or remove anyting that will effect the height.

function addProduct(e:MouseEvent):void {
var cartProduct_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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Set The Movieclip Width And Height With The Button?

Mar 18, 2010

i want to zoom the movie clip, for this i have set the movieclip width and height with the button. It is correct or anything els

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Height Bigger Than It Should Be?

May 4, 2011

I have  radioButton controls that are being added to an otherwise empty movieClip. The height of the radioButtons are about 22, and the associated textFields (which I am using so I have finer control) are about 25 high. Once the two buttons are added the movieClip reports its height as 130, which is kind of crazy. I know that textFields have default heights, but tracing the height out of the textFields associated with the rb controls only returns 25, as I said above.  Here's some code.
var box:MovieClip=new MovieClip();
var startX:int=0;
var startY:int=0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Container Movieclip Height

Aug 19, 2011

I have an empty container MovieClip in which I put a couple of other MovieClips.These inner MovieClips have the ability to expand (kind of accordeon).Everytime a new item gets added/removed or when an item expands/collapses I check if scrolling is needed by checking container.height.The weird thing is that the result is different depending on which item is expanded. Although all the items (and the expanded sections) have equal height and spacing.

View 12 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Movieclip Width Changes Instead Of Height?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm working in Flash Builder 4.5 in pure Actionscript 3.0

I have a movieclip (swc) , I am doing the following :

_visualItem.bgMiddle.height = 200;

bgMiddle is an independant clip only has a single shape in it. On debugging the height remains the same (2.2) but the width changes to 5111. Haven't been able to track it down.

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AS2 :: MovieClip Tracing Wrong Height?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a masked movieclip which contains nothing but static text inserted from the IDE (not programatically).

In the IDE it states this movieclips height to be 332.25, however when I trace the movieclips _height property it returns 327.3.

This is causing my scrollbar code to mess up as it is not scrolling down far enough. It is also not a one off thing, every block of text I make in the IDE exhibits this behaviour.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Increasing Movieclip's Height?

Jun 18, 2010

I need make a movieclip bigger (by not scaling it). The only fix right now I can think of is making a small transparent shape and setting it to a y-coordinate.Is there a better way of doing this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Height And Width

Nov 11, 2010

I'm making a little photo album in flash, where my pictures are being added in a movie clip. The problem I have is when I add a with and height to my movie clip, I can't see it anymore. It's probably a stupid mistake, but I've been searching for an solution these past days, but I didn't find any.

(when I don't add the width and height, I can see the pictures) Here's a little part of the code.

var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Width And Height Of Movieclip?

Mar 19, 2000

I'm making a program like roomplanner at [url]..

I need to know how to change the width and the height of the movie clip. I know how to scale x and y but that doesn�t work in my case because i have for example an object which height is 75 pixels and width is 137 pixels. X scale and Y scale would work if my objects were 100 pixels width and 100 pixels height.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing MovieClip Height Without Scaling?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a movieclip in the library that contains a RadioButton component and a TextField; it serves as a container. I pull the clip out of the library at runtime and populate the text into the TextField. I don't know what height the TextField within the movieclip will be but I want the movieclip's height to be the same as the height of the text in the TextField so I can position it appropriately. However, the container movieclip always wants to be some other default height (I think 100px) and when I try to change it thru code after the text is set, it scales the whole thing (TextField & RadioButton) and looks like garbage! I need to set the height dynamically without the stupid scaling.

You would think the movieclip would resize based on it's content but it doesn't! I've tried pulling it from the Library, I've tried doing everything thru code, but neither changes the height vs. scaling issue.

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Actionscript :: Flash MovieClip Width And Height Always Zero

Jan 26, 2010

I'm loading a flash MovieClip (Test.swf) like below. The problem is I can't read the size of mc (mc.width and mc._width both return 0, for the height as well), but I need to scale it. I have the stage size, I can scale, but I don't have the size of Test.swf, so I can't scale it to fit into the stage... ActionScript2, not actionscript3. If it was 3, I could get the value from the loader, but with as2??? The problem is I don't have control over the swf I load, so I can't put it's dimensions in the first frame...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Get Wrong Movieclip Width/height

Jul 8, 2010

I've a movieclip in my library ready for export to ActionScript. It's width and height is (723, 614.05), but I tried to put it on stage manually and check. When I get the item from library in ActionScript i get that's it's width and height is (743.65, 626.75). How can that be possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Width And Height For MovieClip?

Aug 13, 2010

I know there have been several similar posts but of those I've read, there hasn't been an easy straight forward solution that will work dynamically. The solutions posted have ranged from

super.width = wvalue;

super.height = hvalue;

which I did not get to work, and it seemed from the response to the suggestion neither could the person who originally asked for help, to suggestions about using scale, all the way to having to create an event handler that will get notified after the load, which I guess would work once but wouldn't work dynamically.

Here is the scenario -

I want to change width and height for a MovieClip, but I dont want to scale it, (its more like cropping the MovieClip, not shrinking or stretching) and I want to do this several times not just after the load of the MovieClip.

So my questions are:

1) Is there anyway to do this that really works, that hopefully isn't totally convoluted?

2) Why is it so hard to do this in Flash/AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The MovieClip Height And Width?

Aug 18, 2008

I use FlashMX 2004. how to change the width and height of the MovieClip when it loads to the stage. I used the following method


but when I do like this movie does not load. when I do this method to vary x and y position of the movie it works.

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Flash :: Change The Height Of A Movieclip From A Registration Point?

Jan 1, 2012

Is there a way to extend only the bottom part of a dynamic Movieclip? I tried to change the height or to scale my mc but it always makes the change relativity to the center of the Movieclip. I guess I should define a registration point and change the height according to it but i'm not sure of how to do it

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip With Outline - Changing Width / Height

Aug 29, 2009

I develop some components where I use movie clips as skin. In the scene I have 2 movie clips with width 200px and height 100px, one of them I change the width to 200px and height to 100px, well, it should remain the size as nothing happens but it doesn't. The movie clip that I change the size through as3 it's actually getting smaller, and more strange, it only happens when the movie clip has an Outline. The file is attached. It's Flash CS4.

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