ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Container Movieclip Height
Aug 19, 2011
I have an empty container MovieClip in which I put a couple of other MovieClips.These inner MovieClips have the ability to expand (kind of accordeon).Everytime a new item gets added/removed or when an item expands/collapses I check if scrolling is needed by checking container.height.The weird thing is that the result is different depending on which item is expanded. Although all the items (and the expanded sections) have equal height and spacing.
I've created a dynamic text field, and set autoSize to true, so it can grow was tall as necessary. I then want to use the _height value to size a container graphic (speech bubble). Here's the (simplified) code:
Returns 19.6 followed immediately by 35.2. It's as though reading txt._height causes it to recalculate, so it's correct the second time. I also tried the textHeight property, which also seems to get recalculated after _height is accessed. This sequence, for example:
I have a root folder that calls a container loading movie-a. The problem is that this movie-a has a red symbol that scrolls from the outside to the inside of the movie. If I loaded the movie-a by itself it wouldn't show the symbol outside but as this is inside a root... well... it shows (see image). Is there a way to set container width-height? I know I can mask it but I don't want to to that because I have other symbols flying around the movie.
If I have a container, and I set clipContent to true, how do I get the total height of the children inside it? Is there a method for doing this without itinerating through every child and summing the heights?
what is the actual height of a container in Flex without scrollbars? Height and measuredheight seem to tell me what the visual height of a container is, but I want to know that number plus any height that is being 'hidden" below a scrollbar.
I am trying to use flowlayout from : [URL] when i implement this layout the height of container/group is not increasing automatically depending upon the elements added. I have given no height to the container/group so that it can take as much height as required but this layout is not giving any height to it.
I know this might seem like such an easy issue and I can't understand why I cant figure it out but none the less I can't and I've just about given up. Here's the issue:
I have a sprite container which is supposed to hold a bunch of thumbnails to videos. I am able to populate the container with all the videos and the whole works but obviously if I add a bunch of videos its going to exceed the size of the flash document so I need to add a UIScrollBar (which I did) now the scrollbars target is set to the container but isnt allowing me to scroll and if im correct this is because the container doesnt have a set height. So Im trying to set the height of this container but the second I try setting the height or even width all my thumbnails I used to be able to see are gone! It's as if the size is being set to 0 when its not I've even tried to set it to a specified size just to test and nothing.
I have code like the following: <s:VGroup gap="10" id="group" height="100%"> <s:Label text="This is page 2" /> <s:Button content="Resize Canvas" click="resize(event);"/> <mx:Canvas id="photoCanvas" color="#567898" backgroundColor="#125567"> </mx:Canvas> </s:VGroup>
I don't understand why the following does not work: Pushing the Button resizes the photoCanvas's height (gets taller or smaller). Since the photoCanvas control is a child element of the VGroup shouldn't the container update itself to the new height? The Vgroup has ALWAYS the same height, no matter what the (total) height of the children is! I would like the VGroup to adjust itself and get a height value equal to the sum of its children heights. Is this not possible??
I have a container object that i add children to. I want to change the height & width of the container without the children scaling. In this case I draw a rectangle in flash which I'll use as the container object then export for AS.
I am trying to increase the height of container with increase in the number of contents inside the container. Like in my case i m using tileList inside tabNavigator , when I put contents inside the tileList, the height of tileList does not increase beyond vertical height of the viewport. It puts scrollbar on the container. I want to increase the height of an flex container with increase in the contents and introduce scrollbar on the browser with increase in contents in the flex container.
How can I limit the size of a child container with percentage width/height of 100%?
<mx:HBox id="container" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:HBox id="scrollContainer" width="100%" height="100%"> <!-- keep this content limited to the size of "container" -->
Apparently I can get the desired behavior if I change HBox to Canvas but I would still like to know how to accomplish this with a HBox and why it differs from Canvas.
The thing is: I have got 5 movieclips which are able to drag and drop. Next to that I've got 20 containers which are all droptargets. The movieclips are able to be dragged and then dropped on a container. So far so good. But what I want is that when I drop a movieclip on a container which already has a movieclip dropped on it, the first movieclip gets removed and the second movieclip is dropped on the container. Or you could also say.. that the second movieclip replaces the first movieclip. This instead of the fact that a container has multiple movieclips dropped on itself.
i am using a movieclip who has two nested movieclips, the problem i am dealing is that when i try to get the width or height of the parent movieclip it always showing the values of the small nested movieclip, when i draw the movieclip it draw perfect but when i read this values shows that error, what can i do?
I recently had to move to as3 on a project because they wanted some special transition effects but now I can't figure out the parent/child stuff as I am new to as3. Basically this is what I am trying to do.
I have a layout.swf where I load different swf files into a container called content_area. The code I use in the main layout file is this[code]...
I have a movieclip that is loaded into a container movieclip. When I click on it, I want it to goto a particular frame and play. Have tried using the name of the container MC (LiftPlaceHolder.gotoAndPlay(10)) but this has no effect at all.
I'm having problem with regards to getting the name of the inserted images inside the movieclip container.
My movieclip container is named "container", it followed this snippet:
Is it possible to get the exact name of the images instead of "instance147" or "instance175"? So that if i have inserted image with the name of apple.png, it will show:
| 1. name:apple.png type:object [object Loader]
By the way, i use FileReference to insert image to the stage.
Using MovieClipLoader, is it possible for the loaded swfs to access movie clips in the container swf movie? In building a preloader for a previously produced flash app (originally made for CD), I was running across huge problems with some dynamically created masks (created using attachMovie and setMask). My solution (not ideal, I guess) was to move the masks and the masked objects into the preloader ("container") movie. But still need to move them around by code located inside the swf being loaded.
Relevant code from inside the preloader: myMCL.onLoadInit = function() { _root.attachMovie("screenText12", "screenText12", 15) _root.attachMovie("internalMask", "internalMask12", 17) _root.screenText12.setMask("internalMask12"); }
And from inside the swf being loaded: _root.screen12.onMotionFinished = function() { screenText12InY = new Tween(_root.screenText12, "_y",mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 463, 403, .5, true); The red is where I'm not sure of how to get in contact with the movie clip in the preloader.
I've been going through the Transitions Between External SWF tutorials and all is going well except I wish to situate my buttons in a movieclip and not on the main timeline as the tutorial teaches. The tutorial does point out; 'If your buttons are not located on the main timeline, you will have to change the path to the container movieclip. If your buttons are not on the main timeline, you must change container to the appropriate path.'Does anyone know how I'd do that to the below code? (for some reason the code tags were messing up so I've just copy and pasted.)
This seems like a really nooby question to me, but it was a lot easier in AS2. How could I create a blank container movieclip in AS3? I tried stuff like Code: var container:object = new Object(); And using movieclips and stuff instead of objects, but it didn't work. Also, is there a way to loop through the stage to find every movieclip that it contains? My snake game is currently, for lack of a better word (or perhaps attention span in English) un-re-playable.
Is there a way to have the full stroke size (height/width) fully included or excluded in the movieclip symbol?If I'm making a rectangle with size 100, adding dynamically lines of size 20 when certain criteria are reached in game. But I also want to have stroke of size 5-6, problem is that they half their size in included in the rectangle 100 of height, and half are outside.It makes it more tricky to make the formulas to take in consideration the 2.5 for the size and also the effect on x positionning etc. Much easier to just have to do the like of "x += 20" without the assle of calculating the half stroke height.So how to have those stroke included/excluded when converting to symbol?
I have been searching all over for on using ActionScript 3 to load external images onto a movieclip container. I am planing to have a sequence of external "png" images loaded onto the "container" when I clip on a button.
My question is not like the one I read because the context is different: Let's say instead of embedding a flash inside an html page with some flashvars, I want to embed it inside another flash or flex. How to set the flashvars in this case (using ActionScript 3)? So how to embed Flash in another flash and set same variables as it was embedded in html by passing querystring or flashvars.